Описание исследованияВ данном исследовании в основном рассматривается  translation - Описание исследованияВ данном исследовании в основном рассматривается  English how to say

Описание исследованияВ данном иссле

Описание исследованияВ данном исследовании в основном рассматривается вопрос влияния стереотипов в семейных конфликтах. Данную тематику может разносторонне показать и проявить браки с разными стереотипами, в том числе с разными культурами, которые в последнее время стало нормой и привычной как и в Казахстане, так и во всем мире. В исследованиях проводимым Valiullina G.G., TimashevaL.V. в некоторых источниках была представлена выборка обычными семьями (20 пар) и межнациональными (20 пар) семьями. Для получения информации о возможных причинах супружеских конфликтов использовался ме¬тод анкетирования, в ходе которого сравнивались ответы супругов, в семьях которых конфликты происходят часто с отве¬тами редко конфликтующих супругов.При анализе ответов на исследовательский вопрос «Хорошо ли информированы супруги о особенностях друг друга?» было установлено, что 50% супругов плохо информи¬рованы, а 19% - не знают культурных особенностей партнёра. На вопрос, «Какие культурные особенности супруга/супруги вам нравятся?» дали ответы 25% респондентов в группе конфликтующих часто и 42% - в группе конфликтующих редко. Были названы такие особенности: послушность, уважение старших, щедрость, мужественность. Эти ответы свидетельствуют о недостаточном и часто искажённом понимании культурных особенностей своих супругов в обеих группах. Учитывают культурных особенности партнера 54% респондентов группы редко конфликтующих и 12% - из группы часто конфликтующих.Таким образом, в ходе опроса установлено, что конфликты между супругами разной культуры чаще происходят в семьях, где существует неблагоприятная эмоциональная обстановка, где супруги слабо информированы о национальных и культурных особенностях друг друга, не учитывают их, редко стараются договориться мирно при возникновении разногласий. [1]Независимо от типа семьи и пола супру¬гов выполнение роли воспитателя детей считается исключительно женской обязанностью. Мужчины независимо от типа семьи склон¬ны считать себя ответственными за материальное обеспечение се¬мьи. Жёны с разными стереотипами семей полагают, что оба супруга должны отвечать за достаток в семье, то есть они тоже считают себя ответственными за выполнение этой роли.Ответственность за эмоциональный климат в семьях в обоими супругами возлагается на женщин. Они считают, что именно женщина должна эмоционально поддерживать других членов семьи, проявлять симпатию и принятие. Женщины в семьях склонны считать, что роль «психотерапевта» в семье должны выполнять оба супруга.Результаты по распределение роли «Организация развлечений» сильно не различаются. В обоих типах семей супруги готовы к рав¬ному распределению инициативы в сфере досуга. Реализацию роли «Организация семейной субкультуры» в семьях в большей степени готовы взять на себя жёны, а мужья считают, что это должны делать оба супруга. Таким образом, в семьях со стереотипами разногласия между супругами возникают при распределении таких ролей как эмоцио¬нальный климат в семье, роль «хозяин/хозяйка», организация семей¬ной субкультуры. В семьях без явных стереотипов разногласия проявились только в вопросе материального обеспечения семьи.Общий уровень конфликтности в семьях, где оба супруга одной националь¬ности, примерно равный. Оба супруга склоны к проявлению нега¬тивной реакции в конфликтах. При этом они чаще всего занимают пассивную позицию в различных ситуациях конфликта. В межна¬циональных семьях супруги также проявляют негативную реакцию в конфликтах, при этом мужчины демонстрируют более активную позицию в конфликтных ситуациях, чем женщины, независимо от того кого считают виновником - себя или супругуЕсли же конфликт связан с нарушением ролевых ожиданий, то женщины из мононациональных семей могут и не отреагировать негативно, чего нельзя сказать о реакции жен в межнациональных семьях. Последние склонны демонстрировать негативные реакции, но при этом делают это не столь активно как мужчины. В семьях обоих типов мужья проявляют активную негативную реакцию, если их ролевые ожидания не подкрепляются.При рассогласовании норм поведения оба супруга в большин¬стве мононациональных семьях не проявляют негативно окрашен¬ных реакций в отличие от супругов в межнациональных семьях. Женщины из мононациональных семей также не склон¬ны негативно реагировать по причине ревности, чего не скажешь о мужьях, которым свойственна негативно окрашенная пассивная реакция. В межнациональных семьях проявление ревности сопро¬вождается негативной реакцией обоих супругов, причём они оди-наково активны в этих ситуациях.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Description of the study <br><br>In this study, mainly deals with the influence of stereotypes in family conflicts. This theme is versatile show and show marriages with various stereotypes, including those with different cultures, which in recent years has become the norm, and the familiar as well as in Kazakhstan and around the world. <br>In studies conducted Valiullina GG, TimashevaL.V. some sources has been presented by conventional sampled families (20 pairs) and transnational (20 pairs) families. For information about the possible causes of marital conflict was used me¬tod questioning, during which compared the responses of spouses in families where conflicts are often otve¬tami rarely conflicting spouses.