III. Cara Kerja :A. Pembuatan sol dengan cara disperseSol belerang dal translation - III. Cara Kerja :A. Pembuatan sol dengan cara disperseSol belerang dal English how to say

III. Cara Kerja :A. Pembuatan sol d

III. Cara Kerja :
A. Pembuatan sol dengan cara disperse
Sol belerang dalam air:
1. Mencampurkan satu takaran gula dan satu takaran belerang dalam lumpang. Menggerus campuran tersebut sampai halus.
2. Mengambil satu takaran campuran tersebut dan mencampurkan lagi dengan satu takaran gula, kemudian menggerus lagi sampai halus.
3. Melanjutkan pekerjaan tersebut sampai 4 kali, kemudian mengisinya dengan 50 ml air. Mengaduk campuran tersebut dan memperhatikan yang terjadi.
Sol agar – agar dalam air:
1. Mengambil satu spatula agar – agar dan melarutkan dalam air sebanyak sepertiga tabung reaksi.
2. Kemudian, untuk memudahkan pelarutan, maka campuran dipanaskan. Lalu mengamati yang terjadi.
B. Pembuatan sol dengan cara kondensasi
Sol Fe(OH)3:
1. Memanaskan 50 ml air di dalam gelas kimia 100 ml sampai mendidih.
2. Menambahkan 25 tetes larutan FeCl3 jenuh, dan mengaduk sambil meneruskan pemanasan sampai larutan berwarna coklat merah. Kemudian mengamati yang terjadi.
C. Pembuatan Emulsi
1. Memasukkan 1 ml minyak goreng dan 5 ml air ke dalam tabung reaksi. Menggoncangkan tabung reaksi dengan keras. Meletakkan tabung itu di rak tabung reaksi dan memperhatikan yang terjadi.
2. Menambahkan 25 tetes larutan sabun. Menggoncangkan tabung reaksi dengan keras. Kemudian meletakkan tabung itu dalam rak dan memperhatikan yang terjadi. Kemudian, hasil pencampuran tersebut merupakan koloid jenis emulsi

VI. Hasil Pengamatan :
No Percobaan Hasil Pengamatan
1. Pembuatan sol belerang dalam air
Membentuk campuran yang berwarna putih keruh dan setelah dibiarkan agak lama ada endapan pada bagian bawah campuran
2. Pembuatan sol agar-agar dalam air
Setelah didinginkan atau dibiarkan sejenak, menjadi padat seperti gel dan warnanya hijau
3. Pembuatan sol Fe(OH)3 dalam air
Campuran air mendidih dengan FeCl3 menjadi lebuh kental dan Fe(OH)3 warnanya coklat kemerahan
4. Pencampuran air dan minyak goreng
Air dan minyak goreng tidak tercampur. Kedudukan minyak goreng di permukaan air.
5. Pencampuran air, minyak goreng, dengan air sabun
Minyak goreng dapat tercampur rata dalam air.

VII. Analisis Data :
Pembuatan sol belerang menggunakan cara dispersi (mekanik) yaitu dengan menggerus serbuk belerang dan ditambahkan gerusan zat inert yaitu gula pasir agar belerang dapat tenggelam dalam air. Belerang yang telah dihaluskan bersama gula akan membentuk butiran yang ukurannya menyerupai koloid. Kemudian campuran dilarutkan dalam air sehingga menghasilkan koloid jenis sol.
Untuk pembuatan agar-agar digunakan cara peptisasi. Cara peptiasi ini menggunakan zat pemeptiasi (pemecah) yaitu air dengan dipanaskan untuk memecah molekul-molekul besar dalam hal ini serbuk agar-agar supaya menjadi molekul-molekul kecil ukuran koloid. Setelah air dan agar-agar sudah menyatu sepenuhnya kemudian didinginkan sejenak. Maka jadilah sol padat yaitu agar-agar.
Proses pembuatan sol Fe(OH)3 dengan cara kondensasi yang dilakukan melalui reaksi hidrolisis. Reaksi hidrolisis merupakan suatu reaksi garam dengan air. Cara kondensasi itu sendiri bekerja dengan menggabungkan ion-ion dari larutan sejati sehingga membentuk partikel yang lebih besar seperti ukuran partikel koloid (1-100 nm). Reaksi tersebut sudah berlangsung ketika sudah terjadi perubahan warna campuran yang semula merah bata menjadi berwarna coklat kemerahan.
Minyak dan air adalah emulsi (cair bertemu cair namun bersifat antagonis/ tolak – menolak) sehingga tidak bisa larut dalam air. Kedudukan minyak berada di permukaan air, hal ini disebabkan oleh massa jenis minyak yang lebih kecil dari pada massa jenis air.
Agar minyak larut dalam air maka ditambahkan emulgator yaitu larutan sabun. Kemudian air dan minyak tersebut dapat bercampur. Sabun disebut sebagai emulgator karena dapat menggabungkan dua buah fese yang tidak bisa bersatu.

