Practice of Job analysis for this study was measured on 6-point Likert scale having responses ranging from 0
(Not performed) to 5 (when it is felt essential). Since the present study was interested in the frequency or
regularity with which organisations perform job analysis, the survey participants were requested to report as
to how often their organizations conducted job analyses. The responses were recorded as , when it is felt
essential, after four to five years, after every three years, every two years, every year, and not performed. Job
design was measured with 5 items on a 5-point likert scale, respondents were asked to respond to the different
aspects of their jobs. The Appendix-A provides detail of items which has been used to measure job design. The
measure has good reliability properties. Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.78 . Job evaluation was measured with 2
items on a 5-point likert scale, respondents were asked to respond to the worth of job in terms of their financial
needs and salary. The measure has moderate reliability properties. Cronbach’s alpha value was 0.62