Despite the importance of understanding consumer prefer-ences, there has been little prior research on consumer attitudestowards mobile marketing communication in the smart phone eraor on the use of and the factors that might influence the adoptionof QR codes. In addition, it is evident that marketers are still strug-gling to harness the mobile channel and QR codes for optimumengagement. Accordingly, the aim of this research is contribute tounderstanding of consumer attitudes to mobile communicationsmarketing, by undertaking an exploratory study to characterise thesituation. More specifically, the objectives of this study are to:1. Explore whether consumers’ attitudes to mobile marketingcommunication have changed with the advent of smart-phonetechnology, particularly in respect of:a. Attitudes regarding different types of text messages.b. Attitudes towards permission and SMS-marketing.c. Attitudes towards mobile website content.2. Explore consumer use of and attitudes to QR codes, as a form ofpull marketing, particularly in respect of:a. The characteristics of QR code use.b. Factors influencing use and adoption of QR codes.The next section briefly summarises previous research intomobile marketing, including the limited research on QR codes.Next, the methodology for the research is outlined. This is basedon a questionnaire-based survey using a convenience sample. Thefollowing section reports and offers a critical discussion of the find-ings. Finally, the conclusions section summarises the contributionof the study, and offers recommendations for practitioners and forfurther research.