In August 2008, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between the Energy Division of the Prime Minister’s Office (EDPMO) and the Mitsubishi Corporation (MC) to construct a 1.2 MW PV power generation demonstration project, Tenaga Suria Brunei (TSB), for evaluating the performance of six types of photovoltaic panels. The TSB is the largest solar power demonstration plant in Southeast Asia, which aims to increase public awareness on the potential of solar as a source of clean and renewable energy. The construction of the solar plant started in 2009, and the system was connected to the national grid in 2010, making the first introduction of renewable energy being connected to the national power grid. It was completed on 31 July 2010, and the inauguration of the TSB was held on 26 May 2011. The TSB is expected to determine the most suitable solar panel, whether the panels should be set vertically or horizontally and the most efficient way in maintaining the facilities for the tropical climate conditions in BD in three years.
An energy white paper to outline strategies to squeeze out more profits from oil and gas industries will be published in 2011. The document will address the country’s current energy-related challenges by calling for more upstream and downstream “growth”, maximising economic spin-offs from the industry and ensuring “secure, reliable and efficient supply and use of energy” through making use of key performance indicators (KPI).
The government is actively promoting energy efficiency and conservation in various sectors in the economy. These activities include public education awareness campaigns, publications on energy efficiency & conservation issues, and talks, as well as a voluntary energy labelling scheme for air-conditioners. In addition, the economy is also enhancing its human capacity building through seminar-workshops on energy management, energy auditing and energy education in schools.
Brunei Energy Expo (BEE) 2011 ( was held between 21-23 September 2011, in conjunction with the 29th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting, to showcase energy development in the local, regional and international arena as well as to provide a platform for various representatives from many countries to interact and share knowledge on the prevailing energy technologies and initiatives.
The Government is assessing the viability of large-scale PV electricity generation. To promote this effort, the government has initiated a solar energy demonstration project known as Tenaga Suria Brunei, with a capacity of 1.2 MW. The plant first connected to the power grid of the Department of Electrical Services in May 2010, and is now operating at full capacity after completing a 3-month testing period.