Recap of Dr. Chen’s Meeting held in Bangkok on November 18, 2014
Dr.Chen started of the meeting with the same question being asked in his last IBO meeting. How many people want to make BIG money? The problem is you don’t believe in yourself that you can do it. Why? Because, you don’t want to change. Every time I come to Thailand, I talk about this over and over again. But the moment I left, you didn’t follow what I said, and went back to do on your own way.
Example: What does McDonald sell? McDonald sells money making opportunity, while the McDonald store sells hamburger. So, if you want to be rich like McDonald, don’t just sell the product.
As for normal people, you might think business is “selling”. Because you see it all the time since you were children that many stores are selling products. Anyway, if you want to make small money, yes you sell. But if you want to make big money, you don’t sell.
Sunrider business is the same as McDonald but we don’t open a physical store. The reason that McDonald grows, not because they sell hamburgers but they open stores. The more stores they open, the bigger they grow. This is Sunrider, what do we sell? Our product is just like a tool for you to make money. We actually sell the money making opportunity. So, please don’t sell these products. Selling these products does not make you rich, but selling the opportunity will make you rich.
There are so many MLM companies in Thailand, but we are different, our business is like franchise. When you sponsor someone new, what do you tell him? Money! Just like when you apply for McDonald franchise, they will ask you “Do you have the money?” Yes. Then they will give you the application form. In the application form, there is no a single word saying “hamburger”. It only talks about how much money you can make after you open a store.
In this case, if you start the conversation about product to a new people, then you become a retailer and that person will become a consumer. However, if you start talking about products, people will know you want to sell them something. Once you talk about products, they will reject you. (Dr. Chen gave a comparison to a pretty girl who distributes flyers and sample of product in the department store, which most of the people try to walk away/avoid). The only people that need the product are sick people, but sick people will not go out to recruit for you. Every person you recruit just like a new hamburger store that you open. You can make him/her become a business builder or a consumer, it’s your choice!
Some people complain that their downlines don’t want to talk about business. This is because of you, who make them become that person. So, you must understand the different between retail and business. If you want a big money you need to act like a real business man.
Example: If someone tells me that “I got a headache.” I say “Don’t worry about the headache, make money first, and then your head will feel much better.
How much money do you make, when you sign-up the Vitalite business pack to new people? You will make THB 800 right away when you sign-up a Vitalite