De nieuwste en vooral leukste methode voor bliksemsnelle sportresultat translation - De nieuwste en vooral leukste methode voor bliksemsnelle sportresultat English how to say

De nieuwste en vooral leukste metho

De nieuwste en vooral leukste methode voor bliksemsnelle sportresultaten. Ervaar de intensiteit en effectiviteit van EMS (Electro Musculaire Stimulatie). Bodytec Fit gaat verder waar traditionele trainingsvormen stoppen en garandeert resultaat in een fractie van de tijd. 20 minuten Bodytec Fit staat gelijk aan 3 uur sporten in een traditionele sportschool.

Wat is Bodytec FIT
Plug-and-play is het principe achter Bodytec, waarbij het mogelijk is om alle spiergroepen van top tot teen individueel te stimuleren. Bij het aanspannen van een spier, het maken van een beweging, eigenlijk bij alles wat je met je lichaam doet, stuurt jouw lichaam miljoenen elektrische signaaltjes van de hersenen naar het zenuwstelsel. Electro Musculaire Stimulatie (EMS) maakt gebruik van hetzelfde systeem door (ongevaarlijke) elektrische signaaltjes naar je spieren en zenuwen te sturen en ze zo te trainen. De elektroden worden door een functioneel vest en banden via een setje onderkleding op de spier aangebracht. Anders dan bij een gewone training, wordt nu 90% van je spiervezels gelijktijdig aangespannen en worden ook de diepere gelegen spieren getraind! De training is dus vele malen effectiever dan een normale training in slechts 20 minuten.

Lichamelijk prestatievermogen heeft daarbij ook een positief effect op het geestelijk welbevinden. Het product Electro Muscle Stimulatie (EMS) is volledig veilig en voor een ieder toegankelijk. In Duitsland, Spanje en België is het booming. Vanwege de constant stijgende vraag naar kwalitatief hoogwaardige sporttraining & -begeleiding in Nederland, is het een enorm groeiende markt en staan we aan het begin van een (r)evolutie in slimmer trainen.

Bodytec FIT staat voor kwaliteit, professionele begeleiding, maximaal resultaat door slimme inspanning.

De Training
Bodytec FIT maakt gebruik van de nieuwste innovatie op het gebied van sport. Sporters als Usain Bolt, het elftal van FC Bayern München, diverse Formule 1 coureurs en vechtsporters, maar ook steeds meer modellen (o.a. Sylvie Meis) maken al gebruik van EMS om hun concurrentie voor te blijven.

- 20 minuten EMS training staat gelijk aan 3 uur sporten.
- 18x effectiever dan normale krachttraining, door meer activatie van de spiervezels.
- Intensieve training zonder enorm te zweten of uitgeput te raken.
- Alleen belastend voor de spieren en niet voor de gewrichten.
- Lage rugklachten verminderen door versterking van dieper gelegen spiervezels.
- Je traint op je eigen niveau en bepaalt zelf de stimulatie.
- Het kan thuis, op het werk en zelfs buiten, als er maar een stopcontact in de buurt is!

Wat kun je ermee bereiken:
- Prestatievermogen van je hele lichaam wordt verhoogd.
- Opbouw vetvrije spiermassa.
- Afvallen door vermindering van je vetgehalte.
- Meer kracht en uithoudingsvermogen.
- Verbetering van je lichaamshouding.
- Versteviging van de huid en weer zichtbaar worden van lichaamscontouren.
- Verhoging van de stofwisseling met als gevolg daling van het lichaamsgewicht.

Voor een impressie bekijk deze video.

Service & retentie
Voor de beste dienstverlening aan klanten gelooft Bodytec FIT in persoonlijke betrokkenheid en inzet. Daarom nemen wij echt de tijd voor onze cliënten. Hierdoor denken wij een echte band met onze cliënten te kunnen opbouwen, met als gevolg een betere retentie.