VIII. Pertanyaan dan Jawaban :
a. Pertanyaan :
1. Apakah perbedaan pembuatan sol cara dispersi dengan cara kondensasi?
2. Bagaimanakah pengaruh larutan sabun terhadap campuran air dengan minyak goreng?
3. Beri masing – masing dua contoh yang termasuk koloid liofil dan liofob!
4. Pada koloid hidrofil perlu ditambahkan koloid pelindung. Apa manfaat penambahan koloid itu?
5. Dari berbagi pembuatan cara koloid dengan dispersi dan kondensasi, kelompokkan cara – cara tersebut ke dalam kelompok yang termasuk proses fisika dan proses kimia!
6. Jelaskan pembuatan koloid dengan cara peptisasi!
7. Sebutkan cara pembuatan sol belerang yang termasuk cara kondensasi dan cara dispersi!
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Iii. How It Works:A. the making of sol disperse waySol sulfur in the water:1. Mix one measure of sugar and one measure of sulfur in the mortar. Erode the mixture until smooth. 2. Take one measure the mixture and mixing again with one measure of sugar, then erode again until smooth.3. Continue the work until 4 times, then fill it with 50 ml of water. Stir the mixture and pay attention to the case.Sol so – so in water:1. Take a spatula so that – in order and dissolve in water as much as a third of the test tubes. 2. then, to facilitate the dissolving, then the mixture is heated. Then observe happening.B. manufacture of soles by means of condensationSol Fe (OH) 3:1. Heat up the 50 ml of water in a 100 ml beaker to boiling.2. Add 25 drops of FeCl3 solution saturated, and continuing until warming stirred solution of brown red. Then observe happening.C. Manufacture Of Emulsion1. Enter cooking oil 1 ml and 5 ml of water into the test tubes. Shake the test tubes. Put it in the tube rack test tubes and pay attention to the case.2. Add 25 drops of a solution of SOAP. Shake the test tubes. Then put it in a tube rack and pay attention to the case. Then, the result of a mixing are colloidal emulsionVi. Observations:No Experimental Observations1. The manufacture of sulfur sol in waterForm the mixture white turbid and after a while there is a sludge is left at the bottom of the mixture2. The making of sol gelatin in waterAfter cooled or left for a moment, into a solid gel like and the colour is green3. The making of sol Fe (OH) 3 in waterMix boiling water with FeCl3 into greater thick and Fe (OH) 3 the colour is reddish brown4. Mixing of water and cooking oilWater and cooking oil are not mixed. The position of cooking oil on the surface of the water.5. Mixing of water, cooking oil, SOAP and waterCooking oil can be well mixed in water. Vii. Data Analysis:The manufacture of sulfur sol use the dispersion (mechanical) with sulfur powder and erode added inert substances namely gerusan granulated sugar so that the sulfur can be immersed in water. Sulfur that has been mashed together to form sugar granules whose size resembling a colloid. Then the mixture is dissolved in water to produce the kind of colloidal sol.For the manufacture of gelatin used peptisasi way. How to peptiasi use pemeptiasi substances (solvers) that is heated with water to break up the large molecules in this case so that the gelatin powder into molecules small colloidal size. After the water and gelatin are already fused completely and then cooled down for a moment. Then be dense namely gelatin.The making of sol Fe (OH) 3 in a way that is done through the condensation reaction of hydrolysis. Hydrolysis reaction is a reaction of the salt with water. The way the condensation itself works by combining ions from aqueous solutions of true forming larger particles such as colloidal particle size (1-100 nm). The reaction is already underway when this has happened the changing colours of the original red brick mixture becomes reddish brown.Oil and water emulsion is (liquid liquid met yet are antagonists/reject – refuse) so can not dissolve in water. The position of the oil is on the surface of the water, this is caused by the mass of the type of oil that is smaller than the density of water. In order for water soluble oils then added emulgator i.e. a solution of SOAP. Then the water and oil mixed. Emulgator is referred to as SOAP because it can combine the two pieces of the fese don't mix.VIII. Questions and answers:a. questions:1. what differences manufacture sol way dispersion by means of condensation?2. How does the influence of aqueous SOAP against the mixture of water with cooking oil?3. give each two examples include colloidal liofil and liofob!4. on the colloidal hidrofil needs to be added protective colloid. What are the benefits of adding colloidal it?5. From sharing manufacturing colloidal way with dispersion and condensation, the way – how to break down into a group that includes physical processes and chemical process!6. describe the making of Colloids by means of peptisasi!7. Please indicate how the manufacture of sulfur sol including how condensation and how dispersion!
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]

