Hello my love darling,
How are you and how was your day hope fine.
Dear,i thank you so much for your love caring reply and honest,as you already know my situation here i want to be with you as i do not have any other family and i have no place to call my home.I have told you in my precious message that age have nothing to do with who you love that you feel is the best for you.I know we don't get to talk or see each other before due to my condition here as a refugee,being apart from you now doesn't change the way i feel about you in my heart.
Sure, I'm lonely dear,i want you to understand my condition here as a refugee,i don't have freedom and i don't have access to anything here,as i do use the missionary reverend father church prayer office computer in refugee orphanage camp to send this message. In fact i am very glad to received your reply and i understand all that you have said and i love you for whom you are.I want you to know i want to marry you and be together with you till death do us apart.I love you and i want to follow you for the rest of my life as your wife or whatever the kind relationship you want from us. I need your love and care as i have no family and i want you to be my everything and who i can call mine in this world.
My beloved darling, i would like you to help me out here to come over to you there in your country to be once again happy in life and to have you beside me my life as family,as i don't have any other family to go to.I love you with all my heart.I want you to know my love for you is from the bottom of my heart with commitment till death do us apart.
Dear,i did not just contact you because i need a man,but to love each other,to have a wonderful lives together and share feelings together to make me find happiness the lost of my family have deprive me from.
Although everything in my life was turned against me because of the suddenly lost of my family,i love you and offer you all of my true heart for any relationship or for marriage we can share.
Dear, i don't have any relatives now whom i can go to as i am homeless and hopeless here as a refugee in orphanage camp.
Darling, i will like to know if you can help me so that i can get my international passport here and other traveling document to join you there in your country as you already know my situation here in the camp i do not have freedom of movement and i don't have food to eat here and i there is no good medical care and i do not want to die in the camp,i love you and i want to be together with you for the rest of my life.
My love, i will be very happy to be together with you there in your country in any way you can help me out here to join you over there in your country so that you will help me in future to demand for late father property .I want you to be the first and last love of my life till death do us apart and i do not care about age as i feel you are God sent for me.
Dear, i don't have my own phone here,but i will like you to call me through the missionary reverend father church office phone here in the orphanage refugee missionary reverend father MARK JACOB , tell him you want to speak with me your friend or your wife Amina Zahan him will sent for me in the female camp hostel to receive my call and speak with you,i love you.
The telephone number is ( +221779758632) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me .
My love,as a refugee here i don't have freedom of movement as it is against the law of this country.I wanted to go back to my studies before the incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.
Please let me know whether you can be able to help me for my traveling document to join you there in your country,pending my arrival to meet with you over there in your country.
Your love create positive thought in my heart with many love and trust.
I am awaiting to read from you soonest with love from my deepest heart,kiss.
yours forever love wife to be.
Darling i will like you to contact this bank for my late father fund transfer
Hello my love darling,
How are you and how about your work? I hope all is well.
Dear,I thank you so much for making time out of your busy time to reply me with a great desire to restore my lost joy, I also thank God for leading me in the hand of somebody like you.I want you to know i love you so much and you are my everything in this world,i need you most and you will also help me in investing this money in any business of your choice and take good care of me either to complete my study first or to have marriage with you first as you said we will locate to another country.
Darling,i have told you before i do not know anybody here and i do not have any lawyer for help and that was the reasn i contacted you t help me for the whole thing.I love you and you are the love of my life.
My love,like i told you before i don't have access to anything here in this country as i am not a citizen and i don't have freedom here and no body to call my family.
My love i will also like to know from you first if you can help me for my traveling document to come and join you there in your country before later we can together work out the fund transfer of my late father deposit with the bank as i am suffering so much here with lack of food and there is no good medical care too.The love i have for you have increase after i read your email and my desire to join you there in your country also increase so i pray that the bank will transfer this money fast so that i can join you to express the love i have for you.
Please i want you to help me with love and trust and keep everything secret to yourself since is a huge amount till after the fund transfer with the bank because is the only hope of my life.I love you with all my heart.
So i will like you to send a letter to the bank of my father and tell them that you are my foreign partner that we want to transfer my late father's fund into your bank account in your country so that you can be able to help me out of refugee orphanage camp to come over to you there in your country for a better new life.
Ask the bank to reply you urgently,because they already know i am in the refugee camp here.As i inform the bank about the fund transfer the only thing they told me was to look for a trust foreign partner who will represent me due to my age and my refugee situation here as i don't have freedom.
My love the following below is the contact information of the bank?
Head Office: Edinburgh,Scotland,United Kingdom,
Branch Office: Trinity Road,Halifax,West Yorkshire,Leeds LS1 1WU,
Tel: +44 705 533 25 60 /08457 20 30 40 / 08457 26 36 46
Fax: +44 844 774 87 95 / Swift: HIXBGB 2L
E-mail: (halifaxbnk@customized.com) / (halifaxbnkofscotland@zbavitu.net)
Contact person: Mr.Eric Daniels
(Chief Financial Officer)
My Late Father Bank Account Information Below.
