Как избежать той точки, где можно произносить лишь отдельные буквы и выкрикивать из глубины шизофрении, где нет вообще членораздельной речи? Если на поверхности есть трещина, то можно ли избежать того, чтобы глубинная жизнь не стала источником разрушения, чтобы она не стала "бесспорной"? Можно ли сохранить бестелесную трещину, препятствуя ее осуществлению и воплощению в глубине тела? Или еще точнее: можно ли спастись в контр-осуществлении события — в простом и плоском представлении актера и танцора, — лишь бы предотвратить само осуществление, характерное для жертвы и страдания? Уже из этих вопросов видно, как смешон наш мыслитель. Да, всегда есть два аспекта и два разных по природе процесса. Но когда Боске говорит о вечной истине раны, то это говорится от имени личной, отвратительной раны, которую он носит в собственном теле. Когда Фицджеральд и Лоури говорят о бестелесной метафизической трещине и находят в ней как место своей мысли, так и препятствие для нее; как ее живительный источник, так и иссушающий тупик; как смысл, так и нонсенс, — то они говорят от имени всех выпитых литров алкоголя, вызвавших трещину в их телах. Когда Арто говорит об эрозии мысли как о чем-то одновременно и существенном, и случайном; как о полной импотенции и в то же время великой силе, — то это уже речь со дна шизофрении.
Жиль Делез
Results (
Swahili) 1:
How to avoid the point where you can say only a few letters and shouted from the depths of schizophrenia, where there is generally articulated speech? If on a surface there is a crack, can I avoid deep life does not become a source of destruction, that it does not become "undeniable"? Can I save my bodiless crack, hindering its implementation and realization of the depth of the body? Or even more precise: is it possible to survive in counter-implementation of events — in a simple and flat view of the actor and dancer, would prevent the implementation itself, which is characteristic for sacrifice and suffering? Already from these issues, you can see how ridiculous our thinker. Yes, there are always two aspects and two different by nature of the process. But when Bosque says about eternal truth the wounds, it said, on behalf of the relationship, abhorrent wound, which he wears in your own body. When Fitzgerald and Lowry are saying about corporeal metaphysical crack and find it as his thoughts and an obstacle for her; as its vivifying source and issušaûŝij dead end; How to sense and nonsense, they speak on behalf of all the drunk litres of alcohol, causing a rift in their bodies. When Artaud says about the erosion of thought as something at the same time and material, and random; How about a complete impotence and at the same time, great power — it is a speech from the floor of schizophrenia.Gilles Deleuze
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Results (
Swahili) 2:
How to avoid the point where you can say only a few letters and shout from the depths of schizophrenia, which is not at all articulate speech? If there is a crack on the surface, it is possible to avoid the fact that the depth of life does not become a source of destruction, that it does not become "incontestable?" Can I keep the incorporeal crack, preventing its implementation and embodiment in the depths of the body? Or more precisely: whether it is possible to escape in the implementation of counter-events - in a simple, flat representation of the actor and dancer - if only to prevent the implementation of the very characteristic of sacrifice and suffering? From these questions shows how ridiculous our thinker. Yes, there are always two dimensions and two different processes in nature. But when Bosque says about the eternal truth of the wound, it is said on behalf of the individual, hideous wounds, which he carries in his own body. When Fitzgerald and Lowry speak of incorporeal metaphysical crack in it and find a place of his thoughts, and an obstacle to it; her life-giving source, and searing deadlock; both sense and nonsense - they speak on behalf of all drunk liters of alcohol that caused the rift in their bodies. When Artaud speaks of the erosion of thought as something both essential and accidental; as a complete impotence and at the same time, great power - that it is already at the bottom of schizophrenia. Gilles Deleuze
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Results (
Swahili) 3:
how to avoid the point where you can say only a few letters and shouting from the schizophrenia, where no articulate speech? if the surface is cracked, can avoiddepth to life has become a source of destruction, that it was "indisputable"? if we can keep some disembodied crack, hindering its implementation and the implementation of the depth of the body. or more precisely:if we can escape to the rear of the events in a simple and flat for the actor and dancer, but would prevent the implementation of, the sacrifice and suffering? from these questions, seehow ridiculous our thinker. yes, there are always two dimension and two different in the nature of the process. but when the bosque says eternal truth wounds, it is referred to on behalf of personal, disgusting woundshe is in my body. when fitzgerald and lowry said бестелесной metaphysical crack and find it as the place of his mind, and an obstacle for her; how you sourceand иссушающий stalemate; both sense and nonsense, they say, on behalf of all the different litres of alcohol caused a crack in their bodies. when artaud says about the erosion of thoughts as something at the same time and material.and random; complete impotence and at the same time, of great strength. it is from the bottom of schizophrenia.
gilles deleuze
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