Hallo Liebling, Sie sind noch vor Ort. Liebling, bemühen Sie bitte die 2000 heute zu übertragen , so dass ich es am Montag haben kann. Damit kann ich auch die Richtlinien von den zwei Wochen Erweiterungen treffen.
Hello baby You are still on site. Try honey, please 2000 today to transfer, so that I can have it on Monday. So that I can meet the directives by the extension of two weeks.
Hello darling, you are still on site. Favorite, try please to transfer 2000 today, so that I can have it on Monday. So I can also meet the guidelines of the two weeks extensions.
hi, honey.you"re still on the ground.darling, please try to transfer the 2000 today, so that i can have it on monday.i can also, the guidelines of the two weeks extensions.