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Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan nge post tentang cara memasukkan custom item ke ragnarok
ok saya bagi 3 Part
yang pertama
tahap pemasukkan item
sebelumnya kamu harus punya data dari custom item tersebut misalnya hat.bmp (ada 2 untuk di collection & di item) dan juga hat.spr & hat.act (buat di sprite)
ok lanjut =>>

Part 1

pertama-tama masuk ke data/texture/유저인터페이스/collection masukkan hat.bmp yang ukurannya besar
masuk lagi di data/texture/유저인터페이스/item masukkan hat.bmp yang ukurannya kecil
trzz masuk di data/sprite/아이템 masukkan hat.spr & hat.act
dan yang terakhir ini kamu juga harus punya hat.spr & hat.act but harus mempunyai nama di depannya misalnya 남_hat.spr ok lanjut =>
masuk ke data/sprite/악세사리/남 masukkan 남_hat.spr & 남_hat.act
trus masuk ke data/sprite/악세사리/여 masukkan 여_hat.spr & 여_hat.act
ok part 1 telah selesai

Part 2

kamu harus cari -idnum2itemdesctable.txt
di folder data
lanjut =>
di idnum2itemdesctable.txt masukkan descripsi item ketika di klik kanan misalnya
Increase Allstatus +20
Class : ^777777HeadGear^000000
Equipped On : ^777777Upper^000000
Weight : ^77777710^000000

lanjut => di idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt masukkan nama item yang akan di tampilkan misalnya

lanjut => di idnum2itemresnametable.txt masukkan nama sprite item misalnya
20000#hat# (harus sama persis sama kayak yang di hat.spr & hat.act)

lanjut => di itemslotcounttable.txt masukkan slot item yang akan di tampilkan misalnya

trzz masuk lagi ke data/lua files/datainfo buka accessoryid.lua & accname.lua pake notepad
di accessoryid.lua masukkan ACCESSORY_HAT = 1000, (1000 adalah view idnya)
di accname.lua masukkan [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_HAT] = "_HAT", (Harus sama kek di accessoryid.lua)

ok Part 2 udh slesai ^^
lanjut ke part 3

Part 3
repack grf anda
setelah itu masuk ke folder-server-ragnarok-kamu/db cari item_db2.txt
pasti ini tulisan yang kamu lihat ( contohnya )

ID,AegisName,Name,Type,Buy,Sell,Weight,ATK,DEF,Range,Slots,Job,Upper,Gender,Loc,wLV,eLV,Refineable,View,{ Script },{ OnEquip_Script },{ OnUnequip_Script }

501,Red_Potion,Red Potion,0,50,,70,,,,,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,,,,,,{ itemheal rand(45,65),0; },{},{}

ID – Nomor database Item

AegisName – nama berdasarkan Server

Name – nama item di game

Type – tipe item ( usable,equip,etc)

Buy – Harga Beli

Sell – Harga Jual

Weight - Berat Item

ATK – Attack ( jika item berkategori senjata )

DEF – Defense ( jika item berkategori senjata / armor )

Range – Kejauhan Jangkauan item

Slot – Slot item ( jika senjata atau armor )

Job – Job yang bisa menggunakan item tersebut

Upper – Dipakai dimana item tersebut

Gender – Bisa dipakai Wanita / Pria

Wlv,Loc,Elv – Mengatur elemen item,Lvl yang harus dipenuhi,dan limit item.

View – Menunjukkan nomor kode sprite item.

dah ngerti basicnya? jadi jangan bingung apa tulisan itu ya! itulah maksud tulisan dari database tersebut.

dan pada tulisan ini, saya akan memberikan 2 Script yang bisa kamu pakai di game atau contoh kamu mempelajari script di Ragnarok Offline kamu, cukup taruh di item_db2 dan pada tahap selanjutnya saya akan menjelaskan bagaimana menambah / membuat item menjadi ada dalam game tersebut. untuk sekarang kamu bisa copy paste script ini dan taruh di folder kamu.

karena script harus dipelajari terlebih dahulu sebelum kita mempelajari bagian Client.

