cám ơn về lời khen của bạn, ngày mai tôi có bài kiểm tra ở trên trường nên tôi không thể gặp bạn,khi nào bạn quay lại Việt nam báo với tôi để tôi sắp xếp thơi fgian gặp bạn
Thanks for your compliment, tomorrow I have a test on the field so I can not see you, when you return to Vietnam and told me to arrange taking the fgian to meet you
Thanks for your compliment, tomorrow I have tests in the field so I can not see you, when you return to the Vietnamese told me to arrange to meet your fgian
Thanks for your compliment, I have an exam tomorrow, at school, so I can't meet my friends when you come back to Vietnam and tell me, let me feel the fgian arrange to meet