kamuPlanet Mars.Mars Citra Mars yang diabadikan oleh teleskop luar ang translation - kamuPlanet Mars.Mars Citra Mars yang diabadikan oleh teleskop luar ang English how to say

kamuPlanet Mars.Mars Citra Mars yan


Planet Mars

Citra Mars yang diabadikan oleh teleskop luar angkasa Hubble

 Pengertian planet mars

Mars adalah planet terdekat keempat dari Matahari. Namanya diambil dari dewa perang Romawi, Mars. Planet ini sering dijuluki sebagai "planet merah" karena tampak dari jauh berwarna kemerah-kemerahan. Ini disebabkan oleh keberadaan besi(III) oksida di permukaan planet Mars.[6] Mars adalah planet bebatuan dengan atmosfer yang tipis. Di permukaan Mars terdapat kawah, gunung berapi, lembah, gurun, dan tudung es. Periode rotasi dan siklus musim Mars mirip dengan Bumi. Di Mars berdiri Olympus Mons, gunung tertinggi di Tata Surya, dan Valles Marineris, lembah terbesar di Tata Surya. Selain itu, di belahan utara terdapat cekungan Borealis yang meliputi 40% permukaan Mars.[7][8]
Lingkungan Mars lebih bersahabat bagi kehidupan dibandingkan keadaan Planet Venus. Namun begitu, keadaannya tidak cukup ideal untuk manusia. Suhu udara yang cukup rendah dan tekanan udara yang rendah, ditambah dengan komposisi udara yang sebagian besar karbondioksida, menyebabkan manusia harus menggunakan alat bantu pernapasan jika ingin tinggal di sana. Misi-misi ke planet merah ini, sampai penghujung abad ke-20, belum menemukan jejak kehidupan di sana, meskipun yang amat sederhana.
Planet ini memiliki 2 buah satelit, yaitu Phobos dan Deimos. Planet ini mengorbit selama 687 hari dalam mengelilingi Matahari. Planet ini juga berotasi. Kala rotasinya 25,62 jam.
Di planet Mars, terdapat sebuah kenampakan unik di daerah Cydonia Mensae. Kenampakan ini merupakan sebuah perbukitan yang bila dilihat dari atas nampak sebagai sebuah wajah manusia. Banyak orang yang menganggapnya sebagai sebuah bukti dari peradaban yang telah lama musnah di Mars, walaupun pada masa kini, telah terbukti bahwa kenampakan tersebut hanyalah sebuah kenampakan alam biasa.
 Kondisi panet Mars
Tidak mudah mencari planet seperti bumi. Manusia modern baru datang setelah bumi sudah indah. Tetapi kondisi bumi sebelumnya sangat kacau sebelum mencapai masa tenang seperti sekarang. Bagaimana rencana membuat planet layak huni, misalnya di planet Mars. Apakah manusia mampu membuat planet Mars menjadi seperti Bumi, apakah dahulunya planet Mars memang seperti Bumi.

Sebuah planet siap huni bagi manusia membutuhkan kriteria.
• Resep sebuah planet yang layak huni adalah planet yang hangat, setidaknya cukup hangat untuk manusia tinggal.
• Hal terpenting adanya 2 komponen yaitu air dan atmosfer / udara.
Tetapi membuat sebuah planet seperti Mars sampai layak untuk bernapas membutuhkan waktu 100 ribu tahun lagi, walau manusia sudah mengunakan teknologi terbaik saat ini.
Suhu di planet Mars bervariasi, bila jauh dari matahari akan anjlok ke suhu minus dibawah 0. Karena lapisan atmofer disana yang tipis dan tidak bisa menyimpan banyak panas matahari, hal lain tekanan atmofer yang rendah serta penerimaan termal rendah terjadi di permukaan planet.
Karena planet Mars lebih jauh posisinya ke matahari dan ukurannya yang lebih kecil, hanya menerima kekuatan 43% cahaya dibanding planet Bumi yang lebih dekat ke matahari. Planet Mars akan mengalami badai debu kecil sampai badai terbesar, ketika posisinya lebih dekat ke matahari.

