Appendix 3
3 March, 2006
[Note: Malaysia began formal negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement with the
United States on 8 March, 2006.]
Appeal for Malaysians to have access to affordable medicines
We understand that the Malaysian Government is about to begin negotiations with the USA
for a free trade agreement (FTA). As a group representing people living with HIV/AIDS
(PLWHAs) in our country, we are very concerned that the life-saving medicines we need
may become even more unaffordable if a FTA is signed with the USA.
Excessive, high prices of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) due to patents in the hands of some big
global drug companies have led to world wide outcry in recent years. When there was competition
from generic ARVs used to treat AIDS, the prices of patented drugs fell from
US$11,000 per patient per year to US$150 per patient per year. Even then, this is too
expensive for those who are poor and in deed of treatment. That is why generic drugs are so
very important.
No generic drugs means no access to affordable life-saving AIDS drugs. This will translate
to more deaths to PLWHAs. In Malaysia, figures in June 2005 show that there are 63,438
reported cases of HIV infection, and 10,044 AIDS cases in Malaysia. Between 1986 and
June 2005, we have already lost 7,673 lives.
At the same time, we understand that the Ministry of Health (MOH) is looking at reaching
out to 1,200 intravenous drug users as a target for their Harm Reduction program. With this
program, MOH is also establishing a strong referrals system to hospitals, rehabilitation centres,
substitution therapy, etc. This program is an entry point towards encouraging more
voluntary testing and counseling. Therefore, there are more likely cases of HIV/AIDs to be
detected amongst this invisible population. This in turn will lead to a bigger number of
detected HIV/AIDS cases in Malaysia. The impact of the FTA will also be on this invisible
population. The World Health Organization in June 2005 has already warned that an HIV
epidemic is knocking on Malaysia’s door.
We were very encouraged when the Government issued a special compulsory licence in
2003 to import some generic ARVs from India for use by MOH. The monthly treatment cost
by government hospitals and clinics fell by 81% from US$315 to US$58. MOH has targetted
4,000 people to be on ARVs therapy. But this is still below the more than 10,000 AIDS cases
that need urgent treatment. The import licence has also come to an end. So we hope and trust
that the Government has plans to ensure continuing access to affordable ARVs. Without
ARVs, more PLWHAs will die.
That is why we are very worried about news reports on FTA negotiations with the USA. We
do not know what is being proposed in the Malaysia-US FTA, but based on previous US
FTAs and the US proposals in the controversial Thai-US FTA negotiations, there are a
number of common provisions which are very alarming. We believe the US will demand that
Malaysia also agree to similar provisions, and these will make all medicines more expensive.
For example, US FTAs usually force more medicines to be patented and the patents have to
continue for more than 20 years, which is the length of time for patents to run. When a
medicine is patented, it means there is a monopoly and so no other manufacturers can make
that medicine. That means that the patent owner can charge as much as it likes because there
is no competition.
We have learnt that US FTAs also impose monopolies for at least five years even when there
is no patent, by blocking the use of test information by health authorities to register generic
versions of the patented drugs.
We make a strong plea to Datuk Seri and the whole Malaysian Government to reassure us
that public health will always be a top priority and that FTAs with Malaysia will not contain
anything that goes against access to affordable medicines. We urge Datuk Seri to hold consultations
so that we, the PLWHAs, and all Malaysians can learn more about FTAs that will
be negotiated and how they will have an impact on public health and access to affordable
medicines. We also urge Datuk Seri to continue with the Government’s promise of transparency
by making public suggestions and proposals in the FTAs.
For PLWHAs, the treatment that we need is a life long treatment. For us, it is a matter of life
and death. So we strongly appeal to you, Datuk Seri, to safeguard our human right to affordable
medicines and treatment. Please do not allow an FTA with the USA or any country that
will harm the health of Malaysians.
Thank you.
1) Positive Malaysian Treatment Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG+)
[A group of People Living with HIV/AIDS doing treatment literacy, treatment
advocacy and networking.]
2) Positive Living, PT Foundation.
[A program of Community-Based Organization to provide a drop-in center,
outreach and peer counseling for People Living with HIV/AIDS.]