kalau contohnya hat tadi maka masukkin ajha

20000,Hat,,Hat,5,10000,,10,,10,,1,0xFFFFFFFF,7,2,256,,0,0,1000,{ bonus bAllstats,+10; },{},{}
(1000 adalah view id tadi) (20000 adalah id item) (bonus bAllstats,+10; adalah command untuk fungsi item = allstatus + 10) (0xFFFFFFFF adalah agar item dapat di gunakan oleh semua job) (angka 1 di samping 0xFFFFFFFF adalah slot untuk item)
good luck ^^
kalau ada pertanyaan comment jha ^^
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
On this occasion I will post about the nge how to insert custom items to ragnarok OK I for 3 Part the first stages of earnings items before you have to have data from a custom item is for example URhat.bmp (there are 2 for collection & in items) and also URhat.spr & URhat.act (created in sprite) OK next = >> Part 1 first of all go into data/texture/유저인터페이스/collection enter the large size URhat.bmp Enter again in the data/texture/유저인터페이스/items enter the small size URhat.bmp trzz enter in data/sprites/아이템 enter URhat.spr & URhat.act and this last one you should also have URhat.spr & URhat.act but must have a name in front of it for example UR남_hat.spr ok = > next sign in to data/sprites/악세사리/UR남_hat.spr & enter UR남_hat.act 남 Trus get into data/sprites/악세사리/UR여_hat.spr & UR여_hat.act enter 여 OK part 1 has been completed Part 2 you have to search UR-idnum2itemdesctable.txt UR-idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt UR-idnum2itemresnametable.txt UR-itemslotcounttable.txt in the data folder next = > in URidnum2itemdesctable.txt enter descripsi when item in right click for example 20000 # "Hat" Increase Allstatus + 20 Class: ^ 777777HeadGear ^ 000000 Equipped On: ^ 777777Upper ^ 000000 Weight: ^ 77777710 ^ 000000 # Advanced = > URidnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt in the enter the name of the item that will be on view for example 20000 # Superior_Hat # Advanced = > URidnum2itemresnametable.txt in the enter the name of the sprite items e.g. 20000 # hat # (must match exactly the same like that in URhat.spr & URhat.act) Advanced = > in URitemslotcounttable.txt enter the slot items will be displayed e.g. 20000 # 1 # trzz sign in again to the data/files/lua datainfo open URaccessoryid.lua & URaccname.lua pake notepad in URaccessoryid.lua enter ACCESSORY_HAT = 1000, (1000 is the view ID) in URaccname.lua enter [ACCESSORY_IDs. ACCESSORY_HAT] = "_ HAT", (must be the same at kek URaccessoryid.lua) OK Part 2 udh slesai ^^ go to part 3 Part 3 repack your grf after it goes into folders-server-ragnarok-ye/db search URitem_db2.txt Surely this is the writing that you see (for example) AegisName, ID, Name, Type, Buy, Sell, Weight, ATK, DEF, Range, Slots, Job, Upper, Gender, Loc, wLV, eLV, Refineable, View, {Script}, {OnEquip_Script}, {OnUnequip_Script} 501, Red_Potion, Red Potion, 0 .50, .70,,,,, 0xFFFFFFFF .7 .2,,,,,, {itemheal rand (45,65), 0;}, {}, {} ID – Number of database Items AegisName – a name based on the Server Name – the name of the item in the game Type – the type of item (usable, equip, etc) Buy-Purchase Price Sell – Sale Price Weight-The Weight Of The Item ATK – Attack (if the item category of weapons) DEF – Defense (if the item category of weapons/armor) Range – the distance range of the items Slot Slot – the item (if the weapon or armor) Job – a Job that could use these items Upper – Used where the item Gender – Male/Female can be used Wlv, Loc, Elv – set the element item, Lvl that must be met, and the limit of items. View – shows the sprite code number of the item. easy to understand basicnya? so don't confuse what the writing Yes! that is what the writing of that database. and in this article, I will give 2 Scripts that you can use in games or examples you learn the script in Ragnarok Offline you, simply place it in item_db2 and in the next step I will explain how to add/make item being present in the game. for now you can copy and paste this script and place it in a folder. because the script should be studied first before we learn the parts of the Client. If for example the hat last then masukkin ajha 20000, Hat,,10000 Hat, .5, .10, .10, .7 .2, 1, 0xFFFFFFFF,256, 0,0,0,1000, {bAllstats, bonus + 10;}, {}, {} (1000 is the view id of the last) (20000 is the id of the item) (bonus + 10; bAllstats is the command to function item = allstatus + 10) (0xFFFFFFFF is so that items can be used by all job) (number 1 in addition to 0xFFFFFFFF is slots for items) good luck ^^ If you have any questions comment jha ^^
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
On this occasion I would nge post on how to enter custom items to ragnarok
ok 3 Part I for
the first
phase of inclusion of items
before you have to have the data from the example hat.bmp custom items (there are 2 for collection and on items) and also hat.spr & hat.act (created in sprite)
ok go = >> Part 1 is first entered into a data / texture / 유저 인터페이스 / collection insert large size hat.bmp entered again in the data / texture / 유저 인터페이스 / item hat.bmp enter the small size trzz entered in the data / sprite / 아이템 enter hat.spr & hat.act and the latter is you also have to have hat.spr & hat.act but must have the name in front of him for example 남 _hat.spr Further ok => enter data / sprite / 악세사리 / 남 enter 남 _hat.act 남 _hat.spr and then enter the data / sprite / 악세사리 / 여 enter _hat.spr & 여 여 _hat.act ok part 1 have completed Part 2 you should be looking for Data folder up => in idnum2itemdesctable.txt descripsi enter items when in the right click eg 20000 # "Hat" Increase Allstatus +20 Class: 777777HeadGear ^ ^ 000000 Equipped On: ^ 777777Upper ^ 000000 Weight: ^ 77.77771 million ^ 000000 #-up => in idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt enter the name of the item that will be on show for example 20000 # Superior_Hat #-up => in idnum2itemresnametable.txt enter the name of the sprite items eg 20000 # hat # (must match exactly the same like that in hat.spr & hat.act) Further => itemslotcounttable.txt insert slot on the item to be displayed for example 20000 # 1 # trzz go back into the data / lua files / datainfo open accessoryid.lua & accname.lua use notepad in accessoryid.lua enter ACCESSORY_HAT = 1000 (1000 is the view id ) in accname.lua enter [ACCESSORY_IDs.ACCESSORY_HAT] = "_HAT", (Must be the same kek in accessoryid.lua) ok Part 2 ^^ slesai UDH up to Part 3 Part 3 repack GRF you then go to the folder-server-ragnarok -You / db find item_db2.txt sure you see this article (for example, Script}, {OnEquip_Script}, {OnUnequip_Script} 501, Red_Potion, Red Potion, 0.50, 70 ,,,,, 0xFFFFFFFF, 7.2 ,,,,,, {itemheal rand (45.65), 0; }, {}, {} ID - Number Database Item AegisName - name based Server Name - the name of the item in the game Type - the type of item (usable, equip, etc) Buy - Price Buy Sell - Selling Price Weight - Weight Item ATK - Attack ( if the item category weapon) DEF - Defense (if the item category of weapons / armor) Range - Distant Range items Slot - Slot item (if a weapon or armor) Job - Job who could use the item Upper - Used where the item Gender - Can be used Women / Men WLV, Loc, Elv - Set elements item, Lvl that must be met, and limit items. View - Indicates the code number sprite item. dah understand basicnya? so do not confuse what writing was yes! That's the intent article from the database, and the This article, I will give you two scripts that you can use in the game or you study the example script in Ragnarok Offline you, just put in item_db2 and at a later stage I will explain how to add / create items be present in the game. for now you can copy and paste this script and put it in your folder, because the script must be studied first before we study the Client, if for example, a hat was then masukkin ajha 20000, Hat ,, Hat, 5.10000,, 10,, 10, , 1,0xFFFFFFFF, 7,2,256,, 0,0,1000, {bonus bAllstats, + 10; }, {}, {} (1000 is the view id earlier) (20000 is the id item) (bonus bAllstats, + 10; is a command to the function item = allstatus + 10) (0xFFFFFFFF is so that items can be used by all job) ( a 1 next to 0xFFFFFFFF is a slot for the item) good luck ^^ if there is a question jha comment ^^