III. How it Works:
A. Making the sol by means disperse
Sol sulfur in the water:
1. Mixing a dose of sugar and one dose of sulfur in a mortar. Grind the mixture until smooth.
2. Take one dose of the mixture and mix again with a single dose of sugar, then grind again until smooth.
3. Continuing the work is up to 4 times, then fill it with 50 ml of water. Stirring the mixture and watched what happened.
Sol that - that in the water:
1. Taking one spatula order - order and dissolving in water as much as a third of the reaction tube.
2. Then, to facilitate dissolution, then the mixture is heated. Then observe what happens.
B. Making the sol by means of condensation
Sol Fe (OH) 3:
1. Heats 50 ml of water in a 100 ml beaker to boil.
2. Add 25 drops of saturated FeCl3 solution, and stirring while continuing the heating until the solution red-brown. Then observe what happens.
C. Manufacture of Emulsion
1. Insert 1 ml of cooking oil and 5 ml of water into a test tube. Shake the test tube with a bang. Putting the tube in the test tube rack and pay attention to what happens.
2. Add 25 drops of soap solution. Shake the test tube with a bang. Then put the tube in a rack and watched what happened. Then, the result of the mixing of the colloidal type of emulsion VI. Observations: No Experiments Observations 1. Making the soles of sulfur in the water Forms cloudy white mixture and after a rather long left no sediment on the bottom of the mixture 2. Making the sol gelatin in water After cooled or allowed for a moment, became solid like gel and green color 3. Making the sol Fe (OH) 3 in water mixture to the boiling water into lebuh thick FeCl3 and Fe (OH) 3 reddish brown color 4. Mixing water and cooking oil Water and oil do not mix. Position the cooking oil on the water surface. 5. Mixing water, cooking oil, soapy water Cooking oil can be blended in water. VII. Data Analysis: Making use of sulfur sol dispersion method (mechanical) is to grind sulfur powder and added scour inert substance that is sugar so that the sulfur can be submerged in water. Sulfur that has been mashed together with the sugar to form granules that resemble colloid size. Then the mixture is dissolved in water to produce a colloidal sol types. For the manufacture of gelatin used peptizing way. How to use substances peptiasi pemeptiasi (solvers) that the water is heated to break down large molecules in this case powdered gelatin molecules to become small size colloids. After the water and the gelatin has completely fused and then cooled momentarily. Therefore be solid sol is gelatin. The process of making sol Fe (OH) 3 by means of condensation is done through the hydrolysis reaction. The hydrolysis reaction is a reaction of salt with water. How to condensation itself works by combining ions from the true solution so as to form larger particles such as colloidal particle size (1-100 nm). The reaction is already in progress when it changes the original color of red brick mixture becomes reddish brown. Oil and water are emulsified (liquid molten met but antagonistic / reject - reject) so it can not dissolve in water. Position the oil is on the surface of the water, this is caused by the density of the oil is less than the density of water. For water-soluble oil, the emulsifier is added to a solution of soap. Then the water and the oil can be mixed. Soap referred to as emulsifier because it can combine the two fese that can not be united. VIII. Questions and Answers: a. Question: 1. What is the difference of making sol dispersion method by means of condensation? 2. How does the soap solution to the mixture of water with cooking oil? 3. Give each - each two examples include colloidal liofil and liofob! 4. In the hydrophilic colloid is necessary to add a protective colloid. What are the benefits of the addition of the colloid? 5. Of share ways of making the colloidal dispersion and condensation, grouped the way - the way into a group that includes the physical processes and chemical processes! 6. Explain the manufacture of colloid in a way peptizing! 7. Mention how to manufacture sulfur sol including ways and means of dispersion condensation!

