You are aware that Allamanda filed a counter appeal on XXX in which amongst other issues contained an objection to our appeal on the stay of execution of the damages awarded to Allamanda by the Court of First Instance.
You received an official notification more than 3 weeks in advance of the scheduled date to present ourselves at the court on 15 October 2015 to receive the Judge's order on the stay of execution.
However, you have not only failed to adequately prepare for the court order but have also failed to advise management of this matter on a timely matter. Consequently, senior management had to have an urgent meeting with you on the day before the court appearance and last minute conference calls with our external legal counsel to understand the issue at hand more thoroughly as there were questions which you were not able to answer.
As you know, the Allamanda lawsuit is a major legal case for the company and as AVP Legal you are expected to be always closely monitoring the case and give strategic advice on how to win the case. Unfortunately this has not been forthcoming from you.
This is an official written warning for your failure to perform the function of your position appropriately. Such lack of professional work performance is not tolerated and must not be allowed to happen again.