De trend
Bodytec FIT maakt onderdeel uit van de sport- & wellnessbranche. Volgens de Rabobank (Cijfers & Trends 2014) blijft er ook in tijden van laagconjunctuur en stress behoefte aan ontspanning. De sport- & wellnessbranche is dan ook nog steeds een groeibranche. Consumenten worden zich steeds bewuster van een goede verzorging van Body & Mind. Zowel vrouwen als mannen maken in toe­nemende mate gebruik van sport- & wellness­ faciliteiten. Naar schatting bezoekt zo’n 15 tot 20% van de bevolking tussen 18-75 jaar een sport- of wellnesscentrum. Dit zijn circa twee tot drie miljoen bezoekers (exclusief herhalingsbezoek). Vanuit de consument is er een duidelijke vraag naar hoge service, goede persoonlijke aandacht, vakkundig advies en vooral kwaliteit van training.

Hier is direct al aan te zien dat er nog een grote groei mogelijk is en dat is ook de trend. Onze samenwerking in de particuliere-, medische-, topsport- en zakenwereld maakt dat het product Bodytec FIT een topproduct is voor de samenleving. In de samenleving is duidelijk een trend waarneembaar naar een sterke groei voor preventieve gezondheidszorg. Tevens wil men graag investeren (geld uitgeven) aan persoonlijke verzorging. De heersende trends en de kansen in de markt sluiten naadloos aan op de visie van Bodytec FIT.

Daar wij geen conventionele sportschool zijn maar een studio in Amsterdam, kunnen wij met 2 apparaten volstaan met een oppervlakte van 60 tot 80m2 waardoor de huurkosten beperkt blijven (wel afhankelijk van een A, B of C locatie).

Doordat de apparatuur mobiel is en dus makkelijk te vervoeren, zullen wij in de (nabije) toekomst de zakelijk markt benaderen. Tevens kunnen wij ook cliënten thuis gaan trainen en naar diverse (medische-) instellingen gaan. Binnen het 1e jaar verwachten wij met onze 1e vestiging een bezetting van 85% te realiseren, tevens staat een 2e vestiging in de planning. Een van onze doelstellingen is het openen van minimaal 1 nieuwe vestiging per iedere 6 maanden. Wij gaan er dan ook vanuit, en werken daar hard aan, om binnen 5 jaar minimaal 10 vestigingen te realiseren.

Sport & Fitness blijft onverminderd populair in Nederland, waardoor er enorme kansen zijn in deze nog relatief jonge branche. Het is dan ook van belang dat fitnesscentra zich onderscheiden met nieuwe concepten. De vraag naar kwalitatief hoge sportbegeleiding, beweging- en voedingsadvies zal toenemen mede ingegeven door het feit dat de burger meer moet betalen aan zijn eigen gezondheid en dus gezonder zal willen gaan leven.

Wie voelen zich thuis bij Bodytec FIT? Heel veel, verschillende mensen. We hebben dus een brede doelgroep: van mensen die puur voor algemene ontspanning komen, (top)sporters die zich voorbereiden op een belangrijke wedstrijd (of juist daarvan willen herstellen), zakenmensen die weinig tijd voor ontspanning hebben maar wel continu op topniveau moeten presteren tot mensen die stress, slaapproblemen, reuma of een spierziekte hebben. Van werkende vrouwen tot modellen, van jong tot ouder, van (top)sportwereld tot medische wereld.

De prijzen van Bodytec FIT zullen op concurrerend niveau komen te liggen. Wel is er gekozen voor een simpel prijsconcept, niet teveel poespas. Mensen willen flexibiliteit. Juist door deze gedachte toe te passen, zullen er minder opzeggingen zijn en zullen meer mensen lid worden. Uit onderzoeken komt dan ook duidelijk naar voren dat mensen een gevoel van vrijheid willen hebben. Veel mensen uit ons beider netwerk hebben nu al aangegeven lid te zullen worden van Bodytec FIT.