Appendix 4
Considering: a. that in line with the urgent need in the effort to control HIV/
AIDS epidemic in Indonesia, it is necessary to provide access to
Anti Retroviral Drugs that are still protected under Patent;
b. that as exploitation of Article 5 of Government Regulation No
27 of 2004 regarding the Mechanism of Patent Exploitation by
the Government, it is necessary to stipulate a Presidential
Decree regarding Patent Exploitation of Anti Retroviral Drugs
by the Government;
In view of: 1. Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Constitution of 1945 as amended
by the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of 1945;
2. Law No 23 of 1992 regarding Health (State Gazette of 1992
No 100, Supplementary State Gazette No 3495);
3. Law No 14 of 2001 regarding Patent (State Gazette of 2001 No
109, Supplementary State Gazette No 4130);
4. Government Regulation No 27 of 2004 regarding Patent Exploitation
Mechanism by the Government (State Gazette of 2004 No
106, Supplementary State Gazette No 4423);
First: The exploitation of patent of Antiretroviral Drugs by the Government is meant
to comply the urgent need of community in the effort to control HIV/AIDS
Secondly: The type, name of Patent Holder, Patent number and period of Patent exploitation
of the Antiretroviral Drugs as referred to the First Dictum is attached
in the Annex of this Decree.
Thirdly: Minister of Health may appoint a Pharmaceutical Factory as the Patent exploiter
for and on behalf of the Government to exploit the Patent by taking
into account the recommendations from Head of National Drug and Food
Control Authority
Fourth: The Government shall give a 0.5% compensation fee of the net selling value
of Anti Retroviral Drugs to the Patent Holder.
Fifth: This Decree shall take effect on the date of its enactment.
Enacted in Jakarta
On 5 October 2004
For true copy
Deputy Cabinet Secretary
Legal and Legislation Department,
Lambock V Nahattands
From: -
To: -
Results (Indonesian) 1: [Copy]
Appendix 3OPEN LETTER TO PRIME MINISTER DATUK SERI ABDULLAHAHMAD BADAWI3 March, 2006[Note: Malaysia began formal negotiations on a bilateral free trade agreement with theUnited States on 8 March, 2006.]Appeal for Malaysians to have access to affordable medicinesWe understand that the Malaysian Government is about to begin negotiations with the USAfor a free trade agreement (FTA). As a group representing people living with HIV/AIDS(PLWHAs) in our country, we are very concerned that the life-saving medicines we needmay become even more unaffordable if a FTA is signed with the USA.Excessive, high prices of antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) due to patents in the hands of some bigglobal drug companies have led to world wide outcry in recent years. When there was competitionfrom generic ARVs used to treat AIDS, the prices of patented drugs fell fromUS$11,000 per patient per year to US$150 per patient per year. Even then, this is tooexpensive for those who are poor and in deed of treatment. That is why generic drugs are sovery important.No generic drugs means no access to affordable life-saving AIDS drugs. This will translateto more deaths to PLWHAs. In Malaysia, figures in June 2005 show that there are 63,438reported cases of HIV infection, and 10,044 AIDS cases in Malaysia. Between 1986 andJune 2005, we have already lost 7,673 lives.At the same time, we understand that the Ministry of Health (MOH) is looking at reachingout to 1,200 intravenous drug users as a target for their Harm Reduction program. With thisprogram, MOH is also establishing a strong referrals system to hospitals, rehabilitation centres,substitution therapy, etc. This program is an entry point towards encouraging morevoluntary testing and counseling. Therefore, there are more likely cases of HIV/AIDs to bedetected amongst this invisible population. This in turn will lead to a bigger number ofdetected HIV/AIDS cases in Malaysia. The impact of the FTA will also be on this invisiblepopulation. The World Health Organization in June 2005 has already warned that an HIVepidemic is knocking on Malaysia’s door.We were very encouraged when the Government issued a special compulsory licence in2003 to import some generic ARVs from India for use by MOH. The monthly treatment costby government hospitals and clinics fell by 81% from US$315 to US$58. MOH has targetted4,000 people to be on ARVs therapy. But this is still below the more than 10,000 AIDS casesthat need urgent treatment. The import licence has also come to an end. So we hope and trustthat the Government has plans to ensure continuing access to affordable ARVs. WithoutARVs, more PLWHAs will die.26That is why we are very worried about news reports on FTA negotiations with