Pluto conjunction IC: Dramatic changes
End of January 2014 until beginning of December 2015: This is a time of great change in your personal and family life and a time of great inner psychological change. The effects of this influence can vary greatly, but it is always a very important one.
On the psychological level, you may encounter certain psychological effects from your past - your childhood and early home life, your relationship with your parents, your hometown or even something from the more distant past of your family or heredity. Psychologists know that the experiences of early life have a strong conditioning affect upon adult behavior, and it is essential to understand the psychological mechanisms created by this experience in order to free yourself from neurotic problems that arise in adulthood. During this period you can gain such understanding, because the forces within you are much more powerful and near the surface, where they can be observed in action.
On a less profound level, this influence can signify that your personal life will go through great changes as certain things pass away and new things come into existence. Obviously this happens all the time, but the changes are much more dramatic now. There may be great changes within your family, such as divorce, a major change of residence or the need for major repairs on a building, to name a few of the changes signified by this influence. The main point is that at some level your personal and domestic life needs to be overhauled so that it can be reconstructed along new lines. Often you need to be liberated from the past, not only at the psychological level but in your everyday practical life as well. This is the time to build a new order in your personal life. However, people often attempt to resist such change, with unpleasant results. The energies merely build up to such a point that they are released through a dramatic or unfortunate incident, such as the breakup of a marriage, sudden damage to property or the like. And resisting the energies of change is a waste of an opportunity to totally regenerate your life from its very roots.
Pluto square Ascendant: Apparent power struggles
Beginning of March 2014 until end of October 2016: This influence usually provides some very intense encounters with others, which may completely transform the important relationships in your life. The problem is that this influence is not always gentle in its effects. You may feel that each of your important relationships, especially a close personal one such as marriage, is going through a period of upheaval that gives you little peace. A relationship that is in great difficulty or that has outlived its function in your life may end altogether, even though you don't want it to. You can be sure that if a relationship seems to be moving irrevocably to a close now that it is making way for a new life for you. New relationships will replace the old and serve a more constructive purpose.
Persons may enter your life who have a very powerful effect upon your mind and emotions, almost as if they have a magical hold over you. No matter how you strive to escape their influence, you seem to be held by an invisible thread. Such people may be holding onto you by a subconscious complex, taking advantage of a weakness or fear within you and using this knowledge to coerce you. They may even be doing this quite inadvertently; their knowledge may be as subconscious as the complex within you that gives them the power. It is important that you learn what part of you is giving someone this power. Do not blame the other person, no matter how culpable he or she seems. Through apparent power struggles with others you will uncover your weaknesses and learn how to deal with them.
In all dealings with other people, be very careful not to resort to underhanded or subversive tactics. This influence makes some people act ruthlessly or feel that their goals justify any means that will attain them. But this kind of attitude can set forces in motion that are difficult to control and extremely negative in their consequences. These forces can lead to a total breakdown in your relationships, if you allow them to begin.