Promotie vindt plaats via alle bekende sociale media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc), maar wij gaan print en Guerrilla Marketing zeker ook inzetten. Uiteraard is mond-op-mond reclame de beste vorm van marketing! Dit alles om de naamsbekendheid van Bodytec FIT op de kaart te zetten en te vergroten. Er zullen ook samenwerkingsverbanden worden opgestart met diverse ondernemingen. In de studio zelf zal een scherm komen te hangen waarop ondernemers tegen een nog nader te bepalen tarief hun advertenties kunnen plaatsen. Er zal op de openingsdag een groot feest worden gegeven. Daar zal veel aandacht aan worden geschonken in alle vormen van media.

De financieringsbehoefte van € 31.000,- wordt aangewend voor opstartkosten, verbouwing, inrichting, etc. De apparatuur wordt geleased. De beoogde openingsdatum is 2 januari 2016.

In 2016 verwachten wij een omzet van € 129.398,- te realiseren met een resultaat voor belasting van € 76.539,-
In 2017 verwachten wij een omzet van € 201.946,- te realiseren met een resultaat voor belasting van € 140.281,-

Waarom crowdfunding bij Kapitaal Op Maat?
Als Bodytec FIT zijn wij ondernemers die graag goed, maar vooral gedegen en weloverwogen willen starten. Crowdfunding is tegenwoordig het middel om starters te helpen. Een goed alternatief voor een financiering door een bank. Voor investeerders een betere manier van sparen dan middels de bank. Daarnaast weten de investeerders ook waar het geld voor wordt gebruikt.
Wij willen het doelbedrag graag binnen 30 dagen realiseren. Ben jij degene die ‘ja’ zegt tegen een investering in ons project? Wij hopen het van harte en gaan er vol tegenaan om Bodytec FIT tot een groot succes te maken.