the USA. Wedo not know what is being proposed in the Malaysia-US FTA, but based on previous USFTAs and the US proposals in the controversial Thai-US FTA negotiations, there are anumber of common provisions which are very alarming. We believe the US will demand thatMalaysia also agree to similar provisions, and these will make all medicines more expensive.For example, US FTAs usually force more medicines to be patented and the patents have tocontinue for more than 20 years, which is the length of time for patents to run. When amedicine is patented, it means there is a monopoly and so no other manufacturers can makethat medicine. That means that the patent owner can charge as much as it likes because thereis no competition.We have learnt that US FTAs also impose monopolies for at least five years even when thereis no patent, by blocking the use of test information by health authorities to register genericversions of the patented drugs.We make a strong plea to Datuk Seri and the whole Malaysian Government to reassure usthat public health will always be a top priority and that FTAs with Malaysia will not containanything that goes against access to affordable medicines. We urge Datuk Seri to hold consultationsso that we, the PLWHAs, and all Malaysians can learn more about FTAs that willbe negotiated and how they will have an impact on public health and access to affordablemedicines. We also urge Datuk Seri to continue with the Government’s promise of transparencyby making public suggestions and proposals in the FTAs.For PLWHAs, the treatment that we need is a life long treatment. For us, it is a matter of lifeand death. So we strongly appeal to you, Datuk Seri, to safeguard our human right to affordablemedicines and treatment. Please do not allow an FTA with the USA or any country thatwill harm the health of Malaysians.Thank you.1) Positive Malaysian Treatment Access & Advocacy Group (MTAAG+)[A group of People Living with HIV/AIDS doing treatment literacy, treatmentadvocacy and networking.]2) Positive Living, PT Foundation.[A program of Community-Based Organization to provide a drop-in center,outreach and peer counseling for People Living with HIV/AIDS.]27Appendix 4DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIANUMBER 23 YEAR 2004REGARDINGEXPLOITATION OF PATENT BY THE GOVERNMENT ONANTI RETROVIRAL DRUGSTHE PRESIDENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF INDONESIAConsidering: a. that in line with the urgent need in the effort to control HIV/AIDS epidemic in Indonesia, it is necessary to provide access toAnti Retroviral Drugs that are still protected under Patent;b. that as exploitation of Article 5 of Government Regulation No27 of 2004 regarding the Mechanism of Patent Exploitation bythe Government, it is necessary to stipulate a PresidentialDecree regarding Patent Exploitation of Anti Retroviral Drugsby the Government;In view of: 1. Article 4 paragraph (1) of the Constitution of 1945 as amendedby the Fourth Amendment of the Constitution of 1945;2. Law No 23 of 1992 regarding Health (State Gazette of 1992No 100, Supplementary State Gazette No 3495);3. Law No 14 of 2001 regarding Patent (State Gazette of 2001 No109, Supplementary State Gazette No 4130);4. Government Regulation No 27 of 2004 regarding Patent ExploitationMechanism by the Government (State Gazette of 2004 No106, Supplementary State Gazette No 4423);DECIDES:Stipulating: DECREE OF THE PRESIDENT REGARDING PATENT EXPLOITATIONOF ANTI RETROVIRAL DRUGS BY THE GOVERNMENT.First: The exploitation of patent of Antiretroviral Drugs by the Government is meantto comply the urgent need of community in the effort to control HIV/AIDSepidemic.Secondly: The type, name of Patent Holder, Patent number and period of Patent exploitationof the Antiretroviral Drugs as referred to the First Dictum is attachedin the Annex of this Decree.28Thirdly: Minister of Health may appoint a Pharmaceutical Factory as the Patent exploiterfor and on behalf of the Government to exploit the Patent by takinginto account the recommendations from Head of National Drug and FoodControl AuthorityFourth: The Government shall give a 0.5% compensation fee of the net selling valueof Anti Retroviral Drugs to the Patent Holder.Fifth: This Decree shall take effect on the date of its enactment.Enacted in JakartaOn 5 October 2004THE PRESIDENT OF REPUBLIC OF INDONESIASignedMEGAWATI SOEKARNOPUTRIFor true copyDeputy Cabinet SecretaryLegal and Legislation Department,Lambock V Nahattands
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Results (Indonesian) 2:[Copy]
Lampiran 3
Ahmad Badawi
3 Maret 2006
[Catatan: Malaysia mulai negosiasi formal pada perjanjian perdagangan bebas bilateral dengan
Amerika Serikat pada tanggal 8 Maret 2006.]
