Meliputi langkah-langkah di dalam kelas sebelum ke lapangan, di lapang translation - Meliputi langkah-langkah di dalam kelas sebelum ke lapangan, di lapang English how to say

Meliputi langkah-langkah di dalam k

Meliputi langkah-langkah di dalam kelas sebelum ke lapangan, di lapangan, dan di ke las setelah ke lapangan, yaitu sebagai berikut:
1. Mengidentifikasi Masalah
Mahasiswa mengajukan dan memilih masalah yang perlu dipecahkan sesuai
dengan mata kuliah belajar dan pembelajaran sosiologi sehingga akan terkumpul
berbagai masalah yang terjadi di masyarakat, berdasarkan informasi yang cukup
dari berbagai sumber sehingga dapat digunakan dalam memilih masalah yang
tepat dari beberapa permasalahan yang ada sebagai bahan kajian kelas.
2. Memilih masalah untuk bahan kajian kelas sehingga merupakan pilihan bersama
baik dilakukan dengan suara terbanyak atau musyawarah. Mula mula terpilih
empat masalah besar, kemudian mahasiswa memilih secara terbuka dan terpilih
dua permasalahan yang diajukan menjadi masalah kelas yaitu anak jalanan dan
pembangkangan tata tertib sekolah. Pengambilan dengan suara terbanyak dapat
dilakukan melalui dua tahap tahap pertama secara terbuka, dan tahap kedua secara
tertutup. Sebelum tahap kedua dimulai agar kegiatan pemilihan ini memberikan
pengalaman belajar bagi mahasiswa maka diadakan kampanye untuk
mempromosikan masing-masing masalah (anak jalanan, pembangkangan tata
tertib sekolah, tawuran pelajar, dan pergaulan bebas). Juru kampanye dipilih dari
kelompok pendukung masing-masing kemudian mengkampanyekan mengapa
masalah itu penting untuk menjadi kajian kelas, akhirnya terpilih dua masalah
(anak jalanan dan pembangkangan tata tertib sekolah).
3. Mengumpulkan informasi. Sebelum terjun ke lapangan diidentifikasi dulu sumber-
sumber informasi yang akan dikunjungi; sumber-sumber informasi yang akan di-
hubungi (untuk anak jalahan sumber informasi: Satpol PP, kepolisian, dinas sosial,
dinas kesehatan) (untuk pembangkangan tata tertib sekolah: kepolisian, dosen, gu-
ru, dinas pendidikan, guru, orang tua); kemudian dibentuk tim yang mengumpul-
kan informasi sesuai format yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan dan mencatat
informasi; menyiapkan surat pengantar dari kampus untuk mengunjungi sumber
informasi tersebut menuliskan sumber informasi yang diperoleh melalui wawanca
ra yang dilakukan dengan mengontak nara sumber terlebih dahulu.
4. Mengembangkan portofolio kelas, setelah tim peneliti menyelesaikan penelitian di
lapangan maka dikembangkan portofolio kelas. Kelas dibagi dalam empat
kelompok. Masing-masing kelompok bertanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan
satu bagian portofolio kelas. Bahan-bahan yang dimasukkan dalam portofolio
mencakup dokumentasi yang telah dikumpulkan dalam tahap penelitian. Karya
keempat kelompok ditampilkan dalam sebuah portofolio kelas; yang meliputi
bagian tayangan dan bagian dokumentasi. Bagian tayangan berisi karya dari
keempat kelompok yang dituangkan dalam satu panel terpisah dari keempat
tayangan panel lainnya. Bagian tayangan ini terdiri dari empat lembaran papan
poster atau papan busa, atau yang sejenis. Masing-masing panel tersebut ukurannya
tidak lebih dari 90 cm x 80 cm. Tayangan ini dibuat sedemikian rupa sehingga
dapat diletakkan di atas meja. Bahan yang ditayangkan meliputi pernyataan
tertulis, daftar sumber informasi, peta, grafis, foto, karya seni. Bagian dokumentasi
terdiri dari bahan bahan hasil penelitian di lapangan yang dimasukkan pada map
(binder). Gunakan warna yang berbeda untuk memisahkan keempat bagian
portofolio yang meliputi portofolio 1: menjelaskan masalah, portofolio 2: menilai
kebijakan alternatif yang disarankan untuk memecahkan masalah; portofolio 3:
mengembangkan kebijakan publik kelas; dan portofolio 4: mengembangkan suatu
rencana tindakan. Masing-masing bagian harus memiliki daftar isi.
