8. EFFECTS ON SKIN Effects of Sanisara W on skin were evaluated based on changes in the amount of stripped stratum corneum.
Tests were performed on 5 healthy subjects. Test areas (1.5 × 1.5 cm) were chosen from the back of each subject’s hand. Stratum corneum cells were sampled with tape strips (Asahi Biomed). As for the control, no test sample was applied to the test areas.
40 µL of each test sample was applied to each test area and allowed to dry. This was repeated 16 times. After 60 minutes from the last application, the hands were washed with running water. The stratum corneum cells were then collected from each test area and stained. The amount of stripped stratum corneum was measured by image analysis. The percentage change in the amount of stripped stratum corneum before and after the application of Sanisara W were calculated taking that of the control as 100%.