MethodologyStudy design and participantsThe study was descriptive and  translation - MethodologyStudy design and participantsThe study was descriptive and  Indonesian how to say

MethodologyStudy design and partici

Study design and participants
The study was descriptive and cross-sectional in design,
focusing on adults living with HIV/AIDS in Nepal. The
underlying criterion for sample selection was PLWHA
receiving support from a community-based NGO. Further,
the study also relied on a convenient and purposefully
selected sample (N = 160). Selection of participants was
based on the following criteria: (1) PLWHA receiving care,
support, and treatment, (2) PLWHA being at least 18 years
old, and (3) PLWHA who were physically able to answer
the questionnaire. The study was conducted during 2008–
2009, and data collection was undertaken by the author
with the support of hired professional research assistants
from the National Health Research Council in Nepal. Oneto-
one interviews were conducted during monthly meetings
in eight community-based organizations where PLWHA
gather to share their experiences and to receive other
support. Prior to the interviews, the purpose of the study
was explained to the participants, and with their consent,
information was collected agreeing that their names and
addresses would not be included in the questionnaire, as
well as in research paper.
Qual Life Res
Demographic questionnaire
The first questionnaire was administered to gather information
regarding age, gender, type of religion, educational
level, occupational status, mode of transmission, duration
of living with HIV, stigma, how they handle with stigma
and self-reported CD4? count.
Hope scale
The hope scale was developed particularly for this study.
The construct of the scale was based on the meaning of hope
defined by 25 PLWHA during in-depth interviews and the
hope concept suggested by Hays [24] and Herth [26], which
was specific to PLWHA. The ‘‘Hope scale’’ consists of
seven items and measures perceived hope. The first item
measures hope from engaging in meaningful life, the second
item measures hope from personnel willpower, the third
item measures level of hopelessness due to discrimination
by others, the fourth item measures perceived hope from
family love and care, the fifth item measures perceived hope
because of help from friends, counselors or health and
community workers, the sixth item measures perceived
hope from others help with material, such as caring spouse,
and the seventh item measures perceived hope from belief
in religion or God. The scale was translated into Nepali
language and the Nepali version of the scale showed good
internal reliability yielding Cranach’s alpha .88. The scale
applied a five point value ranging from not at all to extremely
hopeful; a higher score indicated better hope.
Social support questionnaire
The social support scale was adapted from the shorter
Sarason’s Social Support questionnaire (SSQ-S) developed
by Sarason et al. [46]. The SSQ-S original is a 12-item
instrument that measures two aspects of perceived social
support: six odd-numbered items count social support network
(the number of people in the individual’s social support
system), the total number of people in the individual’s
social support system is further divided into family network
and non-family network support and six even-numbered
items measures perceived satisfaction from social support
network. The overall satisfaction from specific support is
based on a six-point scale ranging from very satisfied to
very dissatisfied. The original scale was modified into a
14-item scale. The added and modified two odd items were
to measure ‘‘whom they could really count on when they
needed help for’’ HIV/AIDS-related treatment and help
from spouse, for living arrangement, for food, for transportation
and others, followed by two even number for level
of satisfaction from support. A factor analysis of the seven
odd number items outcome revealed three distinct factors
and each corresponds to a different support function; the
first tangible, the second informational, and the third emotional
support. The modified version of HIV-specific social
support questionnaire was translated from English into
Nepali language and translated back from Nepali into
English by independent translators. Each of the domains in
the Nepali version of the scale showed good internal reliability,
yielding Cronbach’s alpha of .89 emotional, .86
informational, .82 tangible, and .87 for overall support.