<br><br>When analyzing the answers to the research question "Is it good wife informed about the features of each other," it was found that 50% of spouses informi¬rovany bad, and 19% - do not know the cultural characteristics of the partner. To the question, "What are the cultural characteristics / her spouse do you like?" Provided answers to 25% of respondents in the group are often conflicting, and 42% - in the group of conflicting rare. It was named such features: obedience, respect for elders, generosity, courage. These responses indicate insufficient and often distorted understanding of the cultural peculiarities of their spouses in both groups. Culturally sensitive partner 54% of respondents rarely conflicting groups and 12% - of the group are often conflicting.<br>Thus, the survey found that the conflicts between spouses of different cultures often occur in families where there is an adverse emotional situation where spouses are poorly informed about national and cultural features of each other, do not include them, rarely try to negotiate peacefully with disputes arise. [1] <br><br>Regardless of the type of family and gender supru¬gov acting as an educator of children is considered to be an exclusively female responsibility. Men regardless of family type sklon¬ny consider themselves responsible for the material support se¬mi. Wives with different stereotypes families believe that both spouses should be responsible for wealth in the family, that is, they also feel responsible for the performance of this role. <br>Responsible for the emotional climate in the family in both spouses is assigned to women. They believe that women should be the emotional support of other family members, to show sympathy and acceptance. Women in families tend to believe that the role of "therapist" in the family must comply with both spouses. <br><br>The results of the distribution of the role of the "Organization of entertainment" not much different. In both types of families spouses are willing to rav¬nomu distribution initiatives in the field of leisure. Realization of the role of the "Organization of the family subculture" in families are more willing to take the wives and husbands think it should do both spouses. <br>Thus, families with stereotypes of the differences between spouses arise in roles such as emotsio¬nalny climate in the family, the role of "master / mistress," the organization semey¬noy subculture. In families with no apparent stereotypes differences appeared only in the question of material support of the family. <br>Overall conflicts in families where both partners one natsional¬nosti approximately equal. Both spouses are inclined to resort to nega¬tivnoy reaction in the conflict. However, they often take a passive role in the various situations of conflict. In mezhna¬tsionalnyh wife families also show a negative reaction to the conflict, while men show a more active role in conflict situations than women, regardless of who is considered the culprit - herself or her husband <br>if the conflict involves a violation of role expectations, the mono-ethnic women families may not react negatively, it can not be said about the reaction of women in ethnic families. Recent tend to show negative reactions, but doing it is not so active as men. The families of both types of husbands to take an active backlash if their role expectations are not supported. <br><br>In case of inconsistency of conduct both spouses bolshin¬stve mono-ethnic families do not exhibit adverse reactions okrashen¬nyh unlike spouses in inter-ethnic families. Women from mono-ethnic families also sklon¬ny react negatively because of jealousy, can not be said about their husbands, which is characteristic of negatively stained passive response. The international manifestation of jealousy families sopro¬vozhdaetsya backlash of both spouses, with identically-they odi active in these situations.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Description of the study<br><br>This study focuses on the impact of stereotypes in family conflicts. This theme can be shown and shown in a variety of marriages with different stereotypes, including with different cultures, which have recently become the norm and familiar both in Kazakhstan and around the world. <br>In research conducted by Valiullina G.G., TimashevaL.V. in some sources, a sample of ordinary families (20 couples) and inter-ethnic (20 couples) families was presented. A questionnaire was used to obtain information on possible causes of marital conflicts, which compared the responses of spouses whose families often have conflicts with the rare lye of conflicting spouses.<br><br>In analyzing the answers to the research question "Are spouses well informed about each other's features?" it was found that 50% of spouses are poorly informed, and 19% - do not know the cultural features of the partner. To the question, "What cultural characteristics of spouse do you like?" answered 25% of respondents in the group of conflicting often and 42% - in the group of conflicting rarely. Such features were named: obedience, respect of the elders, generosity, masculinity. These responses indicate a lack of and often distorted understanding of the cultural characteristics of their spouses in both groups. Fifty-four per cent of respondents in the rarely conflicting group and 12 per cent from the often conflicting group take into account the cultural characteristics of the partner.