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Results (Indonesian Language) 1:How to make shabu shabuCara make dope Cryztal in 2-3 hours using 2 Liter Botololeh Mighty God--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: I do not mengambiltanggung this Page or some responsibility for your actions after reading this text. The material is now for educational purposes only. This is to inform the community umumbahan and the methods used by clandestine chemists untukmemproduksi this substance is very illegal. By scrolling beyond the inititik, you agree to not try this and do not bring criminal apapunbiaya to the creator of this file. Note: this is a 12-step program that is very easy. :-) Introduction:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------this recipe makes a real Crystal metamfetamin, unlike most resepluar there that just makes the crank. This is not a good kicking, hypo keledaiamonia dope. The way I'm built to be rapidly and do not give off the smell of sebagaibanyak as other methods. Does not require going out and mencurianhidrat of ammonia from livestock either. I am still only recommend melakukannyaJika you have had previous experience making dope. Clean up is easy. All you have to do is clean the bottles that you use and melemparkansegalanya. Ingredients:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2-liter bottle (with lid) 1 1 liter bottle (get 2 caps for it) 1 oz. 20 bottles (with lid) 1 quart Jar2 feet 1/4 inch diameter hose rubber/plastic (the Aquarium the hose works good) Filter kopi1 saluran1 tubing Cutter (go to Home Depot) 2 plyers1 roll Ductape or electrical tape 1 Blender or Food Processor200 Pseudophedrine HCL 60 mg pills (Actifed , Sudafed, Suphedrine, etc.) 1 1/2 cups of the fertilizer ammonium nitrate (33-0-0) 3 cans of liquid awal3 AA Energizer Lithuim baterai1 bottle cap Lye2 brand Red Devil water (using the top off a 2 liter) 1 box of salt beryodium1 the fire bottle brand drain pembukaProsedur:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) rinse and dry all of your bottles. Be sure to get the semuakelembaban out. Don't go any further until they are completely dry. 2) put the pills into a blender or food processor and grind merekamenjadi powder. Combined with a 1 1/2 cups of Ammoniun nitratpupuk. Use a funnel to pour the mixture into 2 literbotol. 3) hold the cans you start upside down and hold the liquid tombolsampai all the air out. After the air is out, use a screwdriver (Imenggunakan a corkscrew.) to poke holes in the bottom of the can. Menggunakansaluran again, pour the liquid (ethyl ether) 2 Liter cans with a mixture of ammonium nitrate/pills. 4) now you have to take Lithium strips from batteries (inisebabnya I recommend are experienced.). Tighten the tubing cutter kePusat battery and spin it around until the metal yangpotong casing. Be careful not to cut the guts of the battery. If you berantakanatas the battery can become very hot and burn. Next take the Anda2 plyers and grab each end of the battery. Interesting every sisicasing off. After part of the casing, place them dalamwadah water tight (Tupperware, Rubbermaid, etc.). They can disimpanhingga 3 hours. Lithium is going to be very volatile if terkenakelembaban is in the air or water. Beware! 5) unroll the guts of the battery first and remove the Lithium strips. There are two strips in a Lithium battery, so be sure to not mendapatkansalah one. You don't want one that has a shiny metal on the sekitarujungnya. RIP the Lithium strips into small pieces and place them in a 2 liter. Do the same with the other two batteries 6) taking the cap off a bottle of lye and fill the CAP with it. Tuangkanini to 2 Liters as well. Use the channel!) take the top 2 Liter and fill it with water. Pour airke in 2 liters. Repeat once. You should see a little bubble of mengambangke top of the liquid in the bottle. Put the lid botoldan Swish it around a bit (not shake!). 8) now Your cannabis cooking (I call it "rolling"). About every 5menit loosen Cap slightly to release the pressure and to make it "roll" a little harder. After about 10 seconds back and tighten the CAP. Do not breathe too deep, because ammonia gas released. 9) you have to keep adding alkaline or marijuana You will stop "rolling". Tentangsetiap 20 minutes add about 1 the lid (using the CAP from the bottle of lye!) Alkali. Tighten up tight on the 2 Liter and shake botolkeras for about 8 seconds. Loosen up, melepaskantekanan, and marijuana would begin "rolling". Repeat each 20menit. You don't want to use more than 2/3 of a bottle of Lye, so Andamungkin will have to adjust the amount you add or how often you add to membuatia go for 2 hours. 