In viata nu te opri niciodata din drum, gaseste o modalitate de a merge mai departe indiferent de cata durere ai in suflet. NU RAMANE IN SPATE, caci nimeni nu se va intoarce dupa tine!
In life you don't get out of the way, never stopfind a way to move forwardwhatever pain you have in Cabrera.DO NOT REMAIN BEHIND because no onewon't come back up after you!
In life you never stop not the way, find a way to move forward regardless of how much pain you have in mind. DO NOT STAY IN REAR, for one will not be back for you!
in life you never stop out of the way, and find a way to go further and regardless of how much pain you in my soul. and don't stay behind, because no one and won't be back for you!