Почему именно этот email? Ты получил мое письмо? Серьезные отношения. у тебя есть другой email? Почему ты пишешь мне странные email? Ты хочешь обмануть меня? Временный email?
Why this email?Did you get my letter?A serious relationship.do you have another email?Why are you writing me a strange email? Do you want to cheat me?Temporary email?
Why is this an email? Did you get my letter? Serious relations. You've got an email the other? Why did you write me an email weird? You want to deceive me? Provisional an email?
why is this email?you got my letter?a serious relationship.you got another email?why did you write me a strange email? you want to cheat me?temporary email?