Quality of life
The (WHO) QOL-26 tool consists of 26 items and was
derived from the (WHO) QOL-100 items tool. It includes
seven items in the physical domain (physical state), six
items in the psychological domain (cognitive and affective
state), three items in the social domain (interpersonal
relationship and social role in life), eight items in the
environmental domain (relationship to salient feature of the
environment), one item for general quality of life, and one
item for health-related quality of life combining together as
global domain [34]. The PLWHA were required to rate
their quality of life in the past 2 weeks. The item scores
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Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
MethodologyStudy design and participantsThe study was descriptive and cross-sectional in design,focusing on adults living with HIV/AIDS in Nepal. Theunderlying criterion for sample selection was PLWHAreceiving support from a community-based NGO. Further,the study also relied on a convenient and purposefullyselected sample (N = 160). Selection of participants wasbased on the following criteria: (1) PLWHA receiving care,support, and treatment, (2) PLWHA being at least 18 yearsold, and (3) PLWHA who were physically able to answerthe questionnaire. The study was conducted during 2008–2009, and data collection was undertaken by the authorwith the support of hired professional research assistantsfrom the National Health Research Council in Nepal. Oneto-one interviews were conducted during monthly meetingsin eight community-based organizations where PLWHAgather to share their experiences and to receive othersupport. Prior to the interviews, the purpose of the studywas explained to the participants, and with their consent,information was collected agreeing that their names andaddresses would not be included in the questionnaire, aswell as in research paper.Qual Life Res123MeasurementsDemographic questionnaireThe first questionnaire was administered to gather informationregarding age, gender, type of religion, educationallevel, occupational status, mode of transmission, durationof living with HIV, stigma, how they handle with stigmaand self-reported CD4? count.Hope scaleThe hope scale was developed particularly for this study.The construct of the scale was based on the meaning of hopedefined by 25 PLWHA during in-depth interviews and thehope concept suggested by Hays [24] and Herth [26], whichwas specific to PLWHA. The ‘‘Hope scale’’ consists ofseven items and measures perceived hope. The first itemmeasures hope from engaging in meaningful life, the seconditem measures hope from personnel willpower, the thirditem measures level of hopelessness due to discriminationby others, the fourth item measures perceived hope fromfamily love and care, the fifth item measures perceived hopebecause of help from friends, counselors or health andcommunity workers, the sixth item measures perceivedhope from others help with material, such as caring spouse,and the seventh item measures perceived hope from beliefin religion or God. The scale was translated into Nepalilanguage and the Nepali version of the scale showed goodinternal reliability yielding Cranach’s alpha .88. The scaleapplied a five point value ranging from not at all to extremelyhopeful; a higher score indicated better hope.Social support questionnaireThe social support scale was adapted from the shorterSarason’s Social Support questionnaire (SSQ-S) developedby Sarason et al. [46]. The SSQ-S original is a 12-iteminstrument that measures two aspects of perceived socialsupport: six odd-numbered items count social support network(the number of people in the individual’s social supportsystem), the total number of people in the individual’ssocial support system is further divided into family networkand non-family network support and six even-numbereditems measures perceived satisfaction from social supportnetwork. The overall satisfaction from specific support isbased on a six-point scale ranging from very satisfied tovery dissatisfied. The original scale was modified into a14-item scale. The added and modified two odd items wereto measure ‘‘whom they could really count on when theyneeded help for’’ HIV/AIDS-related treatment and helpfrom spouse, for living arrangement, for food, for transportationand others, followed by two even number for levelof satisfaction from support. A factor analysis of the sevenodd number items outcome revealed three distinct factorsand each corresponds to a different support function; thefirst tangible, the second informational, and the third emotionalsupport. The modified version of HIV-specific socialsupport questionnaire was translated from English intoNepali language and translated back from Nepali intoEnglish by independent translators. Each of the domains inthe Nepali version of the scale showed good internal reliability,yielding Cronbach’s alpha of .89 emotional, .86informational, .82 tangible, and .87 for overall support.Quality of lifeThe (WHO) QOL-26 tool consists of 26 items and wasderived from the (WHO) QOL-100 items tool. It includesseven items in the physical domain (physical state), sixitems in the psychological domain (cognitive and affectivestate), three items in the social domain (interpersonalrelationship and social role in life), eight items in theenvironmental domain (relationship to salient feature of theenvironment), one item for general quality of life, and oneitem for health-related quality of life combining together asglobal domain [34]. The PLWHA were required to ratetheir quality of life in the past 2 weeks. The item scoresrang
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Studi desain dan peserta
Penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan cross-sectional dalam desain,
dengan fokus pada orang dewasa yang hidup dengan HIV / AIDS di Nepal. The
kriteria yang mendasari pemilihan sampel adalah ODHA
menerima dukungan dari LSM berbasis masyarakat. Selanjutnya,
studi ini juga mengandalkan nyaman dan sengaja
sampel yang dipilih (N = 160). Pemilihan peserta yang
didasarkan pada kriteria sebagai berikut: (1) ODHA menerima perawatan,
dukungan, dan pengobatan, (2) ODHA menjadi setidaknya 18 tahun
tua, dan (3) ODHA yang secara fisik mampu menjawab
kuesioner. Penelitian dilakukan selama 2008-
2009, dan pengumpulan data yang dilakukan oleh penulis
dengan dukungan menyewa asisten penelitian profesional
dari Dewan Penelitian Kesehatan Nasional di Nepal. Oneto-
satu wawancara dilakukan selama pertemuan bulanan
di delapan organisasi berbasis masyarakat di mana ODHA
berkumpul untuk berbagi pengalaman mereka dan untuk menerima lainnya
dukungan. Sebelum wawancara, tujuan penelitian
dijelaskan kepada para peserta, dan dengan persetujuan mereka,
informasi dikumpulkan setuju bahwa nama dan mereka
alamat tidak akan dimasukkan dalam kuesioner, seperti
juga di makalah penelitian.
