Manažerské funkce a úkoly Funkce manažera spočívá v řízení svěřeného ú translation - Manažerské funkce a úkoly Funkce manažera spočívá v řízení svěřeného ú English how to say

Manažerské funkce a úkoly Funkce ma

Manažerské funkce a úkoly Funkce manažera spočívá v řízení svěřeného úseku. Podstatou řízení je rozhodovací proces, v němž dochází k volbě jednotlivých variant řešení úkolů. Manažer v daném procesu volí strategii cílů skupiny, plánuje a organizuje vhodné podmínky pro realizace výsledků a cest vedoucích k vytyčeným cílům, koordinuje činnost členů svého týmu a zároveň celý pracovní proces. Současně musí vytvářet vhodné a suficientní motivační podmínky pro členy pracovní 10 skupiny k činnosti směřující k cílům a výsledky práce této skupiny průběžně kontrolovat (Tureckiová, 2004). Z celé široké škály činností, které z vedoucího postavení vyplývají, je možné vyčlenit základní funkce manažera, kterými jsou: 1. výkonná - řízení činnosti skupiny a odpovědnost za všechny fáze řízení, tj. plánování, organizování, rozhodování, motivování a kontrola 2. společenská - její realizace závisí na společenských úkolech, stavu skupiny a úrovni vedoucího (zejména zvyšování kvalifikace a kultury jednání) 3. reprezentativní - zastupuje a reprezentuje skupinu, firmu navenek 4. odborná - pomoc členům daného týmu při řešení úkolů a to jak v oblasti teoretické, tak praktické 5. hodnotící – posuzuje a hodnotí výsledky jednotlivců i celých pracovních skupin 6. výchovná - navozuje žádoucí vztahy ve skupině, řeší konflikty. Osobnost manažera by měla být vzorem pro ostatní členy skupiny a jít příkladem zejména svojí snahou o další sebevzdělávání, rozvojem znalostí a dovedností, které jsou jím vyžadovány od členů skupiny při operativním či celkovém hodnocení (Robbins, 2004). Produktivita, efektivita a úspěšnost výkonu manažera není obsažena ve vlastní produkci odborných úkolů, ale zejména v činnosti řídící a v práci se členy svého týmu. Mezi hlavní manažerské funkce, tedy výkonné, řadíme plánování, organizování, personalistiku, vedení a kontrolování. Plánování – rozhodovací proces volby cílů a prostředků k jejich dosažení. Smyslem je vytvoření spojníku mezi stavem současným a tam, kam je zamýšleno se dostat. Jedná se o nejdůležitější manažerskou funkci, jelikož je východiskem pro všechny ostatní. Mezi hlavními charakteristiky řadíme prostředek volby záměrů a cílů, jejich dosažení; prioritu plánování v systému manažerských funkcí; využití plánování všemi manažerskými funkcemi; prostředek efektivní realizace všech činností. Plánování předchází realizaci všech dalších následných manažerských funkcí, jelikož je v ní obsaženo stanovení cílů. Plánovací proces obsahuje uvědomění si 11 příležitosti a hrozeb z hlediska vnějšího oborového prostředí, silných a slabých stránek organizace; stanovení cílů (k čemu se směřuje, jak a kdy se daného stavu má dosáhnout); zvažování plánovací předpokladů (v jakém vnějším, oborovém a vnitřním prostředí budou plány realizovány); stanovení možných alternativ pro dosažení cílů; porovnání daných alternativ a cílů, které se jeví jako nejefektivnější; výběr alternativ (volba postupu činnosti, které budou prosazovány); formulace podpůrných plánů (investic, náboru, atd.); zpracování rozpočtu (numerické vyjádření plánu) (Robbins, 2004). Organizování – po zvolení cíle a alternativ jeho postupu je nutné efektivní zorganizování, rozmístění a uspořádání všech disponibilních zdrojů organizace tak, aby existovala reálná šance vytyčených cílů dosáhnout. Podstata organizování spočívá v budování realizační organizační struktury, v jejímž prostředí je vytvořena atmosféra pro efektivní spolupráci jednotlivců a skupin při dosahování stanovených cílů. U lidských zdrojů je důležité zajištění jasných informací kdo a co má dělat a kdo je zodpovědný za výsledky; dále aby byly odstraňovány překážky při uskutečňování plánovaných činností a existovaly potřebné rozhodovací a komunikační sítě. Personalistika – je akvizice potřebných a schopných pracovníků, jejich adaptace v novém prostředí a udržení na zvolené pozici. Hlavní úkoly personálního managementu jsou nábor a výběr pracovníků; rozvoj pracovníků ve prospěch firmy i osobnosti pracovníků; hodnocení na základě výsledků práce i chování; stabilizace pracovníků v dané firmě. Manažerským nástrojem pro působení na chování druhých jsou znalosti, dovednosti a návyky efektivní komunikace, účinného vedení a motivace (Frodsham, Gargiulo, 2005). Vedení - je cílevědomý proces ovlivňování lidí tak, aby jejich činnost naplňoval úspěšným způsobem vytyčené firemní cíle. Vést a řídit lidi vyžaduje dvě základní vlastnosti: vytvářet energii (motivovat, dokázat