IntroductionWhat to invest in, and how much to invest, are critical decisionsfor any enterprise. However, the consequences of making incorrectdecision for an owner of a small and medium sized enterprise (SME)during a recession, are potentially terminal.1Investments in tech-nology are particularly crucial for the SME owner, partly because oftheir scale and duration but also because of their potentially largeimpact on firm competitiveness. Johnston, Wade, and McClean(2007), when investigating SMEs adopting Internet Business Solu-tions across five OECD nations from Europe and North America,concluded that e-business adoption resulted in tangible finan-cial benefits for SMEs in customer development and e-marketing.Continuing in this vein, Pe˜na, Jamilena, and Molina (2011) foundthat technology had a positive impact on marketing orientation. Itwould therefore appear that such competiveness can help the SMEto outperform larger firms (Chong & Pervan, 2007) and raises thepromise and potential of e-business.