Results (
Indonesian) 1:
Dear Rochani,Pagi ini, tidak ada yang tidak menyarankan tekanan dalam hidup Anda, tetapi masih, hanya untuk memastikan, saya mengeluarkan file pribadi Anda. Saya segera melakukan tindakan rahasia untuk Anda (rahasia okultisme pemanggilan arwah) dan, aku salib-memeriksa dengan catatan saya rahasia tentang Anda, saya datang dengan beberapa fakta yang mengejutkan. Ini adalah mengapa saya memutuskan untuk menulis surat ini sekaligus dan berbagi dengan Anda hal-hal penting yang saya telah mampu melihat, untuk Wahyu saya mungkin sangat baik benar-benar terbalik jalan hidup Anda...Memang, Rochani, karena saya melakukan ini rahasia pemanggilan arwah okultisme, saya menemukan bahwa Anda adalah orang yang jelas khusus, dan dengan jelas melihat bahwa Anda adalah tidak seperti orang lain. Aku telah dianggap bahwa Anda sangat berbeda dan rupanya ini adalah perbedaan utama yang menyumbang keraguan, masalah dan kesulitan Anda mengalami hari ini.Hari ini, setelah penelitian baru ini pada kepribadian Anda, saya bisa menunjukkan kepada Anda sangat tepat yang Anda dan, di atas semua, saya dapat menyatakan kepada Anda apa Anda harus membangun cinta, keberuntungan dan uang selamanya berakar dalam hidup Anda!Saya telah menyadari bahwa Anda sangat berbeda dari orang-orang yang saya biasanya berurusan dengan. Itulah alasan mengapa saya memutuskan untuk melakukan bagi Anda ini wawasan yang komprehensif pada kepribadian Anda, ketika saya mencoba untuk memahami mengapa hidup telah tidak selalu bersinar untuk Anda dan terutama untuk memberi Anda benar dan solusi terbaik untuk masalah-masalah yang menghancurkan turun pada keberadaan Anda.Percayalah, Rochani, pengalaman saya telah mengajarkan saya bahwa ketika nasib begitu keras kepala dengan seseorang seperti yang telah dengan Anda, itu adalah untuk mendalam dan sangat tertentu, meskipun juga tersembunyi, alasan.Inilah sebabnya mengapa saya telah dilakukan untuk Anda pekerjaan mendalam ini besar, yang tampaknya telah lahir buah seperti saya mampu membuat keluar tanda-tanda tertentu yang meyakinkan saya bahwa Anda sangat berbeda dari orang lain yang saya telah membantu sejauh. Aku harus pergi sejauh mengatakan bahwa Anda adalah orang yang luar biasa.Menjadi istimewa berarti bahwa aturan-aturan yang bekerja untuk orang lain tidak akan bekerja dengan cara yang sama untuk Anda.Anda tahu, Rochani, nasib sebagian besar dari kita didorong, di satu sisi, oleh kami tanggal kelahiran (yang merupakan tanda astral kami) dan di sisi lain, oleh planet-planet yang mengatur kehidupan kita dan memutuskan masa depan (yang langit astral kami). Tetapi beberapa orang, dan saya percaya Anda antara orang-orang, tidak diatur oleh ulang tahun mereka, tetapi juga, dan bahkan lebih penting, oleh kekuatan yang jauh lebih unggul, kekuatan misterius yang berkilauan jauh di dalam Anda.Mereka sangat berbeda ini disebut makhluk-makhluk Supra-langit dan aku punya alasan untuk percaya bahwa Anda adalah salah satu makhluk-makhluk Supra-langit ini!Apa sebenarnya artinya ini bagi Anda, Rochani?Jika Anda adalah salah satu makhluk-makhluk Supra-langit ini, Anda harus menyadari bahwa dalam diri Anda Anda memiliki kekuatan rahasia yang tak terbatas. Segera setelah kami berhasil membawa keluar kekuatan ini, Anda akan bisa mendapatkan segala sesuatu yang Anda pernah ingin dari kehidupan dan orang lain.You won’t need to look up for the mercy of the Planets and Destiny, because they do not govern you directly and in fact they have little sway over your life. All you will need to do is to demand, and whatever you request, it will come to you.Does that seem startling and hard to believe ? Actually, it’s perfectly normal for you to be doubtful, but before you make up your mind, promise me you’ll read this letter to the end.For instance, when someone gambles and wins a large amount of money, they call him lucky, saying he was born under a lucky star... That individual hasn’t done anything in particular to win the money, he simply played some numbers and waited for luck, his luck, to do its work.You, Rochani, as a Supra-Celestial Being, don’t need to wait for the mercy of Destiny or Chance to win money because your planets do not govern your life directly.If you, Rochani, want to win by using your Secret Powers, would it