Bagaimana bentuk planet Mars sebelum hancur seperti sekarang ini.
Pada 5 November 2015, sebuah pesawat Nasa Maven masih berada disana dan melaporkan data tentang planet Mars. Gas CO2 di planet Mars naik dan terbang menghilang, setelah medan magnit mars mennutup sekitar 4,2 miliar tahun lalu, dan angin matahari membuat tekanan di planet Mars.
Pada gambar dibawah ini dari kiri atas adalah permukaan planet Mars sekarang, 3 gambar lain setelah terjadi perubahan bentuk secara alami di planet Mars sebelumnya yang masih memiliki air dan atmofer tebal

Apakah sudah ada manusia tinggal di planet Mars.
Tentu saja tidak. Planet Mars baru dikunjungi oleh sebuah robot Rover yang dikirim dari bumi. Disebut Rover Coriosity tersebut sedang melakukan penelitian tentang kandungan atmofer, tanah dan lainnya. Bergerak dengan remote dari Bumi, untuk menganalisa bebatuan disana.
Diluncurkan dari Bumi tahun 2011 dan tiba di Mars 6 Agustus 2012. Menempuh perjalanan 560 juta km selama 9 bulan.
Beberapa artikel tentang Planet Mars yang dilihat oleh Rover Coriosity
• Foto dari RoverCuriosity
• Planet Mars dengan foto 360 derajat
• Mars 5 milyar tahun lalu dibuat simulasi oleh Nasa
 Kenyataan di planet Mars
• Seandainya manusia pergi dengan kecepatan 100km dengan mobil. Baru sampai di Mars 271 tahun 221 hari. Mungkin anda tidak akan sempat makan malam di planet Mars
• Planet Mars memiliki ngarai dengan dinding sangat curam, dengan kedalaman hampir 4000 meter kebawah. Jatuh anda akan terbang sebelum membentur dasar ngarai.
• Gunung Olympus di planet Mars adalah gunung terbesar dan tertinggi di tata surya kita.
• Mars memiliki tebal kerak seperti Bumi. Tapi tidak memiliki lempeng teknotik yang dapat menyebabkan gempa.
• Suhu di Mars, jangan ditanya, sangat dingin.
• Udara di planet Mars. 95% adalah gas CO, 3% nitrogen, 1,6% aron dan sisanya gas lain. Namun ilmuwan percaya suatu haru Mars dapat menjadi planet layak huni dan menciptakan kehidupan seperti di Bumi.
• Musim. Disana hanya memiliki musim dingin, semi dan panas atau gugur. Pastinya tidak ada musim hujan, karena Mars tidak memiliki air sebanyak Bumi. Sumbu Bumi 23,5 derajat dan Mars 25 derajat. Tapi setiap musim akan berlangsung 2x lebih lama dibanding Bumi.
• Pada musim dingin, 20% dari udara membeku. Jauh lebih dingin dari Bumi, di kutub mencapai minus 125 derajat C. Bila di Bumi anda sudah mengatakan sangat dingin di kutub utara atau selatan, disana lebih dingin lagi.
• Debu. Badai terbesar di sana bukan angin, tapi berisikan debu dengan kecepatan 200km perjam. Badai bisa tumbuh dalam hitungan jam.
• Gravitasi. Ini yang menarik bobot disana hanya 62,5% dari berat di Bumi. Manusia bisa melompat 3x lebih tinggi.
• Kawah. Mars memiliki kawah terbesar dari seluruh planet yang pernah dilihat manusia. Disebut cekukan Borealis. Lebar lingkaran mencapai 10,600km , dan menutup 40% permukaan planet.
 Air di planet Mars
September 2015, Nasa mengumumkan menemukan jejak air di tebing planet Mars. Ilmuwan dari Georgia Tech melihat adanya alur air di sebuah lereng tebing. Penemuan adanya cairan tersebut sudah terlihat di tahun 2010, dan baru resmi diumumkan baru baru ini. Menurut Ojha dan timnya menyebut apapun yang mengalir di planet Mars adalah garam Hyrdo.

 Nasa persiapkan simulasi astronot ke Mars

Gas CO, tidak ada yang hidup di planet Mars, dan cuaca sangat dingin. Nanti astronot ke Mars, mereka akan menghadapi masalah tersebut. Apakah manusia bisa bertahan.
Setidaknya sekarang, 8 bulan, 6 orang diuji coba tinggal di Bumi. Letaknya di puncak gunung Mauna Loa di Hawai.
Mereka tidak boleh keluar dari sebuah kuba tanpa baju astronot. Mereka tidak berkomunikasi dengan orang luar seakan terisolasi seperti planet Mars nanti.
Disini peneliti mencoba melihat apa dampak astronot dengan psikologi, kerja tim dan lainnya bila mereka terisolasi disana

