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English) 1:
This document is a disclosure by ALPARI LIMITED (“Company”), which provides the myAlpari service to theClient under the terms and conditions of the Client Agreement, of the potential risks involved in trading onfinancial markets. The Client should first and foremost be aware of the potential losses associated with thisactivity. However, due to the wide range of possible scenarios, this document cannot disclose all risks inherent intrading on financial markets. The terms used in this document have the same meaning as defined in thecorresponding Regulations which consists of all the documents located in the “Regulatory Documents” section ofmyAlpari and on the Company’s website.1. Effect of “Leverage”1.1. When executing trading operations under margin trading conditions, even small market movements mayhave great impact on a Client’s trading account due to the effect of leverage. The Client must consider that if thetrend on the market is against them, the Client may sustain a total loss of their initial margin and any additionalfunds deposited to maintain open positions. The Client shall hold full responsibility for all risks, financialresources used and the chosen trading strategy.1.2. We highly recommend maintaining a Margin Level no lower than 1,000%, as well as placing Stop Lossorders to limit potential losses.2. Highly Volatile Instruments2.1. Many instruments are traded within wide ranges of intraday price movements so the Client must carefullyconsider the fact that there is not only high probability of profit, but also of loss.3. Technical Risk3.1. The Client shall assume the risk of financial loss caused by the failure of information, communication,electronic and other systems.3.2. When executing trading operations through the client terminal, the Client shall assume the risk of financialloss, which can be caused by:a) the failure of Client hardware, software and internet connection;b) the improper operation of Client equipment;c) the wrong settings in the client terminal;d) delayed client terminal updates;4e) the Client’s ignorance of the applicable rules described in the MetaTrader User Guide and in the Helpsection1.3.3. The Client acknowledges that at the moment of peak load there may be some difficulties in gettingtelephone communication with the duty operator, especially on the fast market (for example, when keyeconomic indicators are released).4. Abnormal Market Conditions4.1. The Client shall acknowledge that under abnormal market conditions, the execution time for Clientinstructions may increase.5. Trading Platform5.1. The Client shall acknowledge that only one request or instruction is allowed in the queue. Once the Clienthas sent a request or instruction, any other request or instruction sent by the Client will be ignored. In the“Order” window, the “Order is locked” message will appear.5.2. The Client shall acknowledge that the only reliable source of quoting information is the server for Clientswith live accounts. The quote base in the client terminal shall not be considered a reliable source of quotinginformation, as in the case of a bad connection between the client terminal and the server, some of the quotessimply may not reach the client terminal.5.3. The Client shall acknowledge that when the Client closes the window to place/modify/delete an order, aswell as the window to open/close a position, the instruction or request which has been sent to the server will notbe cancelled.5.4. The Client shall assume the risk of executing unplanned transactions in the case that the Client sendsanother instruction before receiving the result from the instruction sent previously.5.5. The Client shall acknowledge that if an order has already been executed but the Client sends an instructionto modify the level of a pending order and the levels of Stop Loss and/or Take Profit orders at the same time, theonly instruction that will be executed is the instruction to modify the Stop Loss and/or Take Profit levels on theposition opened on that order.6. Communications6.1. The Client shall assume the risk of any financial loss caused by the Client either not receiving a notificationfrom the Company.6.2. The Client shall acknowledge that unencrypted information transmitted by email is not protected fromunauthorized access.1 At the release of this document, these are located at and, respectively.56.3. The Client shall agree that the Company have the right to delete messages sent to the Client throughinternal mail 3 (three) days after they have been sent, despite the fact that the Client may not have receivedthem yet.6.4. The Client shall hold full responsibility for the safekeeping of information received from the Company andassumes the risk of any financial loss caused by unauthorized access
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