zaujmout a vzbudit elán a usměrňování energie (využití zdrojů, tempa a určovat správný směr). Mezi základní styly řízení řadíme autokratický (rozhoduje sám, uděluje příkazy, odmítá diskusi a je očekáváno bezpodmínečné plnění příkazů), demokratický (partnerský, podřízení jsou plnocenní partneři, diskuse), liberální (podřízení jsou seznámeni s úkoly a manažer doufá, že vše dobře dopadne). Dle Likertova systému managementu je možné dělení na exploativně autoritativní systém (nedůvěra k podřízeným, negativní emoce, jednosměrná komunikace - příkazy); laskavě 12 autoritativní systém (oboustranná důvěra a komunikace, odměny i tresty, manažer je v roli otce); konzultativní systém (základní rozhodnutí na nejvyšší úrovni, pozitivní motivace, obousměrná komunikace); participativně skupinový systém – plná důvěra podřízeným, komunikace je plně rozvinuta a je obousměrná). Kontrolování - smyslem je korekce pracovních procesů pro nejefektivnější dosažení cílů v zájmu dalšího rozvoje organizace. Má preventivní charakter a jeho podstatou je objektivní hodnocení vykonané práce z hlediska vytyčených cílů. Efektivní kontrolní systém umožňuje managamentu firmy dosáhnut stavu, kdy vynaložená práce probíhá dle plánu a náklady související s tvorbou, zavedením a fungováním kontrolního systému jsou úměrné jeho efektům (Šuleř, 2008). Na manažera jsou v rámci jeho role vedoucího týmu kladeny určité nároky a to na jeho jednání i některé charakterové rysy. Je důležité zaměřit se na: vysokou odbornou a organizační úroveň řízení, dostatek sebedůvěry v práci a ve výkonu funkce, aktivní přístup k novým námětům a myšlenkám, nestranné a otevřené jednání, udržení kontaktu se členy svého týmu, odpovědné delegování, tj. rozdělení úkolů a k nim náležející kompetence a odpovědnosti a snaha tuto maximálně u svých spolupracovníků rozvinout (Veber, 2000).
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Managerial functions and tasks of the Manager's Function is entrusted to the management of the section. The essence of management is a decision-making process, in which experiencing the choice of individual variants of solution of the tasks. In the process, the manager chooses the strategy the objectives of the group, plans and organizes the suitable conditions for the realization of the results and the paths to the objectives pursued, coordinates the activities of the members of his team and the entire working process. At the same time must create suitable conditions for the incentive and suficientní members of a working group to 10 activities to objectives and results of the work of this group regularly (Tureckiová, 2004). From across a wide range of activities, from the leading position, it is possible to allocate the basic functions of a Manager, which are: 1. Executive-management activities of the Group and responsible for all stages of the proceedings, i.e.. planning, organizing, motivating, and monitoring of the decision-making process 2. social-its implementation depends on the tasks, status, social groups and the level of the head (in particular skills and culture meeting) 3. representative-represents and represents the Group company outside 4. support-assistance to the members of the team in the solution of the tasks both in theoretical and practical 5. evaluation – assessing and evaluating the results of individuals and of the whole of the working groups 6. educational-creates desirable relationships within the group, resolves conflicts. The personality of the Manager should be the model for other members of the Group and, in particular, his efforts to set an example for other photography, development of knowledge and skills that are required of the members of the Group at the operational or the overall ranking (Robbins, 2004). Productivity, efficiency and success of the Manager's performance is not included in the production of professional tasks, but in particular in the activities of management and work with the members of his team. Among the major management function, i.e., the Executive, include the planning, organizing, human resources, management and monitoring. Planning-decision process of choice of objectives and means to attain them. The aim is to create a spojníku between the current status and where it is intended to get. This is the most important managerial function, since it is the starting point for all the others. Among the main characteristics include the resource choice intentions and goals, achieving them; the priority in the planning of the system management functions; the use of planning by all managerial functions; resource efficient implementation of all activities. Planning