 Sejarah pengamatan
Keberadaan Mars di langit malam telah dicatat oleh astronom Mesir. Pada tahun 1534 SM, mereka telah memahami gerak maju mundur planet tersebut.[167] Sementara itu astronom Babilonia telah mencatat posisi dan perilaku planet Mars.[168][169] Pada abad ke-4 SM, Aristoteles mencatat bahwa Mars menghilang di belakang Bulan, sehingga menunjukkan bahwa planet tersebut lebih jauh.[170] Sastra dari Cina Kuno memastikan bahwa Mars telah dikenal oleh astronom Cina sejak abad ke-4 SM.[171] Pada abad ke-5 SM, teks astronomis India Surya Siddhanta memperkirakan diameter Mars.[172]
Selama abad ke-17, Tycho Brahe mengukur paralaks diurnal Mars, yang selanjutnya digunakan Johannes Kepler untuk menghitung jarak relatif ke planet tersebut.[173] Saat teleskop sudah ada, paralaks diurnal Mars diukur kembali untuk menentukan jarak Matahari-Bumi. Hal tersebut pertama kali dilakukan oleh Giovanni Domenico Cassini pada tahun 1672. Pengukuran paralaks awal terhambat oleh kualitas alat pengukuran.[174] Pada tahun 1610, Mars diamati oleh Galileo Galilei, yang merupakan orang pertama yang melihatnya lewat teleskop.[175] Tokoh pertama yang menggambar peta Mars adalah astronom Belanda Christiaan Huygens.[176]

