«ЛИНГВИСТЫ НАХОДЯТСЯ В СОСТОЯНИИ ПАНИКИ»04.09.2012Источник: Газета.ру, translation - «ЛИНГВИСТЫ НАХОДЯТСЯ В СОСТОЯНИИ ПАНИКИ»04.09.2012Источник: Газета.ру, English how to say



Источник: Газета.ру, Беседовал Всеволод Никитин

Профессор Владимир Плунгян о прошлом и будущем лингвистики

– Расскажите немного об истории лингвистики. Каким образом появилась эта наука? Через какие ключевые этапы она проходила при формировании?
– Для начала поясню, что такое теоретическая лингвистика, так как не все это хорошо себе представляют. Люди обычно думают, что лингвистика – это изучение иностранных языков. То есть, если это русский язык, то лингвист должен знать, как использовать его «правильно», если иностранный – как научиться на нем говорить, не делая ошибок. Между тем теоретическая лингвистика изучает язык не с какой-то практической целью, а просто как очень сложный и ни на что не похожий объект. Как всякая теоретическая наука. Так же как, например, теоретическая биология изучает разнообразие живых организмов, а химия – строение вещества. Вот и теоретическая лингвистика изучает, что такое человеческий язык вообще, как устроены языки мира, чем они отличаются друг от друга.
Теоретическая лингвистика, конечно, совсем не всегда и совсем не прямо помогает выучить иностранный язык, но это точно так же, как изучение теоретической биологии – может быть, не самый прямой путь к тому, чтобы научиться ухаживать за домашними хомячками.
То есть лингвистические знания для этого, конечно, можно использовать, но... Это все же теоретическая наука, одна из главных, кстати, в цикле гуманитарных дисциплин. Так вот, что касается истории теоретической лингвистики. Есть одно очень важное свойство всякого языка: овладеть правилами его использования человек может естественным путем, от рождения (в отличие от знаний о строении вещества, математических формул и прочего). Да и иностранный язык человек, в общем, может выучить без особой науки – просто в силу того, что в его сознании, даже во взрослом состоянии, соответствующие механизмы всегда в какой-то степени существуют. Именно поэтому лингвистика долгое время сама себя не осознавала как наука: зачем создавать теорию такого объекта, знания о котором и так заложены в нас природой? Это попросту нерационально. Довольно узкая и ограниченная лингвистика возникала в древности, наверное, только в одной, очень специальной, ситуации, когда людям нужно было читать и хорошо понимать какие-то древние, как правило, сакральные (или просто очень важные для данной культуры) тексты на мертвом языке. Ну, например, Веды в Древней Индии или Коран в исламской традиции. В какой-то период сразу вслед за созданием этих текстов их язык был понятен, но через несколько столетий это понимание исчезало, а между тем обществу было по-прежнему сверхважно знание таких текстов, причем знание очень глубокое и полное.
Тут и пришлось развивать лингвистику.
Древние индийцы первые столкнулись с такой ситуацией и, надо сказать, очень и очень неплохо для своего времени справились с задачей – у них возникла, пожалуй, самая древняя и самая проницательная в научном отношении лингвистическая традиция, кое в чем не уступавшая науке XX века, хотя, конечно, во многих отношениях ограниченная: ведь лингвистические традиции интересуются только одним языком, да и то далеко не во всех его аспектах. Других примеров не так много. Была лингвистическая традиция, конечно, у греков (создав основы практически всего современного научного знания, этот народ и лингвистических проблем не мог не коснуться), очень интересной была арабская лингвистическая традиция, возникшая самой последней, в период так называемого исламского возрождения, после распада халифата Омейядов, это примерно XI–XIII века. Средневековая Европа в основном опиралась на античную традицию, хотя и от арабов кое-что взяла, но, в принципе, в Европе настоящее научное изучение языка началось только в Новое время и развивалось очень медленно – робкие попытки в XVI веке, потом посмелее в XVII (вообще «золотой век» европейской науки), зато в XVIII веке, хоть это и «век Просвещения», – полный регресс, и только с XIX (если даже не с XX) века уже начинается современная теоретическая лингвистика. Сравните эту короткую историю с историей развития, например, геометрии или астрономии: многие фундаментальные положения этих наук были осознаны и сформулированы уже в глубокой древности. Да и биология с химией как минимум на несколько столетий лингвистику обогнали.
То есть теоретическая лингвистика – это очень молодая наука.
Люди сначала должны были осознать факт языкового разнообразия, понять, что языки земного шара не похожи друг на друга, что их много, что они разные и каждый по-своему интересен. Это произошло после великих географических открытий, хотя и далеко не сразу, здесь обычно в качестве предтечи научного изучения языка вспоминают Вильгельма фон Гумбольдта, по основной профессии дипломата, но гениального дилетанта в свободное время, старшего брата знаменитого ученого-энциклопедиста Александра фон Гумбольдта. Но современная теоретическая лингвистика скорее нач