precedes the realization of all other subsequent managerial functions, since it included the setting of objectives. The planning process includes an awareness of the opportunities and threats, 11 from the perspective of the external competitive environment, the strengths and weaknesses of the Organization; setting objectives (what, how and when the State has achieved); considering the planning assumptions (in which the external and internal environment, departmental plans will be implemented); the determination of the possible alternatives for achieving the objectives; comparison of the alternatives and the objectives, which appear as the most effective; selection of the alternatives (the choice of the procedure, the activities that will be enforced); the formulation of support plans (investment, recruitment, etc.); processing of the budget (the numeric representation of the plan) (Robbins, 2004). The organisation – following the election of its objectives and of the alternatives to the procedure is necessary to effectively organize, distribute and organize all available resources of the Organization so that there is a real chance to achieve goals. The essence of the Organization lies in the building of the implementation of the organizational structure, in which the environment is created the atmosphere for effective cooperation of individuals and groups in the achievement of the objectives set. For human resources, it is important to provide clear information on who and what to do and who is responsible for the results; Furthermore, in order to have removed obstacles in the implementation of the planned activities and the necessary decision-making and communications network. Human resources – is the acquisition of the necessary and capable workers, their adaptation in the new environment and maintain on the chosen position. The main tasks of personnel management are the recruitment and selection of personnel; development workers in favour of the companies and personalities; evaluation on the basis of the results of the work and behavior; stabilization of the workers in the company. A management tool for the action on the behavior of others are the knowledge, skills and habits of effective communication, effective leadership and motivation (Frodsham, Gargiulo, 2005). Leadership-is a proactive process to influence people so that their action was in keeping with a successful way mapped out corporate objectives. To lead and manage people requires two basic properties: create energy (to motivate, to prove and to arouse enthusiasm and channelling energy (use of resources, and determine the correct direction). Between basic styles include the autocratic management (decisions, gives orders, refusing to debate and is expected to be the unconditional execution of orders), democratic (affiliate, subordinates are fully-fledged partners, discussions), liberal (subordinates are familiar with the tasks and the Manager hopes that all goes well). According to the Likert is possible management system Division exploativně an authoritative system (distrust of the child, negative emotions, the one-way communication-commands); kindly 12 authoritative system (mutual trust and communication, rewards and punishments, the Manager is in the role of the father); a consultative system (the basic decisions at the highest level, positive motivation, bi-directional communication); participativně group system – full trust for the child, communication is fully developed and is bi-directional). Monitoring-the purpose of correction of the business processes for the most effective achievement of the objectives in the interests of further development of the organization. Has a preventive character and his nature is an objective assessment of the work done in terms of the objectives. Effective control system enables the company achieved the status of management standpoint, when work is being spent under the plan and the costs associated with the creation, establishment and functioning of the control system are proportional to its effects (Šuleř, 2008). The Manager is in his role of team leader placed certain demands on his hearing and some of the character traits. It is important to focus on: high technical and organizational level, management confidence at work and in the performance of the functions of the active access to new areas and ideas, impartial and open negotiations, keeping in touch with members of his team, the responsible delegation, i.e.. the distribution of tasks and their belonging to the competence and responsibility and effort to this maximum for its collaborators to develop (Paris, 2000).
