An old man and woman longed for a daughter, and every day they hoped that God would grant them their wish. One day, the woman was looking outside her window at the evil enchantress’s home where she saw some beautiful rampion. Each day, her longing for it grew more and more. Her husband, eager to make her better he climbed over the wall after dark and got her some rampion. The next day, she craved it even more, so that night he went over the wall to get her some. Unfortunately, the enchantress was there once he climbed over, and decided to punish him. His first born child shall be given to her. Agreeing to this deal, he took the rampion and went back home. They soon had a daughter, and the enchantress named her Rapunzel, and took her away. She grew to a beautiful young woman, but saddened because she was locked up in the tower. The only way to enter the tower was for Rapunzel to let down her hair. One day, the prince heard Rapunzel singing, and after hearing the enchantress call out “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, let down your hair”, he waited patiently for her to leave, and then called out those same words. The enchantress soon learned of their meeting and stole her way. The prince returned, climbed her hair but instead of Rapunzel, he found the enchantress. He jumped out of the tower to escape, but pierced his eyes with thorns on the way down, blinding him. He wandered for years, and one day came upon Rapunzel and her twins. Her tears of joy wetted his eyes and he was able to see again. They returned to his kingdom and lived happily ever after.