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English) 1:
The K-SOM has been successfully used in quantizingdigital images. Many hardware realizations of the K-SOMquantizer have been published in order to speed up part orall of the operations with similar drawbacks of poorresulting image quality compared to software counterparts.Mainly, this resulted from the fact that to make the systemcompact and be synthesizable on a single chip FPGA, theinternal data representations and operations within thehardware platforms are required to be all integer based. Inthis paper, we proposed a hardware centric K-SOM quantizeralgorithm which relies on a rational-based representationof the codebook and learning kernel. This extendsthe capability of the quantizer to accept an approximatednon-linear learning kernel. The experimental results provedthat the quality of the outcome images was superior toprevious implementations with an acceptable throughput.The resource utilizations and frame rate throughput of theproposed approach were just a bit worse than the predecessorimplementations. It was, however, still possible tosynthesize the whole system onto a single moderate densityFPGA. By following the proposed algorithm, it opens anopportunity for a hardware quantizer to accept different
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