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Managerial functions and tasks of the executive function lies in the management of entrusted section. The essence of the decision-making process in which there is a choice of various options for problem solving. Manager in the process of embarking on a strategy of goals, plans and organizes the appropriate conditions for the realization of the results and the roads leading to the objectives set, coordinates the activities of its team, while the entire process. It must also make appropriate and sufficient to restore incentive policies for members of the working group of 10 to work towards the goals and results of the work of this group regularly check (Tureckiová, 2004). Of all the wide range of activities which the leadership result, it is possible to isolate the basic functions of a manager, which are: 1. Executive - Business Management Group and responsible for all stages of the proceedings, ie. The planning, organizing, decision making, motivation, and social control of the second - its implementation depends on the social tasks of the state and the level of the head (especially qualification and culture of negotiation) 3. Representative - represents a represents a group company externally fourth expert - to help members of the team to address the challenges in both the fields of theoretical, fifth and practical evaluation - assesses and evaluates the performance of individuals and workgroups sixth upbringing - inducing desired group relations, resolve conflicts. Manager's personality should be a model for other members of the group and lead by example, especially his pursuit of further education, development of knowledge and skills that are required of him members of the group for operational and overall evaluation (Robbins, 2004). Productivity, effectiveness and success of the performance manager is not contained in its own production of specialized tasks, but also in the activities of managing and working with your team. The main managerial functions, a powerful, belong planning, organization, personnel, management and monitoring. Planning - the decision-making process of selecting targets and the means to achieve them. The idea is to create a connecting link between the current state and where it is intended to reach. This is the most important management functions, as the basis for all the others. Among the main characteristics we rank agent of choice goals and objectives, their achievement; priority scheduling system management functions; use planning any management functions; a means for effective implementation of all activities. Planning prevents the realization of all other subsequent managerial functions, since it included goal setting. The planning process includes an awareness of 11 opportunities and threats in terms of external departmental environment, strengths and weaknesses of the organization; setting objectives (what you are going, how and when the state has achieved); considering planning assumptions (in which an external, professional and internal environment, plans to be implemented); identification of possible alternatives for achieving the objectives; comparison of the alternatives and objectives that appear to be most effective; selection of alternatives (choice of operating procedures, which will be enforced); supporting the formulation of plans (investment, recruitment, etc.); Processing budget (plan numerical expression) (Robbins, 2004). Organizing - after selecting targets and its alternatives procedure is necessary to effectively organize, layout and arrangement of all available resources of the organization so that there is a real chance to achieve its goals. The essence of the organization is to build the implementation of the organizational structure, in which the environment is created atmosphere for effective cooperation of individuals and groups in achieving its objectives. In human resources, it is important to ensure clear information who and what should be done and who is responsible for the results; continue to be removed obstacles in the implementation of planned activities, and there were the necessary decision-making and communication networks. HR - the acquisition of the necessary and skilled workers, their adaptation to the new environment and maintaining the selected position. The main tasks of personnel management are recruitment and selection of personnel; staff development for the benefit of companies and individuals workers; evaluation on results and behavior; stabilization of employees in the company. Management tool to influence the behavior of others, the knowledge, skills and habits of effective communication, effective leadership and motivation (Frodsham, Gargiulo, 2005). Leadership - is a purposeful process of influencing people so that they work successfully filled the manner outlined business goals. Lead and manage people requires two essential qualities: to create energy (to motivate, to attract them and to arouse enthusiasm and channeling energy (utilization of resources, the pace and determine the correct direction). The basic management styles belong autocratic (decided by himself, confers orders, refusing to debate and expected unconditional fulfillment of orders), democratic (partner, subordinates are plnocenní partners, discussion), liberal (subordinates are familiar with the tasks and the manager is hoping that everything goes well). According to Likert-management system it is possible to divide into exploativně authoritarian system (mistrust of subordinates negative emotions, one-way communication - commands); kindly 12 authoritarian system (mutual trust and communication, rewards and punishments manager in the role of the father), a consultative system (basic decisions at the highest level, positive motivation, two way communication); participative group system - full trust subordinates, communication is fully developed and is bidirectional). Controlling - meaning a correction workflows for the most effective achievement of targets in the interest of further development of the organization. It has a preventive nature and its essence is the objective evaluation of work done in terms of goals. Effective control of management system allows the company attained a state where the work involved is carried out according to plan and the costs associated with the creation, implementation and operation of the control system are proportional to its effects (Šuleř, 2008). On the manager are within his role as team leader placed certain demands and that its conduct some character traits. It is important to focus on: high professional and organizational level control, the self-confidence at work and in the performance of his duties, an active approach to new suggestions and ideas, impartial and open negotiations, keeping in touch with members of his team, responsible delegation, ie. The division of tasks and They belong competence and responsibility and effort this up with his colleagues to develop (Veber, 2000).