Banding untuk Malaysia untuk memiliki akses ke obat-obatan yang terjangkau
Kami memahami bahwa Pemerintah Malaysia akan segera memulai negosiasi dengan AS
untuk perjanjian perdagangan bebas (FTA). Sebagai kelompok yang mewakili orang yang hidup dengan HIV / AIDS
(ODHA) di negara kita, kami sangat prihatin bahwa obat-obatan yang menyelamatkan jiwa kita butuhkan
bisa menjadi lebih terjangkau jika FTA ditandatangani dengan Amerika Serikat.
berlebihan, tingginya harga obat antiretroviral (ARV) karena paten di tangan beberapa besar
perusahaan obat global yang telah menyebabkan kemarahan di seluruh dunia dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Ketika ada persaingan
dari ARV generik yang digunakan untuk mengobati AIDS, harga obat paten jatuh dari
US $ 11.000 per pasien per tahun menjadi US $ 150 per pasien per tahun. Bahkan kemudian, ini terlalu
mahal bagi mereka yang miskin dan dalam akta pengobatan. Itulah mengapa obat generik sangat
sangat penting.
Tidak ada obat generik berarti tidak ada akses ke obat menyelamatkan nyawa terjangkau AIDS. Hal ini akan menerjemahkan
lebih banyak kematian untuk ODHA. Di Malaysia, angka pada bulan Juni 2005 menunjukkan bahwa ada 63.438
kasus yang dilaporkan infeksi HIV, dan 10.044 kasus AIDS di Malaysia. Antara 1986 dan
Juni 2005, kami telah kehilangan nyawa 7.673.
Pada saat yang sama, kita memahami bahwa Departemen Kesehatan (Depkes) adalah melihat menjangkau
keluar untuk 1.200 pengguna narkoba suntikan sebagai target untuk program Harm Reduction mereka. Dengan
program Depkes juga membangun sistem rujukan yang kuat untuk rumah sakit, pusat rehabilitasi,
terapi substitusi, dll Program ini merupakan titik masuk menuju mendorong lebih
tes sukarela dan konseling. Oleh karena itu, ada kemungkinan kasus HIV / AIDS yang akan
terdeteksi di antara populasi tak terlihat ini. Hal ini pada gilirannya akan mengakibatkan sejumlah besar dari
terdeteksi kasus HIV / AIDS di Malaysia. Dampak FTA juga akan terlihat ini
populasi. Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia pada bulan Juni 2005 telah memperingatkan bahwa HIV
epidemi mengetuk pintu Malaysia.
Kami sangat dianjurkan ketika Pemerintah mengeluarkan lisensi wajib khusus
2003 untuk mengimpor ARV generik dari India untuk digunakan oleh Depkes. Biaya perawatan bulanan
oleh rumah sakit pemerintah dan klinik turun 81% dari US $ 315 menjadi US $ 58. Depkes telah ditargetkan
4.000 orang berada di terapi ARV. Tapi ini masih di bawah lebih dari 10.000 kasus AIDS
yang memerlukan perawatan segera. Izin impor juga berakhir. Jadi kami berharap dan percaya
bahwa Pemerintah memiliki rencana untuk meyakinkan kelanjutan akses ke ARV terjangkau. Tanpa
ARV, ODHA lebih akan mati.
Itulah sebabnya kami sangat khawatir tentang laporan berita negosiasi FTA dengan Amerika Serikat. Kita
tidak tahu apa yang diusulkan dalam FTA Malaysia-AS, namun berdasarkan AS sebelumnya
FTA dan usulan AS dalam negosiasi FTA Thailand-AS yang kontroversial, ada
sejumlah ketentuan umum yang sangat memprihatinkan. Kami percaya AS akan menuntut
Malaysia juga setuju untuk ketentuan yang sama, dan ini akan membuat semua obat-obatan yang lebih mahal.
Sebagai contoh, US FTA biasanya memaksa lebih obat-obatan untuk dipatenkan dan paten harus
terus berlanjut selama lebih dari 20 tahun, yang merupakan jangka waktu paten untuk menjalankan. Ketika
obat-obatan yang dipatenkan, itu berarti ada monopoli dan sehingga tidak ada produsen lain bisa membuat
obat itu. Itu berarti bahwa pemilik paten dapat mengisi sebanyak itu suka karena tidak
ada persaingan.
Kami telah belajar bahwa AS FTA juga memberlakukan monopoli setidaknya selama lima tahun bahkan ketika tidak
ada paten, dengan menghalangi penggunaan informasi tes oleh otoritas kesehatan untuk mendaftar generik
versi obat paten.
