I think you know that PPA must go thru many changes, step by step....and at the same time, still has to maintain current customers and try to get more with good prices. Everyone knows your role and more specifically regarding the critical and strategic customers like Chutex, Pada/Ada and Carlsway, Norfolk. Of course, we know that Carlsway is out for now and Norfolk is quite difficult with strict quality control. So in addition to Chutex and Pada/Ada as currently, we hope PPA will have more customers from you and Eric soon.
Regarding Chutex, I have never intended to do direct business with GAP at all. It is just that I misundertood from some of your communication that we can try to handle FOB under Chutex full management/control meaning using nominated material then we can have a little more profit from the handling fee similar to any other FOB nomination orders. More importantly, with your senior role and experience in the business, the connection with Chutex as well as some other customers, I fully understand that Chutex and others also see you as the key person in charge to develop orders and manage the whole procedure to deliver. You also know very well that similar to the case of Carlsway - although the real reason is different - PPA cannot survive without Chutex and those Pada/Ada orders. The necessary restructure will take time and make higher productivity with reasonable cost then between current customers like Chutex and some new ones, we will hopefully make some money to compensation for all the loss then start with small profit some time next year.
Anyway, the bottom line is that we all want and try to improve PPA along with your support as a very senior manager of the company. Therefore, although you would focus mainly on sales....we would also need to have a practical structure to have your help and involvement in the production management as well. Please consider that seriously while we are working along for the change.