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
"LINGUISTS ARE IN A STATE OF PANIC"09 Feb 2010Source: Gazeta.ru, interviewed by Vsevolod Nikitin Professor Vladimir Plungjan about the past and future of Linguistics ________________________________________ -Tell us a little about the history of Linguistics. How appeared this science? What key steps it was forming?-To begin to explain what theoretical linguistics, because not all of it good. People usually think that Linguistics is the study of foreign languages. That is, if it's Russian language, the linguist must know how to use it "correctly" If the foreign-how to learn to speak it without making mistakes. In the meantime, theoretical linguistics studies the language with some practical purpose, but simply as a very complex and no similar object. Like any theoretical science. In the same way as, for example, theoretical biology studies the variety of living organisms, and chemistry-building substance. And here's a theoretical linguistics studies, what is human language in General, how are the languages of the world, how they differ from each other.Theoretical linguistics is, of course, is not always and not directly helps to learn a foreign language, but it is exactly the same as the study of theoretical biology-maybe not the most direct way to learn how to care for pet hamsters.Then there are linguistic knowledge for this course can be used, but ... This is still theoretical science, one of the main, by the way, in the cycle of the humanities. So, with regard to the history of theoretical linguistics. There is one very important feature of any language: learn the rules of its use can a person naturally, from birth (in contrast to knowledge about the structure of substances, mathematical formulas and other things). Yes and the foreign language people generally can learn without much science-just because in his mind, even in adulthood, appropriate mechanisms are always to some extent, exist. That is why linguistics for a long time didn't realize itself as a science: Why create such an object theory, knowledge of which and so built into us by nature? It is simply irrational. Rather narrow and limited Linguistics originated in antiquity, probably only one, very special situations where people need to read and understand any ancient, usually sacred (or just very important for this culture) texts in dead language. Well, for example, in ancient India, the Vedas or the Qur'an in Islamic tradition. In the period immediately following the creation of the texts, their language was understandable, but after a few centuries, this understanding disappeared, but in the meantime society was still extremely important knowledge of such texts, with knowledge of a very deep and full.Here and had to develop linguistics.Ancient Indians first encountered such a situation, and I must say, very, very good for its time, coped with the task-they have emerged, perhaps the most ancient and the most discerning scientifically linguistic tradition, some what not ustupavshaja science of the twentieth century, although limited in many respects: linguistic traditions are interested in only onem language, and even then not in all its aspects. Other examples of not so much. Was a linguistic tradition, of course, the Greeks (creating the basis of almost all modern scientific knowledge, the people and the language problems could not touch), very interesting was an Arabic linguistic tradition by having the latest, during the so-called Islamic revival, after the collapse of the Umayyad Caliphate, that's roughly the XI-XIII century. Medieval Europe mainly relied on ancient tradition, albeit from the Arabs something assumed, but in Europe the present scientific language began only in the early modern period and developed very slowly-timid attempts in the 16th century, then in the 17th posmelee ("golden age" of European Science), but in the 18th century, though it is "age of enlightenment", is a complete reversal, and only with the 19TH (even if not with the 20TH) century begins the modern theoretical linguistics. Compare this with a history short history of development, for example, geometry or astronomy: many of the fundamentals of these sciences have been understood and formulated already in antiquity. Yes and biology with chemistry for at least several centuries Linguistics have overtaken.Then there are theoretical linguistics is a very young science.People first had to realize the fact that linguistic diversity, understand that the languages of the world are not alike, that a lot of them, that they are different and each in his own way. This happened after the great geographical discoveries, although not directly, usually as a precursor of the scientific study of language recall of Wilhelm von Humboldt, the main profession of the diplomat, but a brilliant amateur in his spare time, older brother of the famous scientist Alexander von Humboldt. But modern theoretical linguistics rather beg
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
"Linguists are in a state PANIC"