Account holder: Dr.Laurant Zahan,
Nationality: South Sudan
Beneficiary: Amina Zahan.
Amount: US$2.700,000.00
(Two million seven hundred thousand USA Dollars)
REG NO.EUTLYT.033500337449/2010
When contacting the bank, tell them that you are my foreign partner whom i nominated for this transfer and also tell them that the money will be transfer in small amount, meanwhile i have notified them that you will contact them so try and contact them immediately with your data, your account information and the above information of this account.
My Love i really want you to make sure this money is transfer immediately to your bank account in your country so that after the transfer you will send some money to me here as i don't have International Passport, Refugee Liberty clearance Certificate to have freedom and other traveling document to come over to you there in your country.
Please do let me know of anything the bank say concerning this transfer.
I thank you so much for being there for me and i hope to meet with you after this transfer.
Have a nice day and take good care of yourself.
Yours forever love wife,
Results (
Arabic) 1:
مرحبا حبيبي الحب،كيف حالك وكيف كان أمل يوم غرامة.عزيزي، شكرا لكم جزيلا لردكم رعاية الحب وصادقة، كما تعلمون وضعي هنا أريد أن أكون معك كما لم يكن لديك أي أسرة أخرى وليس لدى أي مكان لنداء بيتي. لقد قلت لكم في رسالتي الثمينة أن العمر لا علاقة له بالذي تحب أن تشعر أنك هو الأفضل بالنسبة لك. أعرف أننا لا تحصل على التحدث أو نرى بعضنا البعض من قبل بسبب حالتي هنا كلاجئ، ويجري وبصرف النظر عن أنت الآن لا يغير الطريقة التي أشعر عنك في قلبي.بالتأكيد، أنا وحيدا عزيزي، أريدك أن تفهم وضعي كلاجئ، وأنا لم يكن لديك حرية وأنا لا يستطيعون الوصول إلى أي شيء هنا، كما استخدم الكمبيوتر مكتب الكنيسة صلاة التبشير الأب القس في مخيم دار الأيتام بإرسال هذه الرسالة. في الواقع أنا سعيد جداً تلقي الرد الخاص بك وفهمت كل ما قلته وأنا أحبك منهم أنت. أريدك أن تعرف أريد الزواج منك ويكون معكم حتى الموت لنا عن بعضها البعض. أنا أحبك وأريد أن اتبع لك لبقية حياتي كزوجتك أو أيا كان نوع العلاقة التي تريدها من منا. أنا بحاجة إلى الحب والرعاية الخاصة بك كما لدى لا أسرة وتريد أن يكون كل شيء، والذين يمكن أن اسمية الألغام في هذا العالم.حبيبي المحبوب، أود منك مساعدتي هنا أن تأتي إلى هناك في بلدكم أن يكون سعيداً مرة أخرى في الحياة، وأن يكون لك بجوار لي حياتي كأسرة، كما أنني لم يكن لديك أي أسرة أخرى للذهاب إلى. أحبك من قلبي. أريدك أن تعرف حبي لك من صميم قلبي مع الالتزام حتى الموت لنا عن بعضها البعض.عزيزي، لا فقط اتصل لك لأن أنا بحاجة إلى رجل، ولكن أحب كل الآخر، يكون حياة رائعة معا وتبادل المشاعر معا لجعل لي البحث عن السعادة المفقودة من أسرتي قد حرماني من.على الرغم من أن كل شيء في حياتي تحولت ضدي بسبب فجأة فقدت عائلتي، أحبك، ونقدم لكم كل قلبي الحقيقي لأي علاقة أو للزواج يمكن أن نشارك.يا عزيزي، ليس لدى أي أقارب منهم الآن أستطيع أن اذهب إلى أنا بلا مأوى وميؤوس منها هنا كلاجئ في مخيم دار الأيتام.دارلينج، أود أن أعرف إذا كنت تستطيع مساعدة لي حتى أستطيع أن الحصول على جواز سفري الدولية هنا وأخرى وثيقة السفر أن انضم إليكم هناك في بلدكم كما تعلمون وضعي هنا في المخيم لم يكن حرية الحركة، وأنا لم يكن لديك لشراء الطعام هنا وأنا هناك لا رعاية طبية جيدة ولا أريد أن يموت في مخيم ، أنا أحبك وأريد أن أكون معكم لبقية حياتي.My love, i will be very happy to be together with you there in your country in any way you can help me out here to join you over there in your country so that you will help me in future to demand for late father property .I want you to be the first and last love of my life till death do us apart and i do not care about age as i feel you are God sent for me.Dear, i don't have my own phone here,but i will like you to call me through the missionary reverend father church office phone here in the orphanage refugee missionary reverend father MARK JACOB , tell him you want to speak with me your friend or your wife Amina Zahan him will sent for me in the female camp hostel to receive my call and speak with you,i love you.The telephone number is ( +221779758632) if you call and tell him that you want to speak with me .My love,as a refugee here i don't have freedom of movement as it is against the law of this country.I wanted to go back to my studies before the incident that lead to my being in this situation now took place.Please let me know whether you can be able to help me for my traveling document to join you there in your country,pending my arrival to meet with you over there in your country.Your love create positive thought in my heart with many love and trust.I am awaiting to read from you soonest with love from my deepest heart,kiss.yours forever love wife to be.AminaDarling i will like you to contact this bank for my late father fund transferمرحبا حبيبي الحب،كيف حالك وكيف حول عملك؟ أمل أن كل شيء على ما يرام.عزيزي، أشكركم كثيرا على جعل وقت الخروج من وقتك مشغول بالرد لي برغبة كبيرة في استعادة بلدي الفرح المفقود، كما أشكر الله على قيادة لي في يد شخص مثلك. أريدك أن تعرف أنا أحبك كثيرا وأنت بلدي كل شيء في هذا العالم، وأشد الحاجة لك ويمكنك أيضا مساعدتي في استثمار هذه الأموال في أي عمل تجاري من اختيارك وتأخذ الرعاية الجيدة للي أما لإكمال دراستي أولاً أو أن يكون الزواج معكم أنتم أولاً وقال أننا سوف تحديد موقع إلى بلد آخر.حبيبي، لقد قلت لكم من قبل أنا لا أعرف أحداً هنا، ولا يملك أي محام لمساعدة وأن ريسن اتصل بي تي يمكنك مساعدتي لكل شيء. أحبك وأنت حب حياتي.حبي، مثل قلت لك قبل أن لم يكن لديك إمكانية الوصول إلى أي شيء هنا في هذا البلد كما أنا لست مواطنا، وأنا لم يكن لديك حرية هنا ولا توجد هيئة الاتصال بعائلتي.أحب بلدي وأود أيضا أن أعرف من أنت أولاً إذا كنت تستطيع مساعدة لي لبلدي وثيقة السفر للحضور وانضم إليكم هناك في بلدكم قبل لاحقاً يمكننا معا العمل نقل صندوق الإيداع الأب الراحل مع البنك أنا أعاني الكثير هنا مع الافتقار إلى الغذاء، وهناك لا رعاية طبية جيدة جداً. وقد الحب لدى لك زيادة بعد أن قرأت البريد الإلكتروني الخاص بك ورغبتي في أن انضم إليكم هناك في بلدكم أيضا زيادة ولذلك أدعو الله أن البنك سوف تحويل هذه الأموال بسرعة حتى أنه يمكن أن أضم صوتي لك للتعبير عن الحب لدى لك.Please i want you to help me with love and trust and keep everything secret to yourself since is a huge amount till after the fund transfer with the bank because is the only hope of my life.I love you with all my heart.So i will like you to send a letter to the bank of my father and tell them that you are my foreign partner that we want to transfer my late father's fund into your bank account in your country so that you can be able to help me out of refugee orphanage camp to come over to you there in your country for a better new life.Ask the bank to reply you urgently,because they already know i am in the refugee camp here.As i inform the bank about the fund transfer the only thing they told me was to look for a trust foreign partner who will represent me due to my age and my refugee situation here as i don't have freedom.My love the following below is the contact information of the bank?HALIFAX BANK OF SCOTLANDHead Office: Edinburgh,Scotland,United Kingdom,Branch Office: Trinity Road,Halifax,West Yorkshire,Leeds LS1 1WU,Tel: +44 705 533 25 60 /08457 20 30 40 / 08457 26 36 46Fax: +44 844 774 87 95 / Swift: HIXBGB 2LE-mail: (halifaxbnk@customized.com) / (halifaxbnkofscotland@zbavitu.net)Contact person: Mr.Eric Daniels(Chief Financial Officer)My Late Father Bank Account Information Below.Account holder: Dr.Laurant Zahan,Nationality: South SudanBeneficiary: Amina Zahan.Amount: US$2.700,000.00(Two million seven hundred thousand USA Dollars)REG NO.EUTLYT.033500337449/2010ID.CODE.RETLY.0544-718000/2010DATE OF DEPOSIT:24TH FEBRUARY 2010.When contacting the bank, tell them that you are my foreign partner whom i nominated for this transfer and also tell them that the money will be transfer in small amount, meanwhile i have notified them that you will contact them so try and contact them immediately with your data, your account information and the above information of this account.My Love i really want you to make sure this money is transfer immediately to your bank account in your country so that after the transfer you will send some money to me here as i don't have International Passport, Refugee Liberty clearance Certificate to have freedom and other traveling document to come over to you there in your country.Please do let me know of anything the bank say concerning this transfer.I thank you so much for being there for me and i hope to meet with you after this transfer.Have a nice day and take good care of yourself.Yours forever love wife,Amina.
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