Meer informatie? Bezoek onze website
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
The latest and most importantly most fun method for lightning-fast sport results. Experience the intensity and effectiveness of EMS (Electro Muscular stimulation). Bodytec Fit picks up where traditional forms of training stop and guarantees showing in a fraction of the time. 20 minutes Fit Bodytec is equivalent to 3 hours exercise at a traditional gym.What is Bodytec FITPlug-and-play is the principle behind Bodytec, in which it is possible to individually all muscle groups from head to toe. With the tightening of a muscle, making a movement, actually in everything you do with your body, your body sends millions of electric signaaltjes from the brain to the nervous system. Electro Muscular stimulation (EMS) uses the same system by (non-hazardous) electric signaaltjes to your muscles and nerves and to train them so. The electrodes are by a functional jacket and ties via a set of undergarments on the muscle. Unlike a regular training, is now 90% of your muscle fibers simultaneously filed and are also the deeper muscles trained! The training is so many times more effective than a normal workout in just 20 minutes.Physical performance has also a positive effect on mental well-being. The product Electric Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is completely safe and accessible for everyone. In Germany, Spain and Belgium it is booming. Because of the constantly increasing demand for high-quality sports training & coaching in the Netherlands, is a huge growing market and we are at the beginning of a (r) evolution in smarter training.Bodytec FIT stands for quality, professional guidance, maximum result by smart effort.The TrainingBodytec FIT uses the latest innovation in the field of sport. Athletes like Usain Bolt, the team of FC Bayern Munich, several formula 1 drivers and martial artists, but also more and more models (including Sylvie Meis) are already using EMS to stay ahead of their competition.Advantages:-20 minutes EMS training is equivalent to 3 hours sports.-18 x more effective than normal strength training, by more activation of the muscle fibers.-Intense exercise without hugely to sweat or exhausted.-Only taxing on the muscles and not for the joints.-Reduce low back pain by strengthening deeper muscle fibers.-You train at your own level and decide the stimulation.-It can at home, at work and even outside, if there is only one socket in the neighborhood!What can you achieve:-Performance of your whole body is increased.-Build up fat-free muscle mass.-Lose weight by reducing your fat content.-More strength and endurance.-Improve your body posture.-Firming the skin and be of body contours visible again.-Increase the metabolism resulting in decrease of body weight.For an impression view this video.Service & retentionFor the best service to customers believes Bodytec FIT in personal involvement and commitment. Therefore we really have the time for our clients. This enables us to think a real bond with our clients to be able to build up, resulting in a better retention.The trendBodytec FIT is part of the sport-& Wellness Community. According to the Rabobank (Figures & Trends 2014) there remains even in times of recession and stress need for relaxation. The sport-& Wellness Community is still a growth industry. Consumers are becoming more aware of proper care of Body & Mind. Both women and men make increasing use of sports & wellness facilities. Visit estimated that about 15 to 20% of the population aged 18-75 years a sports or spa. These are about two to three million visitors (not including repeat visit). From the consumer there is a clear demand for high service, good personal attention, professional advice and above all quality of training.Here's to see immediately that there is still a major growth is possible and that is also the trend. Our cooperation in the private, medical, sport and business world that the product is a top product for the FIT Bodytec society. In society is clearly a trend to strong growth for preventive health care. Also would like one investing (spend money) to personal care. The prevailing trends and the opportunities in the market seamlessly integrate with the vision of Bodytec FIT.LocationSince we are not a conventional Gym but a studio in Amsterdam, we can suffice with 2 devices with an area of 60 to 80 m 2 whereby the rental costs are limited (subject to an A, B or C location).FutureBecause the equipment is mobile and so easy to transport, we will in the (near) future the business market. We can also work out at home and also clients to various (medical-) settings. Within the 1st year we expect with our 1st note 85% establishment, it is also a 2nd location in planning. One of our goals is to open at least one new site per every 6 months. We therefore work hard on, to, from and within 5 years minimum of 10 branches.Target groupSport & Fitness remains popular in Netherlands, causing huge opportunities in this still relatively young industry. It is therefore important that fitness centres stand out with new concepts. The demand for high quality sports coaching, exercise and nutritional advice will increase partly motivated by the fact that the citizen has to pay more to his own health and so will want to start living healthier.Who feel at home with Bodytec FIT? Very much, different people. We therefore have a broad target group: from people purely for general relaxation, (top) athletes who are preparing for an important game (or want to restore them), business people who have little time for relaxation but continuously have to perform at top level to people who stress, sleep problems, rheumatism or muscle disease. Of working women to models, from young to older, of sports world to medical world.PriceThe prices of Bodytec will FIT on competitive level. Well there is chosen for a simple price concept, not too much fuss. People want flexibility. It is through this thought to apply, there will be fewer terminations are and more people will join. Research is clear that people want to have a sense of freedom. Many people from both of our network have already indicated to Member will be of Bodytec FIT.PromotionPromotion takes place through all known social media (Facebook, Twitter, instagram, etc), but we are going to print and Guerrilla Marketing certainly. Of course, Word-of-mouth advertising is the best form of marketing! All this to the name recognition of Bodytec FIT on the map and enlarge. There will also be cooperation be started with various companies. In the studio itself will come to hang a screen on which entrepreneurs against a yet to be determined rate can place their ads. There will be a big party on the opening day. There will be much attention to be given in all forms of media.Investment budgetThe financial need of € 31000.0-is used for start-up costs, remodeling, decor, etc. The equipment is leased. The target opening date is January 2, 2016.TurnoverIn 2016, we expect to realize a turnover of € 129,398.0-with a result before tax of € 76539.0-In 2017, we expect to realize a turnover of € 201,946.0-with a result before tax of € 140,281.0-Why crowdfunding at Capital On size?We are entrepreneurs who like well if Bodytec FIT, but want to start especially thorough and deliberate. Crowdfunding is nowadays the means of starters to help. A good alternative to a financing by a bank. For investors a better way of saving than through the bank. In addition, the investors also know where the money is used for. We want to realize the target amount within 30 days. Are you the one that ' yes ' says to an investment in our project? We hope very much and go for full Bodytec FIT to a huge success.More information? Visit our website