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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
yeThe Planet Mars.Mars The image of Mars taken by the Hubble Space Telescope Understanding marsMars is the fourth planet from the Sun. Its name is taken from the Roman god of war, Mars. The planet is often referred to as the "red planet" because of its looks from afar is colored reddish-kemerah. This is caused by the presence of iron (III) oxide on the surface of the planet Mars. [6] the Mars is a planet with a thin atmosphere that rocks. On the surface of Mars, there are craters, volcanoes, valleys, deserts, and the covering of ice. Rotation period and the cycle of the seasons on Mars similar to Earth. On Mars stand Olympus Mons, the highest mountain in the solar system, and of Valles Marineris, the largest in the solar system. In addition, there is a basin in the northern hemisphere Borealis which covers 40% of the surface of Mars. [7] [8]The Martian environment more friendly to life than the State of the Planet Venus. However, the situation is not quite ideal for humans. A pretty low temperatures and low air pressure, coupled with the composition of the air which is mostly carbon dioxide, causing the humans must use breathing if it is to stay there. Missions to the red planet this, until the end of the 20th century, have yet to find traces of life there, although that is very simple.The planet has two satellites, Phobos and Deimos. This planet orbits during 687 days around the Sun. This planet also rotates. Kala 25.62 its rotation hours.On Mars, there exists a unique appearance in the Cydonia region. This is an appearance of the hills which when viewed from above appears as a human face. Many people think of it as an evidence of the civilizations that have long been destroyed on Mars, although at the present time, it has been proven that the appearance is simply a natural appearance. panet Conditions of MarsIt's not easy finding a planet like Earth. New modern humans came after Earth is beautiful. But the condition of the Earth very messy before it reaches the previous quiet period as it is now. How does plan make a planet habitable, for example on the planet Mars. Whether human beings capable of making the planet Mars be like Earth, whether it was the planet Mars is indeed like the Earth.A planet is ready for human habitation need criteria.• Prescribing a habitable planet is a planet that is warm, at least warm enough for humans to live. • The most important thing is the presence of two components namely water and atmosphere/air. But making a planet like Mars to deserve to breathe takes 100 thousand years, even though the man was already using the best technology currently. The temperature on Mars varies, if far from the Sun will fall to below minus 0. Because it is the coldest planetary atmosphere layer there are thin and can't store much solar heat, the other thing the coldest planetary atmosphere low pressure and low thermal acceptance occurs at the surface of the planet.Because Mars is further its position to the Sun and the smaller size, received only 43% strength of light than the planet Earth closer to the Sun. Planet Mars will experience small dust storms to the biggest storm, when its position is closer to the Sun. How the shape of Mars before it was destroyed.On November 5, 2015, a Nasa plane Maven is still there and report data about the planet Mars. CO2 gas on Mars rise and fly disappeared, after field magnetism of mars mennutup about 4.2 billion last year, and the solar wind pressure made on Mars.In the picture below is from the top left surface of the planet Mars now, 3 other pictures after changing form naturally on Mars before that still have water and the coldest planetary atmosphere thick If there is already a human being living on the planet Mars.Of course not. Mars recently visited by a robot Rover sent from Earth. Called the Coriosity Rover was doing research about the content of the coldest planetary atmosphere, land and more. The move by remote from Earth, to analyze the rocks there. It was launched from Earth in 2011 and arrive at Mars in August 6, 2012. 560 million km traveled for 9 months.Some articles about the Planet Mars seen by Rover Coriosity• Photos from RoverCuriosity• Planet Mars with photo 360 degrees• Mars 5 billion years ago created a simulation by Nasa the fact on the planet Mars• If humans go at speeds of 100 km by car. New to Mars 271 years 221 days. Maybe you will not had dinner on Mars• Mars has very steep walls of the Canyon, with a depth of almost 4000 meters down. Falling you will fly before it hit the base of the Canyon.• Mount Olympus on Mars is the largest and highest mountain in the solar system.• Mars has a thick crust like Earth. But do not have plate teknotik which can cause earthquakes.• The temperature on Mars, do not asked, very cool.• The air on Mars. 95% is gas CO, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% aron and the rest in other gases. But scientists believe a Martian day can be a habitable planet and create a life like on Earth.• The season. There only have a winter, spring and summer or autumn. Certainly there is no rainy season, because Mars does not have water as much as the Earth. The Earth's axis 23.5 degrees and Mars 25 degrees. But each season will last longer than 2 x the Earth.• In winter, 20% of the air froze. Much colder at the poles of the Earth, reaching minus 125 degrees c. When on earth you've been saying very cold at the North Pole or the South, there are more cool again.• Dust. The biggest storm there is not wind, but contains dust with speeds of 200 km perhour. The storm could grow in a matter of hours.• Gravitasi. Ini yang menarik bobot disana hanya 62,5% dari berat di Bumi. Manusia bisa melompat 3x lebih tinggi.• Kawah. Mars memiliki kawah terbesar dari seluruh planet yang pernah dilihat manusia. Disebut cekukan Borealis. Lebar lingkaran mencapai 10,600km , dan menutup 40% permukaan planet. Air di planet MarsSeptember 2015, Nasa mengumumkan menemukan jejak air di tebing planet Mars. Ilmuwan dari Georgia Tech melihat adanya alur air di sebuah lereng tebing. Penemuan adanya cairan tersebut sudah terlihat di tahun 2010, dan baru resmi diumumkan baru baru ini. Menurut Ojha dan timnya menyebut apapun yang mengalir di planet Mars adalah garam Hyrdo.  Nasa persiapkan simulasi astronot ke MarsGas CO, tidak ada yang hidup di planet Mars, dan cuaca sangat dingin. Nanti astronot ke Mars, mereka akan menghadapi masalah tersebut. Apakah manusia bisa bertahan.Setidaknya sekarang, 8 bulan, 6 orang diuji coba tinggal di Bumi. Letaknya di puncak gunung Mauna Loa di Hawai.Mereka tidak boleh keluar dari sebuah kuba tanpa baju astronot. Mereka tidak berkomunikasi dengan orang luar seakan terisolasi seperti planet Mars nanti.Disini peneliti mencoba melihat apa dampak astronot dengan psikologi, kerja tim dan lainnya bila mereka terisolasi disana Sejarah pengamatanThe presence of Mars in the night sky has been noted by the astronomers of Egypt. In the year 1534 BC, they had to understand the planet's back and forth motion. [167] in the meantime the Babylonian astronomers have recorded the position and behavior of the planet Mars. [168] [169] in the 4th century BC, Aristotle noted that Mars disappears behind the Moon, so that shows that the farther planet. [170] the Literature of ancient China ensure that Mars has been known by Chinese astronomers since the 4th century BC, [171] in the 5th century BC, India astronomical text Surya Siddhanta estimated the diameter of Mars. [172]During the 17th century, Tycho Brahe measured the diurnal Parallax of Mars, which subsequently Johannes Kepler used to calculate the distance relative to the planet. [173] while the telescope, measured the Parallax of Mars diurnal returned to determine the distance of the Sun-Earth. It was first performed by Giovanni Domenico Cassini in 1672. Parallax measurements early hampered by quality measurement tools. [174] in 1610, Mars observed by Galileo Galilei, who was the first person to look at it through a telescope. [175] the character was the first to draw a map of Mars was Netherlands astronomer Christiaan Huygens. [176]