Source: Gazeta.ru,, Interview Vsevolod Nikitin

Professor Vladimir Plungian about the past and future of linguistics

- Tell us a little about the history of linguistics. How did this science? Through some key steps it took place during the formation of?
- First, I will explain what the theoretical linguistics, as not all is well imagine. People usually think that linguistics - the study of foreign languages. That is, if the Russian language, the linguist must know how to use it "right", if the foreign - how to learn to speak it without making mistakes. Meanwhile, theoretical linguistics studies language not any practical purpose, but simply as a very complex and on what not similar object. Like any theoretical science. Just as, for example, theoretical biology studies the diversity of living organisms and chemicals - the structure of matter. That theoretical linguistics studies, what is human language in general, how to construct the languages of the world, how do they differ from each other.
Theoretical linguistics, of course, not always and not just helps to learn a foreign language, but it is exactly the same as the study of the theoretical Biology - maybe not the most direct route to learning to take care of the household hamsters.
that is, linguistic knowledge for this, of course, can be used, but ... It's still theoretical science, one of the main, by the way, in a cycle of humanitarian disciplines. So, with regard to the history of theoretical linguistics. There is one very important feature of any language: the use of its master rules a person can naturally from birth (as opposed to the knowledge of the structure of matter, mathematical formulas and other things). Yes, and foreign language people in general can learn without much science - simply by virtue of the fact that in his mind, even as an adult, appropriate mechanisms are always to some degree there. That is why linguistics for a long time did not realize itself as a science: the theory of why create such an object, knowledge of which and so is the nature? It is simply irrational. Quite narrow and limited linguistics arose in ancient times, perhaps only one, very special, a situation where people have to read, and a good understanding of some ancient, as a rule, sacred (or just very important for this culture) texts in a dead language . Well, for example, in ancient Vedas of India or the Koran in the Islamic tradition. In a period immediately after the creation of the texts of their tongue was understandable but a few centuries, this understanding of the disappeared, and yet the society was still an extremely important knowledge of such texts, the knowledge is very deep and full.
There had to develop linguistics.
Ancient Indians first encountered such a situation, and I must say, very, very good for its time, coped with the task - they have emerged, perhaps, the most ancient and the most insightful scientifically linguistic tradition, some in no way inferior to the science of the XX century, although of course, in many respects limited: for linguistic traditions are only interested in one language, and even then not in all its aspects. Other examples are not so much. There was a linguistic tradition, of course, the Greeks (by creating a basis of almost all modern scientific knowledge, the people and the linguistic problems could not touch), very interesting was the Arabic linguistic tradition that arose the latest, during the so-called Islamic revival, after the collapse of the Umayyad Caliphate it is approximately of XI-XIII. Medieval Europe largely relied on ancient tradition, although the Arabs-that something has taken, but, in principle, in Europe present the scientific study of language began only in modern times and developed very slowly - timid attempts in the XVI century, then bolder in XVII ( even the "golden age" of European science), but in the XVIII century, although this "age of Enlightenment" - complete regression, and only XIX (if not even XX) century has already begun modern theoretical linguistics. Compare this with a short history of the development of history, such as geometry or astronomy: many of the fundamental provisions of these sciences were understood and formulated in the ancient times. Yes Biology and chemistry for at least several centuries linguistics overtaken.
That is a theoretical linguistics - this is a very young science.
People must first be aware of the fact of linguistic diversity, to understand that the languages of the world do not look at each other, they are many, they different and each in their own interest. This happened after the great geographical discoveries, though not immediately, there is usually a forerunner of the scientific study of language recall Wilhelm von Humboldt, in the main diplomatic profession, but brilliant amateur in his spare time, the elder brother of the famous scientist and scientist Alexander von Humboldt. But modern theoretical linguistics rather beg
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
the linguists are able паники»04.09.2012source: газета.ру was vsevolod nikitinprofessor vladimir плунгян about the past and the future of linguistics_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- tell me a little bit about the history of linguistics. how had this science? through the key steps in the formation of what she was?- first, explain what the theoretical linguistics, as not all the right view. people usually think that linguistics is the study of foreign languages. i mean, if this is the russian language, the language teacher must know how to use it "right", if a foreign - how to learn how to speak it without making mistakes. meanwhile, theoretical linguistics studies language with some practical purpose, as well as a very complicated and no similar object. as a theoretical science. like, for example, theoretical biology examines the diversity of living organisms and chemicals, building material. this theoretical linguistics is that human language, as are languages of the world, how they differ from each other.theoretical linguistics, of course, is not always and not directly helps to learn a foreign language, but this is exactly the same as the study of theoretical biology is perhaps not the most direct way to learn how to take care of their хомячками.a linguistic knowledge to this, of course, you can use, but... this is a theoretical science, one of the main, by the way, in the humanities. so, with regard to the history of theoretical linguistics. there is one very important feature of a language, master the rules of its use, one can naturally from birth (in contrast to the knowledge about the structure of matter, mathematical formulas and other things). and a foreign language, in general, can learn without special science is simply due to the fact that in his mind, even in adulthood, the relevant mechanisms are always to some extent exist. that"s why linguistics for a long time, myself, didn"t realize how science: why create a theory of such object of knowledge which is founded in the us by nature? this is simply irrational. is quite narrow and limited linguistics arose in antiquity, probably only in a very special situation, when people need to read and understand that some ancient, as a rule, сакральные (or just very important for the cultural texts in a dead language. well, for example, the vedas in ancient india, or the qur"an in the islamic tradition. in a period immediately following the creation of the texts, the language was clear, but in a few years this understanding disappeared, however, the society was still сверхважно knowledge of such texts, and the knowledge is very deep and full of
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