Tôi đã gửi email cho bạn nhưng không thấy bạn phản hồi. Nhưng không sao, giờ bạn đã có ở đây, mọi thứ sẽ ổn.Vui lòng kiểm tra nội dung các kênh dưới đây:
I have emailed you but not see you feedback. But okay, now you've got here, everything will be OK. <br>Please check the content of the following channels:
I've emailed you but didn't see you responding. But okay, now you're here, everything's going to be fine.<br>Please check the contents of the channels below:
I emailed you, but I didn't see you responding, but it's okay, now that you're here, everything's gonna be okay.<br>Please check the content of the channels down here:<br>