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
The newest and most fun method for lightning-fast sports results. Experience the intensity and effectiveness of EMS (Electro Muscular Stimulation). Bodytec Fit continues where stop traditional training methods and guarantees results in a fraction of the time. 20 minutes Bodytec Fit equals three hours of exercise in a traditional gym. What Bodytec FIT Plug-and-play is the principle behind Bodytec, whereby it is possible to stimulate all muscles from head to toe individually. When muscle tension, making a motion, actually in everything you do with your body, your body sends millions of electric beeps of the brains to the nervous system. Electro Muscular Stimulation (EMS) uses the same system (harmless) electric beeps to send to your muscles and nerves and to train them so. The electrodes are provided by a functional vest and ties through a set of underwear on the muscle. Unlike a regular training, is now 90% of your muscle fibers are tightened simultaneously and also trained the deeper lying muscles! The training is so much more effective than a typical workout in just 20 minutes. Physical performance while also having a positive effect on your mood. The product Electro Muscle Stimulation (EMS) is completely safe and accessible for everyone. In Germany, Spain and Belgium is booming. Due to the constantly increasing demand for high quality sports training and counseling in the Netherlands, it is a huge growing market and we are training at the beginning of a (r) evolution in smarter. Bodytec FIT stands for quality, professional support, maximum results through smart effort. The training Bodytec FIT uses the latest innovation in the field of sport. Athletes like Usain Bolt, the team of FC Bayern Munich, several Formula 1 drivers and martial artists, but also more and more models (eg, Sylvie Meis) already use EMS to stay ahead of their competition. Benefits: - 20 Minutes EMS training equals at 3 o'clock sports. - 18X more effective than regular strength training, through increased activation of the muscle fibers. - Intensive training without huge sweating or faint. - Only taxing on the muscles, not the joints. - Reduce Low back pain by strengthening deeper muscle fibers. - You train at your own level and determine the stimulation. - It can be at home, at work and even beyond, if only one socket is nearby! What can you achieve with it: - Performance from your whole body is raised. - Build lean muscle mass. - Lose weight by reducing your fat. - More strength and endurance. - Improving your posture. - Consolidating the skin and become visible again to body contours. - Increasing the metabolism resulting in fall of body weight. For an impression watch this video. Service & Retention For the best service to customers Bodytec FIT believes in personal engagement and commitment. Therefore, we really take the time for our clients. As a result we believe we can build a real relationship with our clients, resulting in better retention. The trend Bodytec FIT is part of the sports and wellness sector. According to the Rabobank (Figures & Trends 2014) also remain in times of recession and stress need for relaxation. The sports and wellness industry is still a growth industry. Consumers are increasingly aware of proper care of Body & Mind. Both women and men are increasingly making use of sports and wellness facilities. An estimated visits 15 to 20% of the population aged 18-75 years a sports or wellness center. These are about two to three million visitors (excluding repeat visits). From the consumer there is a clear demand for high service, good personal attention, expert advice and above all quality of training. Here is all right to see that there is still a big growth is possible and that is the trend. Our cooperation in the private-, medical, top sports and business world makes the product Bodytec FIT is a top product to society. In society is clearly a trend towards strong growth for preventive health care. They also wanted to invest (spend money) in personal care. The prevailing trends and opportunities in the market seamlessly with the vision of Bodytec FIT. Location There we no conventional gym but a studio in Amsterdam, we can suffice with two units with an area of 60 to 80m2 which rental costs remain limited (dependent on an A, B or C location). Future As the equipment is mobile and therefore easy to transport, we will in the (near) future approach to the business market. Furthermore, we can also train clients go home and go to several (medical) institutions. Within 1 year, we expect to achieve an occupancy of 85% with our 1st office, also has a 2nd branch in the planning. One of our goals is to open at least one new branch per every six months. We then go out, and there work hard, to achieve at least 10 branches within five years. Target Sport & Fitness remains popular in the Netherlands, so there are enormous opportunities in this relatively young field. It is therefore important that gyms distinguish themselves with new concepts. The demand for high quality sports coaching, presence and nutrition will increase partly due to the fact that citizens must pay more to his own health and thus healthier will want to live. Those who feel at home with Bodytec FIT? Very many, different people. So we have a broad target group of people who come purely for general relaxation, (top) athletes who are preparing for an important game (or want to restore correctly thereof), business people who have little time for relaxation but continuously at the highest level have to perform to people stress, insomnia, rheumatism, or have a muscle disease. To models of working women, young and older, (top) sports medical world. Price prices Bodytec FIT will be coming at competitive level. However, we opted for a simple price concept, not much fuss. People want flexibility. Precisely by applying this idea, there will be fewer terminations and will be more people join. Studies also clearly shows that people want to have a sense of freedom. Many people from both of our network have already indicated that they will now join Bodytec FIT. Promotion Promotion takes place from all the major social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc), but we're going to print and Guerrilla Marketing certainly bet. Obviously, word-of-mouth, the best form of marketing! All this in order to put the reputation of Bodytec FIT on the map and zoom. There will also be launched partnerships with various companies. In the studio itself will hang a screen on which entrepreneurs will be determined at a rate yet to be able to place their ads. There will be a big party on the opening day. There will be a lot of attention in all forms of media. Investment Budget The borrowing of € 31,000, - is used for startup costs, remodeling, furnishing, etc. The equipment is leased. The planned opening date is January 2, 2016. Sales In 2016, we expect sales of € 129 398, - to achieve a profit before tax of € 76 539, - In 2017, we expect sales of € 201 946, - to achieve a profit before tax from € 140,281, - Why crowdfunding at Capital Custom? If Bodytec FIT, we are entrepreneurs who like good, but mainly want to start thorough and deliberate. Crowdfunding is now the means to help start-ups. A good alternative to bank finance. For investors a better way to save than through the bank. In addition, investors also know where the money is used for. We want to achieve the target amount gladly within 30 days. Are you the one who says 'yes' to an investment in our project? We hope so and go right into it to make Bodytec FIT into a great success. More information? Visit our website