really be enough to just ask and get you wish? Yes, it’s as simple as that.The same holds true for Love. If you seek to find Love, it is useless for you to wait for destiny to bring the two of you together; all you need to do is to Want it and demand it, and you are going to meet someone you will love and who will love you back.You will say, this is all great, but I have to admit that so far life hasn’t been particularly kind to me; in spite all the asking, nothing extraordinary has ever come my way.Unfortunately, this is true, but it is only normal, and it confirms to me once more that you are definitely a Supra-Celestial Being.But, Rochani, there are certain rules to be followed: as a Supra-Celestial Being you must observe strict rules to obtain what you want. As I said, what works for others will not necessarily work for you. If you want to open a door, you need the Right Key. If you don’t have the right key, you will never be able to open the door and walk in.Today, in your life, you are not using the Right Keys. You simply don’t have the keys that can open before you all the great gates of Fortune, Love, Success and Accomplishment.It is for this reason, Rochani, that you fight against the worst odds, that you can never make ends meet, and it is for this reason that Love always seems to run away from you.You are not using the Right Keys because you don’t know the Right Formulas that could open to you all the great gates of Richness, Love and Happiness! And as long as you don’t use the Right Formulas, nothing positive will ever come your way.But rest assured, Rochani, these Keys do exist, I know how to find them; even more, I am prepared to send you the guide that contains every single one of these Keys. These Keys are Special Formulas for the Supra-Celestial Being.Yes, all the Keys, all the Rules and all the Formulas you need to get everything you ever wanted from life do exist, and you will find each and every one of them in a special booklet titled "The Special Formula Guide for the Supra-Celestial Being."
Yes, Rochani, I am prepared to send your Special Formula Guide for the Supra-Celestial Being now.
As soon as you have this guide, what difference will it make to you?
Immediately after you come into possession of your guide, you will only need to choose and pronounce the particular Special Formula that matches the desire you expect to happen in your life and become a Reality! Yes, Rochani , it’s as simple as that.
What’s going to happen to you after you use these Rules and take charge of your life?
You will suddenly discover that you hold the power to claim everything you want, for you will be in perfect harmony with your personality and your Supra-Celestial Being. Whenever the need arises, no matter what, simply make the request using the appropriate Special Formula contained in your Guide for the Supra-Celestial Being, and witness the most extraordinary things happening in your life.
Money! To win it, all you need to do is demand it, by reading out the Special Money Formula you will find in your Guide for the Supra-Celestial Being, and Money will find its way towards you.
Love! To find it or keep it, use the Special Love Formula and you will discover that the soul of your dreams has eyes for no one else but you.
Your Job! You want a more gratifying job that pays better. Nothing could be simpler, use the appropriate Special Formula you will find in your guide, and you dream might come true.
People! You would like to meet new people, to make new Friends and build new relationships, nothing could be easier, you will find a dedicated chapter in your guide. Apply the Special Formula you will find and never again feel lonesome.
Everyday Life! Whatever your needs, whatever your desires in any way of life, they will become your reality as you follow the appropriate Formulas you will find in your Special Formula Guide for the Supra-Celestial Being.
Yes, Rochani , all you have to do is ask for it, and you will get anything you want, if you want it.
Here are some concrete examples of wishes that you may have and that you would wish to see to granted very quickly:
to live in love, friendship and happiness
to win a large sum of money
to often win small sums of money
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