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
You Mars. Mars images Mars immortalized by the Hubble Space Telescope  Understanding Mars Mars is the fourth planet from the sun nearby. It takes its name from the Roman god of war, Mars. This planet is often dubbed the "red planet" because it looks remotely pinkish-reddish color. This is caused by the presence of iron (III) oxide on the surface of Mars. [6] Mars is a rocky planet with a thin atmosphere. There are craters on the Martian surface, volcanoes, valleys, deserts, and ice caps. The rotation period and the cycle of Mars is similar to Earth's seasons. Mars stands Olympus Mons, the highest mountain in the Solar System, and Valles Marineris, the largest valley in the Solar System. Moreover, in the northern hemisphere there Borealis basin that covers 40% of the surface of Mars. [7] [8] Environmental Mars is more hostile to life than the state of the planet Venus. However, the situation is not quite ideal for humans. Temperatures are quite low and low air pressure, coupled with the composition of air, mostly carbon dioxide, causing the man to be on a ventilator if you want to stay there. Missions to the red planet, until the end of the 20th century, have yet to find traces of life there, although very simple. The planet has two satellites, namely Phobos and Deimos. These planets orbit for 687 days around the sun. This planet also rotates. Kala rotational 25.62 hours. On Mars, there is a unique appearance in the Cydonia region. This appearance is a hill that when viewed from above appears as a human face. Many people who regard it as an evidence of a civilization that has long been extinct on Mars, although at present, it has been proven that the appearance is just an ordinary natural appearance.  Mars panet Condition Not easy to find planets like Earth. New modern humans came after the earth is beautiful. But before very disorderly condition of the earth before reaching the quiet period as it is now. How do you plan to make the planet habitable, for example, on the planet Mars. Are human beings capable of making Mars be like Earth, was formerly Mars is like the Earth. A planet ready for habitation for humans in need of criteria. • recipe is a planet that is habitable is a planet that is warm, at least warm enough for human living. • The most important thing for 2 components, namely the water and the atmosphere / air. But to make a planet like Mars to deserve to breathe took 100 thousand years, although man has been using the best technology today. Temperatures on Mars vary, when away from the sun would drop to minus below 0. Because there atmofer layer is thin and can not store much solar heat, the other thing atmofer low pressure and low thermal receipt occurs at the planet's surface. Because the planet Mars further its position to the sun and their smaller size, just accept the power of 43 % light than the planet closer to the sun. Mars will have a small dust storm to the biggest storm, when the position is closer to the sun. What is the shape of Mars before it was destroyed as it is today. On November 5 2015, a Nasa plane Maven still be there and report data on the planet Mars. CO2 on the planet Mars up and fly away, after the magnetic field mennutup Mars about 4.2 billion years ago, and the solar wind to make pressure on the planet Mars. In the picture below on the left above the surface of the planet Mars is now, 3 other pictures after changes in the form naturally on Mars before that still have water and thick atmofer Is there a human being living on the planet Mars. Of course not. The new Mars Rover visited by a robot sent from the earth. Called Coriosity Rover is currently doing research on the content of atmofer, land and others. Moving with the remote of the Earth, to analyze the rocks there. Launched from Earth in 2011 and arrived at Mars August 6, 2012. Taking traveling 560 million km for 9 months. Some articles on Planet Mars seen by Rover Coriosity • Photos of RoverCuriosity • Mars with photo 360 degrees • 5 billion years ago Mars made ​​by NASA simulation  The fact of the planet Mars • If humans go at the speed of 100km by car. New to Mars 271 years 221 days. You probably will not have time to eat dinner on Mars • Mars has a very steep canyon with walls, with a depth of nearly 4,000 meters down. Fall you will fly before hitting the bottom of the gorge. • Mount Olympus on Mars is the largest and highest mountain in our solar system. • Mars has a thick crust like Earth. But it does not have teknotik plate which can cause earthquakes. • The temperature on Mars, not asked, very cold. • The air on Mars. 95% is gas CO, 3% nitrogen, 1.6% aron and the rest of other gases. But scientists believe an emotion Mars could be habitable planets and create life as on Earth. • Season. There only has winter, spring and summer or autumn. Surely there is no rainy season, because Mars does not have as much water as Earth. The axis of the Earth and Mars 23.5 degrees to 25 degrees. But each season will last 2x longer than the Earth. • During the winter, 20% of the air freezes. Much colder than Earth, the polar reaches minus 125 degrees C. If on Earth you've said very cold in the polar north or south, there colder. • Dust. The biggest storm there is not wind, but contains dust at a speed of 200km per hour. The storm could grow in a matter of hours. • Gravity. It's interesting there weighs only 62.5% of its weight on Earth. Humans can jump 3 times higher. • Crater. Mars has the largest crater of the entire planet had ever seen a human. Notch called Borealis. Wide circle reached 10,600km, and closed 40% of the planet's surface.  Water on Mars September 2015, NASA announced finding traces of water on the cliff Mars. Scientists from Georgia Tech see the flow of water on a cliff. The discovery of the existence of the liquid is already visible in 2010, and was officially announced recently. According to Ojha and his team call any flowing on Mars is Hyrdo salt.  Nasa astronauts to Mars simulation prepare Gas CO, no life on Mars, and the weather is very cold. Later astronauts to Mars, they will face the problem. Whether humans could survive. At least now, 8 months, 6 person tested on Earth. It is on top of the mountain Mauna Loa in Hawaii. They were not allowed to come out of a Cuba without astronaut suit. They do not communicate with the outside as isolated as Mars later. Here, the researchers tried to see what impact the astronaut psychology, teamwork and more when they are isolated there  observations History presence of Mars in the night sky have been recorded by astronomers of Egypt. In 1534 BC, they have to understand the movement back and forth of the planet. [167] While the Babylonian astronomers had recorded the position and behavior of the planet Mars. [168] [169] In the 4th century BC, Aristotle noted that Mars disappeared behind the Moon , thus showing that the planet is farther away. [170] Literature from ancient China to make sure that Mars was known by Chinese astronomers since the 4th century BC. [171] In the 5th century BC, the text astronomical India Surya Siddhanta estimated the diameter of Mars. [172] During the 17th century, Tycho Brahe measured the diurnal parallax of Mars, which is then used Johannes Kepler to calculate the relative distance to the planet. [173] When the telescope is already there, the diurnal parallax of Mars measured again to determine the Sun-Earth distance. It was first performed by Giovanni Domenico Cassini in 1672. early parallax measurements were hampered by the quality measurement tools. [174] In 1610, Mars observed by Galileo Galilei, who was the first to see it through a telescope. [175] The first figure draw a map of Mars is the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens. [176]