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
A. pembuatan溶胶,溶胶分散在卡拉
1。mencampurkan一takaran古拉丹一takaran belerang在lumpang。menggerus马来语缝制着了。2。带着一takaran缝制了一mencampurkan马来语丹,takaran古拉,又发了3
空气:1。拿一个锅铲琼脂–琼脂丹melarutkan在空气为三分之一tabung reaksi。2。然后,,memudahkan pelarutan,马克莱莱dipanaskan马来语。拉鲁mengamati阳也。
B. pembuatan溶胶,卡拉kondensasi
1。memanaskan 50毫升空气里面公司该100毫升到2
mendidih。25个臭皮匠menambahkan larutan FeCl3 jenuh,丹mengaduk,meneruskan pemanasan到larutan其中coklat美拉。然后mengamati阳也。
C. pembuatan乳化
1。memasukkan 1毫升5毫升的空气又十分丹柯在tabung reaksi。menggoncangkan tabung reaksi,keras。手tabung ITU迪RAK tabung reaksi丹memperhatikan阳也。
2。25个臭皮匠menambahkan larutan萨本河。menggoncangkan tabung reaksi,keras。然后手tabung ITU在丹杨也memperhatikan RAK。然后,从pencampuran缝制,这是koloid该乳化

就didinginkan或可sejenak,为直接存取终端如凝胶丹warnanya Hijau
3。pembuatan Fe(OH)3溶胶在空气
马来语的空气mendidih,FeCl3为打kental丹铁(OH)3 warnanya coklat kemerahan
pembuatan溶胶分散belerang使用卡拉(mekanik)就是用menggerus serbuk belerang丹签gerusan昭通惰性就是古拉巴西琼脂belerang,tenggelam在空气。belerang阳,同是dihaluskan古拉要butiran杨ukurannya menyerupai koloid。然后在马来语dilarutkan空气,menghasilkan koloid
该溶胶。卡拉peptisasi短语,pembuatan琼脂。卡拉peptiasi ini使用这些pemeptiasi(而)就是空气,dipanaskan,memecah交换交换大臣在哈尔INI serbuk琼脂使作交换交换小koloid舌。就空气丹琼脂menyatu完全吸收了,didinginkan sejenak。该jadilah溶胶直接存取终端就是
琼脂。散文pembuatan Fe(OH)3溶胶,卡拉kondensasi杨在从reaksi hidrolisis。这是个reaksi hidrolisis reaksi格拉姆用空气。卡拉在自己的kondensasi ITU,menggabungkan离子从larutan公司就更像是基因阳大舌基因koloid(1-100 nm)。reaksi缝制了,也有了通知该马来语阳semula Merah巴塔,其中coklat kemerahan。
又丹空气是乳化剂(CAIR邂逅CAIR和bersifat拮抗/ Tolak–肯),如在空气不拿律。kedudukan又在地permukaan空气,哈尔INI disebabkan在马萨Jenis又比小杨从在马萨该空气。
琼脂又拿律在空中就签乳化剂就是larutan萨本河。然后风丹又缝制,bercampur。萨本河disebut为乳化剂,因为menggabungkan DUA Buah FeSe阳不

A. pertanyaan:
1。A: perbedaan pembuatan索尔-卡拉,卡拉kondensasi分散?2。bagaimanakah pengaruh larutan萨本河,马来语,又十分的空气?3。贝里Masing–Masing DUA contoh杨属koloid liofil丹liofob!4。在koloid hidrofil需要签koloid pelindung。APA manfaat penambahan koloid ITU?5。从berbagi pembuatan卡拉koloid,分散kondensasi丹,卡拉卡拉kelompokkan–缝制,柯在kelompok杨属散文散文该fisika丹!6。jelaskan pembuatan koloid,卡拉peptisasi!7。sebutkan卡拉pembuatan溶胶belerang杨属卡拉kondensasi丹卡拉分散!
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