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
managerial functions and tasks manager function lies in the management of a trust. the essence of management is a decision-making process in which the choice of the individual variants of solution tasks. the manager in the process chooses the strategy objectives group, planning and organizing appropriate conditions for implementation of the results and the paths leading to the stated objectives.coordinate the actions of her team members and, at the same time, the whole working process. at the same time, it must create appropriate and suficientní incentive conditions for members of the working group to 10 activities to objectives and results of the work of this group of continuous control (tureckiová, 2004). from the whole range of activities from leadership of the result, it is possible to allocate the basic function managerthey are: 1. executive - management group, and responsibility for all stages of the procedure, i.e. planning, organizing, decision making, motivating and control 2. social - its implementation depends on the social tasks, group, and level of (in particular, upgrading skills and culture of) 3. representative - represents and represents the group company outside 4.professional help members of the team during the solution of tasks and both in the theoretical and practical 5. evaluation, assesses and evaluates the individual and whole working groups 6. guidance - induces the desirable relations in a group, solving conflicts. personality manager should be a model for other members of the group and to set an example in your efforts to further self-improvement sensation.the development of knowledge and skills that are required of members of the group in one operational or overall evaluation (robbins, 2004). productivity, efficiency and success rate of the manager is not included in the production of professional tasks, but especially in the business management and work with the members of his team. the main management functions, namely the executive, we do the planning, organisation,personalistiku, leadership and control. planning, decision-making process, the choice of objectives and the means to achieve them. purpose is to create a spojníku between the state of current and where it is intended to. it is the most important management function, since it is the starting point for all the others. among the main characteristics, we refer to a choice of objectives and targets, their achievement;priority scheduling in the system management functions; the use of planning of all managerial functions; a means for effective implementation of all activities. planning the implementation of all the other subsequent prior managerial functions, since it contains the goals. the planning process includes awareness of the opportunities and threats from the point of view of 11 external occupational environmentthe strengths and weaknesses of the organization; setting objectives (what is going, how and when a given condition is achieved); considering the planning assumptions (in which the external and internal environment, the area will be plans implemented); the possible options for the achievement of the objectives; comparison of the alternatives and objectives, which appears to be the most effective;the selection of alternatives (the choice of procedure for the activities to be promoted); formulation of supporting plans (investment, recruitment, etc.); processing the budget (numerical expression plan) (robbins, 2004). organizing, following the election of the objectives and alternatives to its process, it must be effective organize, distribution and arrangement of all the available resources the organization,there is a real chance the objectives to achieve. the essence of the organization lies in building the organizational structure in which the atmosphere environment is created for the effective cooperation of individuals and groups in achieving the set objectives. in human resources, it is important to provide clear information to who and what to do and who is responsible for the results;furthermore, in order to removed obstacles in the implementation of planned activities, and there were the necessary decision-making and communication networks. personalistika, acquisitions necessary and skilled workers, their adaptation in a new environment and maintain the selected position. the main tasks of human resources management are the recruitment and selection of staff;development workers to firms and personalities of workers; the evaluation on the results of the work and behavior; stabilisation of workers in the firm. management tool for action on the behavior of others, the knowledge, skills and habits of effective communication, effective management and motivation (frodsham, gargiulo, 2005). management - driven process influencing people.their activity was successful in its corporate objectives. lead and manage people requires two basic characteristics: to create energy (motivate to take and arouse vigor and streamlining of energy (the use of resources, the pace of, and to identify the right direction). among the basic styles of management, we refer to an autocratic (decides itself, giving orders.refuses to debate and is expected to the unconditional implementation of orders), democratic (partner, subordinates are plnocenní partners, discussion), liberal (subordinates are familiar with the tasks and the manager hopes that everything will be fine). according to the likertova system management can be divided into exploativně authoritarian system (distrust for subordinates, negative emotion, one-way communication - orders);kindly 12 authoritative system (mutual trust and communication, rewards and punishments, the manager is in the role of father); consultative system (basic decision at the highest level, positive motivation, two-way communication); participativně group system, full trust subordinates, communication is fully developed and is a two-way).the purpose of correction processes for the effective achievement of the objectives in order to further the development of the organization. preventive nature and its essence is the objective evaluation of performance in terms of the objectives set. efficient control system allows the company to achieve managamentu condition applied work is carried out according to plan and the costs associated with the creation,the establishment and functioning of the control system are proportional to its effects (šuleř, 2008). the manager is in its role as team leader made certain claims that his behavior and certain character traits. it is important to focus on: high professional and organizational management level, enough self-confidence in work and exercise the function, active approach to new suggestions and ideasan impartial and open negotiations, maintain contact with the members of his team, responsible delegation, i.e. the division of tasks and belonging to them the powers and responsibilities, and to the maximum for your co-workers to develop (veber, 2000).
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