Sensor materials based on cross-linked oligosaccharide films
the detection of ?-amylase activity in a range of 0.08–8U/mlhave been developed. Film degradationwas monitored using QCMand impedance measurements. In buffer, the lms were found tofishow a stable QCM signal providing a high signal to noise ratiowhenmeasuringtheresponseto?-amylase.Whenusingamylopectin
films,boththemasschangeandtheenergydissipationcanbeusedas a sensor signal. Experiments in serum at two ?-amylase activities showed that the presence of protein had no signi cant effect on thefi sensor response. This suggests that the sensor materials developed mightbesuitableformeasuringhyper-amylasia conditions found in pancreatitis. Although activity dependent impedance changes were
observed, impedance measurements were found to be inappropriate
for monitoring the degradation of the oligosaccharide lms at lowerfi
?-amylase activities as the lm impedance was insuf ciently stable infi fi
buffer solutions.