etzte woche schrieb ich einen artikel darüber, wie es ist, nicht gerade besten sie unhöflich note statt trinkgeld, wenn man geht raus, um zu scheint jedoch, jason paul naglich von redondo beach, kalifornien, haben es nicht gelesen.
nach essen im bambus - thai bistro, naglich abgelehnt und stattdessen mit seiner bedienung hinterließ eine nachricht lesen "tipp für us - bürger."was für ein charmeur!
leider naglich, seine kellnerin war befreundet mit youtube persönlichkeit gina darling, die gemeinsam eine kopie der tipp mit ihr viele, viele anhänger.zusammen mit seinem namen, den ich liebe.weil ich – wollen sie nicht im zusammenhang mit schrecklichen rassistische mist zu schreiben, nicht auf eine quittung mit deinem namen!er hat keine schuld, sondern selbst.
https: / / twitter.kom / nedasoc / status / 665139687456120833?ref_src = twsrc% 5etfw
ich denke, es ist fair, zu sagen, dass, wenn sie ein seltsam rassistische, die objekte bedient zu werden von menschen, sie vermuten vielleicht nicht us - bürger, dass sie wahrscheinlich nur zu hause bleiben.oder, hey!benachrichtigen sie die gastgeberin im voraus über ihre situation, wenn sie ihre vorbehalte in den ersten platz.gewiss,wer dient, sie sollten wissen, dass ihre nahrung und die einschränkungen im voraus, und entweder können sie mit einer geburtsurkunde oder spucke in ihrer suppe.
es vermutlich nicht allzu lange vor jason paul naglich identifiziert wird, ist das internet, und ich bin sicher, er wird ein guter in restaurants in der zukunft.
Results (
English) 1:
last week I wrote an article, as it is not just best you rude note instead of tip, if one goes out, in order to seems however, jason paul naglich didn't get it from redondo beach, eat bistro in the bamboo - thai, naglich refused and instead left with his operation a message reading "type for US - citizens." What a charmer!Unfortunately naglich, his waitress was friendly with youtube personality gina darling together a copy the tip with her many, many Anhänger.zusammen with his name, the I liebe.weil I - want it not associated with terrible racist crap to write, not on a receipt with your name! he has none to blame but itself.https: / / twitter.kom / nedasoc / status / 665139687456120833? ref_src = twsrc% 5etfwI think it's fair to say that, if she uses a strange racist, to be by people, the objects they suspect maybe non US - citizens, that she probably only at home bleiben.oder, hey! notify the hostess in advance about their situation, if she keep her in the first platz.gewiss, who serves, they should know that their food and the limitations in advance , and either use a birth certificate or spit in your soup.It's probably not too long before jason paul naglich will be identified, is the internet, and I'm sure he will be a good in restaurants in the future.
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Results (
English) 2:
AST D week I wrote an article about how it is not just the best they note rude instead tip if you goes out to, however, seems to jason paul Naglich of Redondo Beach, California, there have not read. eat after , Naglich rejected Thai Bistro and instead with its operation left a message reading "Tips for us - -. citizen" in bamboo what a charmer! Unfortunately Naglich, his waitress was friendly with youtube personality gina darling, that share a copy of the Tip her many, many anhänger.zusammen with his name, I liebe.weil I - they do not want to write in connection with terrible racist crap, not on a receipt with your name, he does not blame but yourself!. https: / / twitter.kom / nedasoc / status / 665139687456120833 ref_src = twsrc% 5etfw? I think it's fair to say that if they have a strange racist who are objects used by people, they might not suspect us - citizens that they probably just at home bleiben.oder, hey! Notify the hostess in advance of their situation when their reservations in the first platz.gewiss who serves, they should know that their food and the constraints in advance, and either you can use a birth certificate or spit in their soup. It is probably not too long ago identified paul Naglich Jason, this is internet, and I'm sure he will be a good in restaurants in the future.
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Results (
English) 3:
l ast week, i wrote an article about how it's not best you rude note instead of tips, when you go out to seems, however, jason paul naglich of redondo beach, california, didn't read it.
after eating bamboo thai bistro, rejected and instead he naglich operation left a message reading "tip for us citizens."what a charmer.
unfortunately naglich, the waitress was friends with youtube personality gina darling, which, together with a copy of the tip with you many, many anhänger.zusammen with his name, i liebe.weil i want you not associated with terrible racist crap to write, not on a receipt with your name! he has no fault, but even.
https:/ / twitter.kom / nedasoc / status / 665139687456120833? ref _ src = twsrc% 5etfw
i think it is fair to say that, if you are a strange racial, the objects to be operated by people they suspect may not be u.s. citizens, they are likely to have at home bleiben.oder, hey! notify the hostess in advance of their situationif your reservations in the first platz.gewiss who serves, you should know that your food, and the restrictions in advance, and either you can get a birth certificate or spit in the soup. "it may not be too long before jason paul naglich is identified, the internet, and i am sure he will be a good in restaurants in the future.
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