oh Liebling, ja alles, was wir damit weiter tun einige Akt der Gemeinsamkeit zeigen müssen. Oh ja lieber, ich habe Reisefieber hatte seit dem Tag , als ich mein Ticket gekauft und es hat heute erhöht. Oh Gott.
Oh baby everything what we continue to do so must show some act of togetherness. Oh yes dear, I travel fever since the day I had bought my ticket and increased today. Oh, my God.
oh dear, yes everything we continue to do so must show some act of commonality. Oh yes dear, I have the travel bug had since the day I bought my ticket and it has increased today. Oh God.
oh, darling, darling,all we will do some act of the community need to show.oh dear, i"ve reisefieber had since the day i bought my ticket, and today it has increased.oh, god.