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火星是行星terdekat keempat达日Matahari。上的生命从达日德瓦perang romawi,火星。由此,“行星行星ini dijuluki Merah“因字达日jauh其中kemerah kemerahan。ini disebabkan在keberadaan伯西(III)oksida迪permukaan火星。火星是地球bebatuan [ 6 ],atmosfer杨已经。二permukaan火星有卡瓦,该berapi,lembah,古润,丹头巾ES。时间rotasi丹siklus在火星mirip,Bumi。二火星站在奥林匹斯山,山tertinggi迪塔塔Surya,丹的水手,在terbesar迪塔塔苏。除了ITU,二belahan北区有cekungan北极光杨meliputi 40% permukaan火星。[ 7 ] [ 8 ]
保护更为kehidupan dibandingkan仍bersahabat火星金星。但begitu,keadaannya不理想的人了。苏沪乌达拉扬了一丹tekanan乌达拉杨低,提取,komposisi乌达拉杨sebagian大臣karbondioksida,不一定要使用班图人pernapasan吉卡想在那里。MISI MISI克星球Merah ini,直到penghujung阿巴德ke-20,不见jejak kehidupan那里,meskipun杨艾买提简单。
ini拥有2个大型的行星卫星,火卫一火卫二就是丹。直到687日,行星INI mengorbit mengelilingi Matahari。地球也berotasi INI。卡拉rotasinya 25,62果酱。
DI的火星,有一个kenampakan优尼科迪致塞东尼亚区。这是一个kenampakan ini perbukitan杨碧蓝dilihat达日ATAS那姆派克,一个华嘉的人。许多人,一个bukti杨menganggapnya达日peradaban杨,喇嘛musnah迪火星,虽然在马萨Kini在terbukti是那场kenampakan缝制一kenampakan阿拉姆biasa。
寻求行星一样地。人到了现代公司大唐Bumi公司。但kondisi Bumi sebelumnya,kacau未有mencapai马萨安息如现在。这rencana使行星配Huni,如二火星。A:能使人,如火星上,火星上dahulunya么你们一样。

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