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
在kesempatan卡利ini说要到卡拉memasukkan NGE后自定义项柯仙境传说
tahap pemasukkan项目
好兰竹= > >


丹阳terakhir ini你们也当了hat.spr&hat.act但要有马迪depannya如남_hat.spr好兰竹= >


你们当查里- idnum2itemdesctable。txt
- idnum2itemdisplaynametable。txt
- idnum2itemresnametable。txt
- itemslotcounttable。txt
兰竹= >
迪idnum2itemdesctable。该项目将descripsi txt的时候该如
增加allstatus 20
重量:777777 10 000000


兰竹= >迪idnum2itemdisplaynametable.txt将心阳寒地tampilkan如

兰竹= >迪idnum2itemresnametable.txt将心雪碧项目如
20000#帽子#(SAMA SAMA要持续皮艇杨迪hat.spr&帽子。Act)

兰竹= >迪itemslotcounttable.txt将槽项目要tampilkan如

trzz进了柯数据/ lua文件/ datainfo布卡accessoryid.lua&accname.lua PAKE记事本
迪accessoryid.lua将accessory_hat = 1000,(1000是观idnya)
迪accname.lua将[ accessory_ids。accessory_hat ] =“_hat”,(当大人克迪accessoryid。lua)

UDH slesai


ITU进了柯文件夹服务器仙境传说你们/ DB CARI item_db2。txt

ID,aegisname,名称,类型,买,卖,重量,攻击力,防御力,范围,槽,工作,上,性别,LOC,WLV,弱电,细分,查看脚本,{ },{ onequip_script },
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