Nestled on the slopes of the second highest peak in Northland, New Zealand, the sanctuary consists of 100 hectares of regenerating native forest. Views of the ocean an unexplored forest and the calls of the kiwi under the bright stars, are just some of the many experiences to be had. This is not the type of place where tour buses stop every hour or so. The Pupu Rangi Nature Sanctuary is located 250km from a crowded city, 50km from the closest supermarket, 2km from the next door neighbour. Some of the tasks that you could be involved with are:
Marking and mapping forest trails.
Installing and refilling bait stations.
Weed control.
General help around the place (we are a project in progress).
Expect a 50/50 mix between conservation work and the general help. A typical day's schedule looks similar to the one below:
8am - 9am breakfast.
9am - 9:30am communal area clean-up.
10am - 12pm morning working activity.
12pm - 1pm lunch/picnic.
1pm - 4pm afternoon working activity.
4pm - 6pm leisure activities (free time).
6pm - 8pm dinner.
8pm - 10pm leisure activities (sunset watching, soccer, dusk bird chorus) .
Hours & Roster
40 hours a week.
Preferred stay length is 3 weeks.
Message chat before agreeing stay.