IF MAXIMIZER IS A LESSER THEME FOR YOU: If you don’t have the intensity of the Maximizer theme, it doesn’t mean that you do not strive for excellence. Instead, you are probably less selective about where or with whom you invest your energy. •Among your top themes, find those that provide you with energy and motivation. Focus, Futuristic, and Significance talents may be the fire that helps you ensure that your efforts are applied toward the best possible outcomes. •Regularly seek counsel from people you respect and who push you to excel. Share and discuss the projects and plans that you have been working on. Ask them to help you find ways to make them even better. •Build stretch goals for yourself. These goals will create new standards of success. •Help others understand that, for you, getting a product to a standard of quality might mean excellence, but may not mean perfection. If people around you want to “polish the pearl,” seek permission to move on to other tasks that might be better served by your talents.