<br>Thus, the survey found that conflicts between spouses of different cultures are more likely to occur in families where there is an unfavorable emotional environment, where spouses are poorly informed about each other's national and cultural characteristics, do not take them into account, rarely try to negotiate peacefully when disagreements arise. [1]<br><br>Regardless of the type of family and gender of the family, the role of child caregiver is considered solely a woman's duty. Men, regardless of the type of family, tend to consider themselves responsible for the material support of the family. Wives with different stereotypes of families believe that both spouses should be responsible for wealth in the family, that is, they also consider themselves responsible for the performance of this role.<br>Responsibility for the emotional climate in families in both spouses rests with women. They believe that it is the woman who should emotionally support other family members, show sympathy and acceptance. Women in families tend to believe that the role of "psychotherapist" in the family should be performed by both spouses.<br><br>The results of the distribution of the role of "Entertainment Organization" are not much different. In both types of families, spouses are ready for the equal distribution of leisure initiatives. The role of the "Family Subculture Organization" in families is more willing to take on wives, and husbands believe that both spouses should do so. <br>Thus, in families with stereotypes, differences between spouses arise in the distribution of such roles as the emotional climate in the family, the role of "host/mistress", the organization of the family subculture. In families without clear stereotypes, disagreements were evident only in the issue of family support.<br>The overall level of conflict in families where both spouses are the same national is roughly equal. Both spouses are inclined to show a non-gamicious reaction in conflicts. At the same time, they most often take a passive position in different situations of conflict. In inter-national families, spouses also show a negative reaction in conflicts, with men being more active in conflict situations than women, regardless of who is considered to be the culprit - themselves or spouses<br>If the conflict is associated with a violation of role-playing expectations, women from mononational families may not react negatively, which cannot be said about the reaction of wives in inter-ethnic families. The latter tend to show negative reactions, but do it not as actively as men. In families of both types, husbands are actively negatively reacted if their role-playing expectations are not supported.<br><br>When disagreeing with the norms of behavior, both spouses in the large number of mononational families do not show negative reactions, unlike spouses in inter-ethnic families. Women from mononational families are also not inclined to react negatively because of jealousy, which is not the case with husbands who have negatively colored passive reactions. In inter-ethnic families, jealousy is accompanied by a negative reaction from both spouses, and they are odiously active in these situations.
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
Research note<br>This study focuses on the impact of stereotypes on family conflict. This subject may be in a variety of manifestations, involving different stereotypes, including those of different cultures, which have recently become norms and customs in Kazakhstan. around the world.<br>In the valiullina g.g., timasheval. V. study, some sources provided common family samples: (20 couples) and transnational family samples: (20 couples). In order to understand the possible causes of spousal conflict, a questionnaire was used to compare spousal responses. In the family, conflict often occurs in the spouse with few conflicts.<br>In analyzing the responses to the research questions, "do spouses fully understand each other's characteristics?" The survey found that 50% of couples lack information and 19% don't know each other's cultural characteristics. What are the cultural characteristics of your wife? "Of the conflict groups, 25% responded, 42% responded, and very few responded. The characteristics mentioned are: obedience, respect for the elderly, generosity and bravery. These responses indicate that in both groups there is insufficient and often misunderstood understanding of the cultural characteristics of spouses. Considering the cultural characteristics of the partners, 54% of the respondents had little conflict and 12% of the respondents had frequent conflict.<br>Therefore, the survey found that conflicts between spouses of different cultural backgrounds often occur in families where both spouses are vulnerable. Understand each other's ethnic and cultural characteristics, do not consider them, and rarely try to resolve differences peacefully. [1]<br>Regardless of the family type and the gender of the marriage, the responsibility to raise children is entirely the responsibility of women. Regardless of family type, men tend to think that they are responsible for material security. Wives with different family stereotypes believe that both husband and wife should be responsible for family prosperity, that is to say, they also believe that they are responsible for this role.<br>Women are responsible for the emotional atmosphere of both husband and wife's families. They believe that women should support other members of the family emotionally and offer sympathy and acceptance. Women in the family often believe that the role of "psychologist" in the family should be shared by both spouses.<br>The distribution of the role of "Entertainment Organization" varies greatly. In these two types of families, both husband and wife are willing to share leisure activities. Play the role of "organizing families and sects"<br>
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