Results (
English) 1:
With an increasingly diverse population, it is important to ensure that graduates ofnursing programs are able to deliver culturally competent care (Krainovich-Miller et al.,2008; Allen, 2010). This study was undertaken to address this call to include culturalcompetence integration into nursing curriculum. The purpose of this study was todiscover evidence of cultural competence integration in the nursing curriculum asperceived by faculty and students in a baccalaureate nursing program. This studyaddressed the following research questions: a) Does the undergraduate nursingcurriculum integrate cultural competence?, b) Do the undergraduate nursing facultyperceive cultural competence content in the nursing courses?, and c) Do theundergraduate nursing students perceive cultural competence content in the nursingcourses? The design for this research was a non-experiment post-test only study usingdescriptive and correlation methods. The instrument used was the Blueprint forIntegration of Cultural Competence in the Curriculum Questionnaire (BICCCQ), a 31-item questionnaire involving five factors (α = .96). Analysis of means and standarddeviations of the nursing faculty and students responses on the BICCCQ revealed thatthere is a perception of cultural competency content in the nursing curriculum andcourses. Almost 84% of the questions had a mean score of over 1 which would indicatemedium or high level of inclusion in the curriculum while only 16% mean scored lessthan one which would indicate a low level of inclusion in the curriculum. The results ofthe study suggest that there is an integration of cultural competence in the nursingcurriculum in the baccalaureate nursing program.
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