Мы ссылаемся на наш разговор по телефону, состоявшийся 6 сентября, во время которого мы указали Вам на ошибку в Вашей фактуре на товар, погруженный на п/х «Волоколамск».
We refer to our phone conversation, which took place Sept. 6, during which weyou pointed out a mistake in your invoice for the goods, steeped in p/x "Volokolamsk.
We refer to our telephone conversation, which took place on September 6, during which we have indicated to you to make a mistake in your invoice for the goods shipped to n / v "Volokolamsk".
we refer to our conversation on the phone, on 6 september, during which wehave you a mistake in your invoice of the goods loaded on the p / x "волоколамск».