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
去nieuwste EN vooral leukste方法voor bliksemsnelle sportresultaten。ervaar de intensiteit EN effectiviteit范EMS(电子musculaire stimulatie)。bodytec适合管理这些traditionele GAAT trainingsvormen stoppen EN garandeert resultaat EEN fractie Van De Tijd。20分钟bodytec符合国家gelijk AAN 3 UUR EEN traditionele sportschool遮暗。

plug and play is the principle behind bodytec, making it possible for all muscle groups to encourage individual from top to toe. at the commencement of a muscle, making a move, with everything you do with your body, your body sends millions of electric signaaltjes of the brain to the nervous system.electro muscle stimulation (ems) makes use of the same system (harmless) electric signaaltjes to your muscles and nerves to send them to train. the electrodes by a functional vest and links via a set of garments made in the muscle. unlike a regular now 90% of your muscle fiber co filed and the underlying musculature trained! the training is so many times more effective than a normal training in just 20 minutes.

physical performance has a positive effect on mental well-being. the product electrical muscle stimulation (ems) is completely safe and accessible to germany, spain and belgium is booming. due to the constantly increasing demand for high-quality sports training & guidance in the netherlands, it is a huge growth market and we are at the beginning of a (r) evolution in train smarter.

bodytec fit for quality, professional guidance, maximum result by smart

the training effort.
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