Искреннее прощение не окрашено ожиданиями, что другой человек извинится или изменится. Не волнуйтесь, действительно ли они, наконец, поняли вас. Любите их и отпустите их. Жизнь донесёт истину людям по-своему и в своё время.
Sincere forgiveness not dampened expectations that other people apologize or change. Don't worry whether they finally understood you. Love them and release them. Life were covered the truth to people in their own way and in his time.
Sincere forgiveness is not colored by expectations that the other person apologize or change. Do not worry whether or not they finally understand you. Love them and release them. Life will carry the truth to people in their own way and in his time.
sincere forgiveness isn't colored expectations that the other person to apologize or to change. don't worry whether or not they finally understood you. love them and release them.life will carry the truth people on his own and in his own time.