Another factor that we should not bring animals to make jewelry that is. The animals are at risk of extinction. Because there are currently no fewer animals to die just to get just what men want. "Hunt to bring food and other uses such as poaching for their ivory to make jewelry, and chamois hunt rhino horn to flesh he made medicines. accessories And for trade But the same man hunting for. Only subsistence Hunting weapons plain and uncomplicated. Later, humans have developed ways to hunt faster precision with powerful weapons effect. Especially after World War 2 weapons and vehicles, which are easier to find. Hunting easier in some Ophiuchus, so hunting is a sport. And the use of live animals for entertainment. And create wealth without Taking into account the long-term benefits It can be seen from the fact that Thailand had sent wild animals and wild animal products such as skins, ivory, rhino horn, horn until these animals decreased dramatically and fast "(http: //easyweb.mnre.go. th / ewt / cict_demo / ewt_news.php? nid = 202 & filename = index).