Kami membuat permohonan yang kuat untuk Datuk Seri dan Pemerintah Malaysia secara keseluruhan untuk meyakinkan kita
bahwa kesehatan masyarakat akan selalu menjadi prioritas utama dan FTA dengan Malaysia tidak akan berisi
apa pun yang bertentangan dengan akses terhadap obat-obatan yang terjangkau . Kami mendesak Datuk Seri untuk melakukan konsultasi
sehingga kita, para ODHA, dan semua orang Malaysia dapat mempelajari lebih lanjut tentang FTA yang akan
dinegosiasikan dan bagaimana mereka akan berdampak pada kesehatan masyarakat dan akses terhadap terjangkau
obat-obatan. Kami juga mendesak Datuk Seri untuk melanjutkan janji Pemerintah transparansi
dengan membuat saran dan usulan dalam FTA publik.
Untuk ODHA, perlakuan yang kita butuhkan adalah pengobatan umur panjang. Bagi kami, itu adalah masalah hidup
dan mati. Jadi kami sangat menarik bagi Anda, Datuk Seri, untuk melindungi hak asasi manusia untuk terjangkau
obat-obatan dan perawatan. Tolong jangan biarkan FTA dengan Amerika Serikat atau negara manapun yang
akan membahayakan kesehatan Malaysia.
Terima kasih.
1) Positif Malaysia Treatment Access & Grup Advokasi (MTAAG +)
[Sekelompok Orang dengan HIV / AIDS melakukan melek pengobatan, pengobatan
advokasi dan jaringan.]
2) Positif Hidup, PT Foundation.
[Sebuah program Berbasis Komunitas Organisasi untuk menyediakan pusat drop-in,
penjangkauan dan konseling sebaya untuk Orang dengan HIV / AIDS.]
Lampiran 4
NOMOR 23 YEAR 2004
Menimbang: a. yang sejalan dengan kebutuhan mendesak dalam upaya penanggulangan HIV /
AIDS di Indonesia, maka perlu untuk menyediakan akses ke
Anti Retroviral Obat yang masih dilindungi oleh Paten;
b. bahwa eksploitasi Pasal 5 Peraturan Pemerintah Nomor
27 Tahun 2004 tentang Mekanisme Paten oleh
Pemerintah, perlu menetapkan Presiden
Keputusan tentang Eksploitasi Paten Anti Retroviral Obat
oleh Pemerintah;
Mengingat: 1. Pasal 4 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Dasar 1945 sebagaimana telah diubah
dengan Perubahan Keempat Undang-Undang Dasar 1945;
2. UU No 23 Tahun 1992 tentang Kesehatan (Lembaran Negara Tahun 1992
No 100, Tambahan Lembaran Negara No 3495);
3. UU No 14 Tahun 2001 tentang Paten (Lembaran Negara Tahun 2001 No
109, Tambahan Lembaran Negara Nomor 4130);
4. Peraturan Pemerintah No 27 Tahun 2004 tentang Paten Eksploitasi
Mekanisme oleh Pemerintah (Lembaran Negara Tahun 2004 No
106, Tambahan Lembaran Negara No 4423);
Pertama: eksploitasi paten dari Antiretroviral Obat oleh Pemerintah dimaksudkan
untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mendesak dari masyarakat dalam upaya pengendalian HIV / AIDS
Kedua: Jenis, nama Pemegang Paten, Paten nomor dan masa eksploitasi Paten
dari Obat antiretroviral sebagai dimaksud dalam Diktum Pertama terpasang
dalam Lampiran Keputusan ini.
Ketiga: Menteri Kesehatan dapat menunjuk Pabrik Farmasi sebagai pelaksana Paten
untuk dan atas nama Pemerintah untuk melaksanakan Paten dengan mengambil
mempertimbangkan rekomendasi dari Kepala Nasional Obat dan Makanan
Pengendalian Otoritas
Keempat: Pemerintah memberikan biaya kompensasi 0,5% dari nilai jual bersih
dari Anti Retroviral Obat kepada Pemegang Paten.
Kelima: Keputusan ini mulai berlaku pada tanggal ditetapkan.
Ditetapkan di Jakarta
Pada tanggal 5 Oktober 2004
Untuk Salinan sesuai dengan
Deputi Sekretaris Kabinet
Hukum dan Perundang-undangan Departemen,
Lambock V Nahattands
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