5. Showcase merupakan presentasi atau tayangan masing-masing kelompok
portofolio. Kelompok satu bertanggung jawab untuk menjelaskan permasalahan
yang tercantum pada tampilan pertama dalam bagian tayangan dan bagian
dokumentasi portofolio kelas; Kelompok dua bertanggung jawab untuk
menjelaskan masalah dan memberikan penilaian atas kebijakan yang dihunakan
saat ini atau kebijakan yang sedang/telah disusun untuk menangani msalah yang
menjadi kajian kelas. Temuan kelompok akan disajikan pada tampilan kedua dalam
bagian tayangan dan bagian dokumentasi portofolio kelas; Kelompok tiga
bertanggung jawab untuk mengusulkan kebijakan publik yang dapat digunakan
untuk menangani maslah yang menjadi kajian kelas. Kebijakan yang dipilih
haruslah merupakan kebijakan yang nantinya dapat disetujui oleh mayoritas
anggota kelas; Kelompok empat bertanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan sebuah
rencana kerja yang mencakup langkah-langkah yang mungkin dapat diambil
sebagai cara untuk membuat pemerintah menerima dan melaksanakan kebijakan
yang diusulkan. Seluruh anggota kelas harus terlibat dalam mengembangkan
rencana kerja ini.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Include the steps in the classroom before going to the field, in the field, and on to the field after the welding, namely as follows:1. Identify the problem Students pose and choosing problems that need to be solved in accordance with the courses of study and learning of Sociology so that will be accumulated various problems that occur in the community, based on sufficient information from a variety of sources so that it can be used in selecting issues that the right of some of the existing problems as a quiz grade. 2. Choose a problem to quiz the class so that it is shared well done with the most votes or deliberation. Mula mula elected the four big problems, the students then vote openly and elected two problems posed a problem class, namely street children and the school's code of conduct insubordination. Retrieval with the most votes can done through two stages the first stage openly, and the second phase in covered. Before the second phase begins in order to give this election activity the learning experience for students then staged a campaign to promote each issue (street children, tata's disobedience the school's code of conduct, a student Brawl, and free association). Campaigners are chosen from support group each then campaigned why the problem it is important to be a study class, finally elected two problems (street children and the school code of conduct insubordination).3. Collect information. Before plunging into the field first identified the sources of the source of the information to be visited; other sources of information that will be contact (for child jalahan information sources: Satpol PP, police, social service, health service) (school code of conduct insubordination to: police, lecturer, gu- ru, Office of education, teachers, parents); then formed a team that accumulates- right information according format used to collect and record information; prepare a cover letter from the campus to visit source such information renders the source of information obtained through wawanca RA is done by contacting a resource person in advance.4. develop a portfolio class, after completing research in the research team the field then developed the portfolio class. Classes are divided into four the Group of. Each group is responsible for developing one part of the portfolio class. The materials that are included in the portfolio includes documentation that had been collected in the research phase. The work of the four groups shown in a portfolio class; that includes part of the impressions and the documentation. The section contains impressions of the work of the the four groups that poured in a separate panel from the fourth impressions of the other panel. Part of the footage consists of four sheets of Board poster board or foam, or similar. Each such panel size not more than 90 cm x 80 cm. Impressions in this created such that can be put on the table. Of materials screened include statement in writing, a list of information sources, maps, graphics, photographs, works of art. Parts of the documentation composed of materials materials research results in the field are included in the folder (binder). Use different colors to separate four sections a portfolio that includes portfolio 1: describe the problem, portfolio 2: rate the suggested alternative policies to solve the problem; Portfolio 3: develop public policy class; and portfolio 4: develop an the plan of action. Each piece should have a table of contents.5. is the Showcase presentation or impressions of each group portfolio. Group one is responsible for explaining the problem listed on the first section of the overview and impressions class portfolio documentation; The two groups are responsible for explain the problem and give you an assessment of the policy dihunakan current or sedang/telah policy drawn up to deal with problems that being a study of the class. The findings will be presented on the Group's second appearance in the part of the impressions and part documentation portfolio class; Group three responsible for proposing public policies that can be used to deal with the problem being the study class. The selected policy the policy must be approved by a majority of stakeholders members of the class; The Group of four is responsible for developing a the work plan includes measures that might be taken as a way to make the Government accept and implement policies the proposed. All members of the class must be involved in developing This work plan.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Include measures in the classroom prior to the field, on the field, and to weld after field, as follows:
1. Identifying Problems
Students apply for and choose the issues that need to be solved in accordance
with the course of learning and teaching sociology so that it will collect
a variety of problems that occur in the community, based on adequate information
from various sources so that it can be used in selecting the problems
right from some of the existing problems as material studies classes.
