As the month begins, a solar new moon eclipse September 1 in Virgo will appear, setting off a new road ahead for you, doubly so if your birthday falls near September 1. You will begin to see yourself in a new light, and although you may need to be brave and clearly state your intentions – perhaps before you feel ready – the universe will have its hand on your back, pushing you forward nevertheless.
You may feel you will want to change your looks this month too, and that would be a natural sign of the depth of the changes taking place outside and also within you. Mercury started to retrograde August 30 and will continue to do so until September 22, so delay making changes in your looks until Mercury regulates its orbit after that date to ensure you will like the changes you make.
Eclipses are the most powerful tool the universe uses to affect change, so this month, massive change appears to be underway for you. An eclipse in Virgo like the oneSeptember 1 brings Mercury into the conversation, because Mercury rules Virgo. Happily, Jupiter, the great benefic planet, will be precisely conjunct Mercury, suggesting an extraordinarily happy outcome to a highly personal matter dear to your heart. Stay optimistic.
The second eclipse, a full moon lunar eclipse in Pisces, September 16, will bring a committed relationship to culmination. You may get engaged, wed, or if you are not ready for that step, you may promise each other exclusivity. If you have been very unhappy in your relationship, you will likely reach a breaking point and leave this alliance. Lunar eclipses are like three full moons rolled into one – highly emotional and very powerful. Changes wrought are always final. If you get along well with your partner, it may be that your partner is going through a difficult patch, and you will be needed to help.
Alternatively, instead of a concern for your significant other, one of many other possibilities is that your family may voice troubling opinions about your sweetheart. If you sense this is how the September 16 eclipse may work out, have answers ready, and be sure your partner will back you up, even if talks with your family become tense. This is a full moon, after all, in hard angle to the red planet Mars.
Privately, consider family objections (if they have any) and decide which ones are fair and deserve consideration, and which ones you should ignore. Family is an important part of life, and they love you, so it is in your interest not to distance them. At the same time, if you must be firm, be firm. Neptune will play a very prominent role in this eclipse, so don’t rush to judge any situation. The dust that the eclipse will kick up will fill the air. It will be nearly impossible to see things clearly, so take time to observe and reflect. By month’s end you will see the landscape with greater clarity.
You are about to wind up your Emerald Year, your best year in twelve – a year when the great good fortune planet Jupiter in Virgo crowned you the celestial favorite in August 2015, setting off a thirteen-month reign of joy. On September 9 you will transfer your crown to Libra. Don’t be blue, however, for now you will move into a fabulously financially generous year to span thirteen months, until October 10, 2017.
How high you will fly financially in coming months will depend on how hard you worked on developing new sources of income in the past year, perhaps related to on the presentations and ideas you presented to VIPs. The money you will see will not be related to money won by gambling or financial prizes – this will be money you will earn. Your most likely days to see a big clue of how generous the reward will be is on one of the two luckiest days of the year, September 25 or 26. A check is coming, dear Virgo, and it is coming soon!
Use, too, the gorgeous new moon (not an eclipse) of September 30 to ask for a raise, present a big idea, or start a business. You are entering a year of enormous reward!