DG Chapter 422: lord servant contract
Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansman, because perhaps the Endless Desert sunlight is violent, their skins are swarthy, the body everywhere is mysterious body mark, in addition their four limbs Qi Chang, is extremely then easy to identify.
At this time one crowd of Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansmen and several wear the merchant of brocade clothes to argue intensely.
Person who surrounds are many, but mostly watches critically.
Nie Li stands in the crowd, listened to clearly these people's arguments.
Stands in the forefront two Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansmen probably is about 40-50 years old, is red in the face, a face angry appearance, both eyes stare perfectly round. His behind is one crowd of Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race youth, probably 16 or 17-year-old about, facial expressions are gloomy.
„Your conditions our is impossible complies absolutely, we traded these many to return, always estimated according to Cultivation. Three ten thousand Spiritual Stone, cannot be many, you did not sell!” And an obese middle-aged merchant face said indifferently.
„We are Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race day gold tribes, our clansmen are the Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race most excellent soldiers, these are our Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race young generation of talent most excellent youth, cannot by the current Cultivation judgment price!” That two Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansmen refuse to accept to argue to say.
In the crowd transmits the low voice discussion.
„These Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race people are insatiably greedy, three ten thousand Spiritual Stone one, are very high prices, they are unexpectedly unsatisfied!”
„If there is encouraged this atmosphere, later purchases the Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race slave, the price will be only more expensive!”
These from regional merchants, are purchase the Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansman, naturally stands at present this middle-aged merchant in online.
So long as rich, does not worry unable to buy the Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race slave, because around here boundary several small towns, will have the slave waiting sells of massive Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race every day. After all can spend the rich and powerful people who three ten thousand Spiritual Stone purchase a Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race slave, is not many.
Nie Li looks that front these was only thin the remaining skinny Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansmen, in the heart sighed, once the entire Draconic Ruins Realm most formidable fight race, was having the unsurpassed honor, has controlled the incomparably huge empire. Now reduces unexpectedly present this situation, for the selling into servitude money of clansman, but wins to be red in the face with the human. They early did not have the original glory.
Nie Li is not person of bemoaning the state of the universe, but thinks that Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race to resist Sage Emperor reduces to so the region, has not earned the respect of other clansmen, can only sigh.
Sage Emperor has blocked Endless Space and Time, wants to build up several hundred border areas including Draconic Ruins Realm, but the people in Draconic Ruins Realm. Actually also completely ignorants, engages in factional strife mutually.
Thinks of the previous generation experience all, in Nie Li heart cannot help but resentful.
„What origin are that two businessmen?”
„Don't you know? That is the person of dragon rest chamber of commerce, they have controlled entire slave trade more than 50% shares, that long face middle-aged person is the vice-chairman of dragon rest chamber of commerce, the Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansman wants to discuss the price with them, that is the basic is impossible matter. In these border region small towns, the average person is not willing to offend the dragon rest chamber of commerce!”
The Nie Li smile in the ear, looks toward front. Sees only the middle-aged person facial expression to be arrogant, crossing the hands behind the back stands in behind, should be the dragon rest chamber of commerce vice-chairmen who in other population said.
Has the opportunity to purchase the Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansman. Nie Li naturally cannot let up such opportunity, the front that several Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race youth. Is Dao of Dragon Realm First Level, moreover talent good appearance.
Nie Li has crushed into the crowd.
„President Lin, we just take a just price, these youth are the talents of our tribe, if not our tribe is bogged down in difficulties, we will be will not make them the slaves absolutely!” The Heavenly Primordial Spirit Race clansman of that lead said resentfully.
„Just price? The price that we give was very just! If some people bid high compared with us, you can sell to them greatly!” Nearby wears the middle-aged merchant of silver brocade robe to say.