2. Choosing the problem for a class study material so that is an option along
nicely done with a majority vote or consensus. At first, elected
four major problems, then students choose openly and elected
two problems posed a problem classes, namely street children and
defiance of school discipline. Decision by majority voting can be
done through two stages of the first stage in the open, and the second stage is
closed. Before the start of the second stage of selection activities in order to provide
a learning experience for the students then held a campaign to
promote each issue (street children, disobedience order
orderly school, student brawls, and promiscuity). Campaigners selected from
the group support each then campaigned why
the issue is important to be a classroom study, finally elected two problems
(of street children and defiance of school rules).
3. Gather information. Before plunging into the field first source- identified
resources that will be visited; sources of information that will be
call (for children jalahan resources: municipal police, police, social services,
health department) (for defiance of school rules: police, teachers, the governor
ru, education authorities, teachers, parents) ; then formed a team which collect
the information according to the format that is used to collect and record
information; prepare a letter of introduction from the campus to visit the source of
the information to write the source information obtained through wawanca
ra conducted by contacting a resource first.
4. Develop a portfolio of class, after the research team completed the research in
the field is developed class portfolio. Classes are divided into four
groups. Each group is responsible for developing
the portfolio section of the class. The materials are included in the portfolio
include documentation that had been collected in the research phase. The work of
these four groups is shown in a class portfolio; which includes
parts of impressions and documentation section. Part impressions containing the works of
the four groups stated in a separate panel of four
impressions other panels. The display section consists of four sheets of board
poster or foam board, or the like. Each of the panel size is
not more than 90 cm x 80 cm. This display is made ​​such that it
can be put on the table. Materials that display include a statement
in writing, a list of resources, maps, graphics, photographs, works of art. Documentation section
consists of materials research in the field are included in the binder
(binder). Use different colors to separate the fourth part of
a portfolio that includes portfolio 1: describing the problem, the portfolio 2: assessing
alternative policies suggested to solve the problem; portfolio 3:
developing public policy class; and a portfolio of 4: develop a
plan of action. Each piece should have a list of contents.
5. Showcase a presentation or impressions each group
portfolio. One group is responsible for explaining the problems
listed on the first display in the section impressions and part
documentation class portfolio; Two groups are responsible for
explaining the problem and give an assessment of the policies dihunakan
current or policies that are being / have been developed to handle msalah that
become studies class. The findings of the group will be presented on the second display in the
section impressions and part documentation class portfolio; Three groups
responsible for proposing public policies that can be used
to address the issue with the assessment grade. Selected policy
must be a policy that will be approved by a majority of
members of the class; The group of four is responsible for developing a
work plan that includes steps that may be taken
as a way to make the government accept and implement the policies
proposed. All members of the class should be involved in developing
this work plan.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 3:[Copy]
,玛塔kuliah不是丹pembelajaran sosiologi就要terkumpul
进程,选择正确了,从permasalahan杨艾达巴kajian教室。2。选择进程,把汗了,这是kajian *公司
pembangkangan塔塔tertib Sekolah。pengambilan,声音不能在terbanyak
从双tahap tahap称赞为第一,丹tahap一上
tertutup。在一tahap dimulai琼脂无pemilihan ini将分享给其他
大专就diadakan kampanye,
tertib Sekolah,tawuran名,丹就pergaulan)。大自然kampanye达日
上kelompok pendukung各人,mengkampanyekan为何
进程,为kajian ITU是了,总之terpilih双进程
(阿纳流氓丹pembangkangan塔塔tertib Sekolah)。
3。又信息。在terjun柯Lapangan diidentifikasi嘟噜山-
hubungi(,阿纳jalahan该信息:satpol PP,kepolisian,砂石社会,
砂石kesehatan)(,pembangkangan塔塔tertib Sekolah:kepolisian,也,古
Ru,砂石和,大师,猩猩TUA);然后dibentuk提姆杨mengumpul -
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