10) after 2 hours, Your marijuana is through "rolling". Get channel dantempat in 1 Litre bottles. Put two filter coffee in a salurandan pour 2 litres of fluids through them into the 1 literbotol. Pour a little bit to make sure you don't allow anything beyond the mendapatkandi filter. After 1 liter filled, tighten up on the atasnyasepanjang road. This will ruin Your marijuana if you let dirt or humidity masukitu. 11) took over the 2 for 1 liter and up to 20 oz. and memotonglubang in it that is barely big enough to fit the plastic hose rubber into. Put each end of the hose to the top and make their air tight using setiapductape or electrical tape. Make sure you use a clean hose! 12) remove the CAP from the 1 liter bottles and screw on a denganselang attached to it. Pour the salt iodized to oz. 20 sampaipenuh about 1/2 inch from the bottom. Take the cap off your 2 liter or hat to another of the same size and fill it with fire. TuangkanCairan flame to salt and tightly screw the hose to the melekatujung top 20 oz. Shake 20 oz. left-to-right for about 4 seconds. Pump (squeeze and release) it sekalidan sitting it. The smoke will start filling 1 litre. As the fluid gets into the asapmulai, you will see the "fall" of marijuana. Kelihatannyasalju. When the smoke stops, taking the top of 1 liter and dasisimpul in the hose. Put the top back on the other 1 liter and kocokkeras for 30 seconds. Let Crystal settling. Put salurantoples with 2 new coffee filter and pouring the liquid melaluimereka. Little shabu caught in the filter, but sisanyatetap in the bottle. Cut off the top half of the bottle and use rambutpengering dried crystals. Snort it or smoke it and get as high up the bat.Results (Indonesian Language) 2:How to make how to make Dope Cryztal Metamfetamin in 2-3 hours Using 2 Liter Bottles by Lord Mighty-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Disclaimer: neither I nor the host of this page take responsibility for your actions after reading this text. This material is for educational purposes only. This is to inform the general public of the materials and methods used by chemists to produce secret substances highly illegal. By scrolling beyond this point, you agree not to try all this and do not bring any criminal charges for the creator of this file. Note: this is a very easy 12-step program. :-) Introduction:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------this recipe makes real Crystal Methamphetamine, unlike most recipes out there that just makes the crank. This is not good, it's a hipo kick ass dope ammonia. The way I developed to be fast and to not give off as much smell like other methods. No need to go out and steal anhydrous ammonia from livestock either. I am still only recommend doing so if you have previous experience making dope. It is also easy to clean. All you have to do is wash the bottles that you use and throw away everything. Ingredients:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 2-Liter bottle (with Hat) 1 1 Liter bottle (get 2 caps for it) 1 20 oz. Bottles (with CAP) 1 Quart Jar 2 ft. 1/4 in's hose diameter rubber./plastic (Aquarium hose works good) Coffee Filter 1 channel 1 Tubing Cutter (go to Home Depot) 2 plyers 1 Roll of electrical Tape or Ductape 1 Blender or Food Processor 200 60mg Pseudophedrine HCL pills (Actifed , Sudafed, Suphedrine, etc.) 1 1/2 cups of the fertilizer Ammonium Nitrate (33-0-0) 3 the cans starting liquid Energizer AA batteries 3 lithuim 1 bottle Red Devil brand Lye the 2 caps of water (using the top of the 2 liter) Iodized Salt 1 box 1 bottle Liquid Fire brand drain opening procedure:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------1) Rinse and pat dry all of your bottles. Be sure to get all the moisture out. Don't go any further until they are completely dry. 2) put the pills into Your blender or food processor and grind them into powder. Mix them with 1 1/2 cups of Ammoniun Nitrate fertilizer. Use a funnel to pour the mixture into a 2 liter bottle. 3) hold the cans you start fluid upside down and hold the button until all of the air out. After the air is out, use a screwdriver (I used corkscrew.) to poke a hole in the bottom of the can. Using a funnel, pour the liquid again (ethyl ether) from the can into the 2-Liter with ammonium nitrate/pill mix. 4) now you have to take the Lithium battery out of the strip (this is
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