Pork is the important meat in Thailand because Consumption of pork in Thai is number 1 from all meat as a percentage is 3 more than Poultry beef and River and sea fish that the Consumption of pork is 55.68 g./person/day equal 20.3 kg/person/year and the rate of cost is 84.93 US Dollar/person/year.
And Consumption of pork in Thailand increased from 9.67 Hundred thousand tons in 2014 was 9.99 Hundred thousand tons in 2015 , The rate of increase is about 0.03 percent each year. that the high consumption of pork Thailand. If there is contamination of chemicals will inevitably harm to consumer
The results of the survey of Department of livestock development and the swine raisers association of Thailand report that 90 percent of pig farms illegally using β-agonists by mixing in feed and water to increase lean meat ratio , Which is not permitted to use in feed
By that The β-agonists is medicine that impacts on dilate bronchial muscle , which is also used in asthma medication. Use in livestock when researchers discovered that it made mice more muscular Increases protein synthesis
The higher daily intake of β-agonist will be act as the toxigenic substances It is a kind of toxin If the volume in consecutive time. Effects of β-agonist to health is Dizziness Headache Insomnia Anxious Tachycardia Spasm Tremor Vomit and the last one is Nervousness
To reduce the risk from Beta agonist, the consumer must choose the safety pork with out using beta agonist. They have to choose the pork by select the color. Color is Bright red Texture is Tender Present Marbling Taste is Flavorful Juiciness is Juicy External layer of fat is Thicker