Qual Hidup Res
demografis kuesioner
kuesioner pertama diberikan untuk mengumpulkan informasi
mengenai usia, jenis kelamin, jenis agama, pendidikan
tingkat, status pekerjaan, cara penularan, durasi
hidup dengan HIV, stigma, bagaimana mereka menangani dengan stigma
dan dilaporkan sendiri CD4? menghitung.
Harapan skala
Skala harapan dikembangkan terutama untuk penelitian ini.
The konstruk skala didasarkan pada arti harapan
yang didefinisikan oleh 25 ODHA selama wawancara mendalam dan
konsep harapan yang disarankan oleh Hays [24] dan Herth [26] , yang
adalah khusus untuk ODHA. The '' Harapan skala '' terdiri dari
tujuh item dan langkah-langkah yang dirasakan harapan. Item pertama
tindakan berharap untuk terlibat dalam kehidupan yang bermakna, kedua
tindakan item yang berharap dari personil kemauan, ketiga
tingkat tindakan item putus asa karena diskriminasi
oleh orang lain, langkah-langkah butir keempat dirasakan harapan dari
cinta keluarga dan perawatan, langkah-langkah butir kelima dirasakan berharap
karena bantuan dari teman, konselor atau kesehatan dan
masyarakat pekerja, tindakan item yang keenam dirasakan
harapan dari orang lain membantu dengan materi, seperti pasangan peduli,
dan langkah-langkah item yang ketujuh dirasakan harapan dari keyakinan
agama atau Tuhan. Skala itu diterjemahkan ke dalam bahasa Nepal
bahasa dan versi Nepal skala menunjukkan baik
reliabilitas internal menghasilkan Cranach ini alpha 0,88. Skala
menerapkan nilai lima poin mulai dari tidak sama sekali untuk sangat
berharap; skor yang lebih tinggi menunjukkan harapan yang lebih baik.
Dukungan sosial kuesioner
Skala dukungan sosial diadaptasi dari pendek
kuesioner Dukungan Sosial Sarason ini (SSQ-S) yang dikembangkan
oleh Sarason et al. [46]. The SSQ-S asli adalah 12-item
instrumen yang mengukur dua aspek sosial yang dirasakan
dukungan: enam item bernomor ganjil menghitung jaringan dukungan sosial
(jumlah orang di dukungan sosial individu
sistem), jumlah total orang di individu
sistem dukungan sosial dibagi lagi menjadi jaringan keluarga
dan dukungan jaringan non-keluarga dan enam genap
tindakan item dirasakan kepuasan dari dukungan sosial
jaringan. Kepuasan keseluruhan dari dukungan tertentu
berdasarkan skala enam poin mulai dari sangat puas
sangat tidak puas. Skala asli diubah menjadi
skala 14-item. Ditambahkan dan diubah dua item aneh yang
mengukur '' yang mereka benar-benar bisa mengandalkan ketika mereka
membutuhkan bantuan untuk 'pengobatan' HIV / AIDS dan membantu
dari pasangan, untuk pengaturan hidup, makanan, transportasi
dan lain-lain, diikuti oleh dua bahkan nomor untuk tingkat
kepuasan dari dukungan. Sebuah analisis faktor dari tujuh
hasil jumlah item ganjil mengungkapkan tiga faktor yang berbeda
dan masing-masing sesuai dengan fungsi pendukung yang berbeda; yang
pertama nyata, yang informasi kedua, dan emosional ketiga
dukungan. Versi modifikasi dari sosial khusus HIV
dukungan kuesioner diterjemahkan dari bahasa Inggris ke
bahasa Nepal dan diterjemahkan kembali dari Nepal ke
bahasa Inggris oleh penerjemah independen. Masing-masing domain di
versi Nepal skala menunjukkan reliabilitas internal yang baik,
menghasilkan alpha Cronbach dari 0,89 emosional, 0,86
informasi, 0,82 nyata, dan 0,87 untuk dukungan keseluruhan.
Kualitas hidup
The (WHO) QOL-26 alat terdiri dari 26 item dan
berasal dari (WHO) QOL-100 item alat. Ini mencakup
tujuh item dalam domain fisik (keadaan fisik), enam
item dalam domain psikologis (kognitif dan afektif
negara), tiga item dalam domain sosial (interpersonal yang
hubungan dan peran sosial dalam kehidupan), delapan item dalam
domain lingkungan (hubungan fitur menonjol dari
lingkungan), satu item untuk kualitas umum kehidupan, dan satu
butir untuk kualitas hidup terkait kesehatan menggabungkan bersama sebagai
domain global yang [34]. Para ODHA diminta untuk menilai
kualitas hidup mereka dalam 2 minggu terakhir. Skor Item
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