A, Raw Material:
1.It was observe that the woodchip size used was out of Spec. It was too small/thin. The plant manager was informed of this and the correct size was shown to the plant manager.
2.Our team check the chipping machine. They found that the chipper can be reset to produce larger chunks of wood.
3.We also recommended the plant manager to revise the 1st stage sieving to 3 to 4 inches and the 2nd stage sieving to be changed to 1.5 to 2 inches. The concern for this is that the dryer may not be able to dry as desired For this we have recommended to try air drying first before using the dryer.
B. Char Outlet:
1.It was observed that the original char handling system has been changed to a different one.
2.The new system was checked thoroughly and it was learned that there is a large amount of air leaks to the system. Due to the component design this leakage can be fixed.
3.This leakage is dangerous and must be stopped immediately. It is not good for oxygen to go into the system through the bottom valve. Among other things, this can cause fire. We advise the char system to be replaced.
C. Water Scrubber Line:
1.It was observed that the original 4 inch water delivery pipe has been changed to a 6 inch pipe. As a result of this, the plant manager has found that the fine filter saw dust gets wet very quickly and needs changing very often.
2.Our team inspected the system and the flow. It as found that the water spray condition had been changed due to a larger delivery pipe.
3.The position of the spray was adjusted and the spray condition is now ok.
D. Saw Dust Level - Fine Filter:
1.Inspecting the system, it was observed that the saw dust level in the fine filter was too low.
2.The correct saw dust level was shown to the plant manager.
E. Gas Delivery Line to Engines:
1.Plan Eco Energy is using a common gas pipe from gasifiers to engines. This makes it difficult of the engine operator to control the engines. Also, any maintenance and shut down will result in the complete shut down of all engines.
2.Our recommendation is to isolate each gasifier with the engines dedicated to each respective gasifier.
F. Use of Wet Blower vs Booster Blower:
1.We observed that the operator runs the booster blower at a hight Hz compared to the wet blower. This is not the correct way to operate the gasifier.
2.Our team showed the operator to first run the wet blower at high Hz. Only after the wet blower reaching a high Hz and if the gas pressure is still not high enough, only then the booster blower to start slowly.
G. Use of Spary Water for Wet Blower:
1.It was observed that not enough water was being used for the wet blower. This resulted in gas not being sufficiently cleaned and tar would pass to the rest of the system.
2.We have instructed the operator to open the spray water until the wet blower motor amp reading reaches 50-75 Amps.
H. Hopper Vibrator Position:
1.Our crew has advised the plant manager to change the hopper position for the vibrator to 90 degrees from the gas outlet, in order to improve the movement of woodchip inside the hopper.
2.This can be done at the next hopper service.
I will be happy to meet and discuss things in person. Please let me know a convenient date for you. In the meantime, if you have any questions or would like clarification on any item, please feel free to contact me at anytime.