Beech and Chadwick (2006) point out that the presence of
HR acknowledges the importance of employees as an asset
of any organisation. Noe et al. (2009), Valachis, Christou,
Sigala and Maroudas (2009), and Swanson and Holton
(2009) maintain that most businesses seek to provide aquality service and remain competitive in their industry
through their employees. This primarily depends on the
professionalism and relevant skills achieved through training
and development. In addition, Noe et al. (2009), Smith and
Smith (2007) and Swanson and Holton (2009) note that there
are strong links between training and development, and
business strategy. Therefore, organisations have prioritised
linking training programmes to business goals which, in
turn, connect with the aims of both functions in an attempt
to provide employees with information, skills and an
understanding of the organisation and its goals.