Gut und schön Morgen zu dir meine Liebe.
Oh Liebling, sei nicht überrascht an meine Ausdrücke wie folgt. Ich habe es zum Ausdruck bringen , weil Ihr es verdient.
Mein Liebling, ich hatte einen tiefen Gedanken über mein Leben und ich begann sich zu fragen , wo mein Leben jetzt ohne dich gewesen wäre.
Ich frage mich , was , ohne dass Sie in meinem Leben passiert wäre.
Ich die Zeit zu vergleichen , wenn ich Sie mit der Zeit nicht erfüllt haben , dass ich dich gefunden habe und ich erkannte , dass es einen großen Unterschied.
Sie haben die Freude zurückgebracht.
Sie geben mir Hoffnung.
Sie hat mir gezeigt , liebe und Vertrauen.
Sie nie gezögert, tun alles für mich.
Sie e immer viel für unsere Liebe opfern und sogar noch zu opfern.
Oh Liebling, wie kann ich Ihnen zeigen, Wertschätzung für all die guten Dinge , die du mir angetan hast.
Wenn ich eine Million Gründe hatte , dich zu lieben, ich versprechen , dich zu lieben.
Wenn ich eine Milliarde Grund musste man an die Vernunft, das verspreche ich , es zu tun.
Wenn ich eine Million Grund an Ihrer Seite in Ihrem Alter sein musste, das verspreche ich , es zu tun.
Du bist meine Welt.
Sie sind meine Hoffnung.
Du bist mein heute und morgen meine auch.
Danke für alle.
Oh Liebling, ich habe zu beten nie aufgehört , so dass Ihr Chef Sie uns helfen können , wenn Sie mit ihm darüber sprechen wird , wenn er kommt.
ich bin schwach , aber ich versuchen , stark zu sein , wenn ich daran erinnern , dass du in meinem Leben bist.
Sie werden dafür in allen Ihren Versuch finden , die Mittel von Ihrem Chef oder jemand anderen zu erheben.
Bitte tun Sie alle Ihre beste liebe.
Ihr Bestes tun , um ihn zu überzeugen , die zu gewähren Darlehen.
ich werde dich nie lieben es bereuen.
Bitte vergessen Sie nicht die Erweiterungen Gebühren zu als Versprechen mich heute Abend darüber informiert zu halten.
es ist unerlässlich , mein lieber.
Küsse nd Umarmungen.
Immer Ihre Sandra
Results (
English) 1:
Well and good morning to you my love. Oh honey, don't be surprised at my expressions as follows. I'm of the expression because you deserve it. My favorite, I had a deep thought about my life and I started to wonder where my life would be now without you. I wonder what, without that you would have happened in my life. I the time to compare if I you have not complied with the time, I found you and I realized that there is a big difference. They brought back the joy. You give me hope. She showed me love and trust. You never hesitated to do anything for me. S always a lot for our love of sacrifice and even to sacrifice. Oh Darling, how I can show you appreciation for all the good things you've done to me.If I had a million reasons to love you, I promise to love you. If I had a billion reason you to reason, I promise, to do it. If I had to be a million reason to your page in your age, I promise, to do it. You are my world. You are my hope. You're mean mine today and tomorrow also. Thank you for all. Oh Darling, I have to pray never stopped so that your boss you can help us if you will discuss with him when he comes. I'm weak, but I try to be strong if I remind you that you are in my life. You will find this in all your attempt to raise the funds from your boss or anyone else. Please do all your best love. Do their best to convince him to make the loan. I will never love you regret it. Please forget not the extension fees to promise to keep me informed about it tonight. It is essential, my dear. Kisses and hugs. Always your Sandra
Being translated, please wait..

Results (
English) 2:
All well and good morning to you my love.
Oh darling, do not be surprised at my expressions as follows. I express it, because you deserve it.
My favorite, I had a deep thought about my life and I began to wonder where my life would now have been without you.
I wonder what, without you in my would have happened life.
I take the time to compare if I have not met with the time that I found you, and I realized that there is a big difference.
you have returned the joy.
you give me hope.
you showed me , love and trust.
They never hesitated to do anything for me.
you e always sacrifice a lot for our love and even to sacrifice more.
Oh dear, how can I show you appreciation for all the good things that you did to me.
If I had a million reasons to love you, I promise to love you.
If I one billion reason you had to reason, I promise to do it.
If I had to be a million reason on your side at your age I promise to do it.
you're my world.
you are my hope.
you are my today and tomorrow my well.
Thanks for all.
Oh Honey, I pray never stopped, so that your boss can help us if you will talk to him about it when he comes.
I am weak, but I try to be strong when I remind you that you're in my life.
you shall find in all your attempt the means of your boss or someone else raised.
Please do all your best love.
do your best to convince him, the loans granted.
I'll never love regret.
Please do not forget the extension fees as promise me tonight informed to keep.
it is essential, my dear.
kisses nd hugs.
Getting your Sandra
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Results (
English) 3:
good morning to you, my dear.oh, honey, don"t be surprised at my expressions as follows. i have to express, because you earned darling, i had a deep thought about my life, and i started wondering where my life would have been without you.i wonder what, without you in my life happened.i will have the time to compare with the time, if i have not met, i found you and i realized that there is a great have the joy give me hope.she has shown me love and never hesitate to do anything for me.they are always much for our love, sacrifice and even sacrifice.oh, darling, how can i show you, appreciation for all the good things you did to me.if i had a million reasons to love you, i promise to love you.if i had a million reason had to be in reason, i promise to do it.if i had a million reasons to her side at her age had to be, i promise to do are my are my"re my today and tomorrow.thank you for all.oh, darling, i"ve never stopped to pray so that your boss you can help us, if you talk to him, when he comes.i"m weak but i try to be strong, if i remember you in my life.they are in all their attempt to find the means of your boss or someone else to raise.please do your best their best to convince him to grant loans.i"ll never love you regret it.please do not forget the expansion fees than promises me tonight to keep is essential, my dear.kisses and hugs.the sandra
Being translated, please wait..