Secara instruksional model pembelajaran Belajar dan Pembelajaran Sosio translation - Secara instruksional model pembelajaran Belajar dan Pembelajaran Sosio English how to say

Secara instruksional model pembelaj

Secara instruksional model pembelajaran Belajar dan Pembelajaran Sosiologi bertolak dari strategi inquiry learning, discovery learning, problem solving learning research-oriented learning (belajar melalui penelitian, penyingkapan, pemecahan masalah) yang dikemas dalam model Project ala John Dewey. Dalam hal ini karakteristik materi Belajar dan Pembelajaran Sosiologi dalam upaya meningkatkan kepedulian sosial mahasiswa adalah : (1) Materi berbasis pada kehidupan masyarakat (pembelajaran berbasis masyarakat), jadi materi benar benar kenyataan yang ada di masyarakat sehingga mahasiswa mengetahui apa yang terjadi di dalam masyarakat. Hal ini akan memberikan kesadaran pada mahasiswa betapa banyaknya fenomena sosiologis yang ada di masyarakat sehingga membuka kesadaran dan kepekaan mahasiswa terhadap kenyataan yang terjadi di sekelilingnya; (2) Materi mengambil contoh-contoh masalah yang ada di masyarakat untuk mengasah kemampuan memecahkan masalah sehingga mahasiswa peduli terhadap permasalahan yang ada di sekitarnya dan bersama-sama memecahkan permasalahan tersebut sehingga mahasiswa tidak apatis terhadap permasalahan sosial yang terjadi serta bertanggung jawab untuk ikut serta memecahkannya.; (3) Materi berasal dari informasi berbagai sumber: perpustakaan berupa jurnal, surat kabar dan publikasi lain; penerbit surat kabar; biro klipping; professor dan pakar di Perguruan Tinggi; Kepolisian; organisasi masyarakat; kantor legislatif dan Pemerintah Daerah; Lembaga Swadaya Masyarakat; Jaringan Informasi Elektronik sehingga mahasiswa lebih terbuka dan peduli terhadap lingkungan sosialnya dalam memecahkan setiap permasalahan membutuhkan kerjasama dengan orang lain sekalipun dalam hal pencarian informasi; (4) Materi diperoleh dari wawancara dengan berbagai sumber baik pemerintah (eksekutif); legislatif; yudikatif; para pakar; media: cetak, elektronik, massa; LSM. Sehingga menambah keterampilan sosial (social skill) mahasiswa dalam berkomunikasi dan membuat jejaring dengan orang lain atau instansi lain; dan (5) Materi berisi data, fakta, informasi yang akurat yang diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam sehingga materi selalu mengikuti perkembangan iptek dan perkembangan masyarakat. Hal ini dapat mendekatkan mahasiswa dengan kehidupan nyata sehingga wawasan mahasiswa menjadi lebih terbuka dan tumbuhnya kepeduliaan terhadap kenyataan yang diperolehnya di lapangan.
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Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Instructional model of learning in Learning and learning Sociology left strategy of inquiry learning, discovery learning, problem solving learning research-oriented learning (learning through research, disclosure, troubleshooting) are packaged in the model Project ala John Dewey. In this case the characteristics of the learning materials and learning of sociology in an attempt to improve social care students are: (1) the material is based on the life of the Community (community-based learning), so really the material reality that exists in the community so that students know what is going on in the community. This will provide a large number of student awareness of how sociological phenomenon that exists in the community so that open awareness and sensitivity towards the reality that students going on around him; (2) the material take the examples of the problems that exist in society to hone the ability to solve problems so that students care about the problems that exist in the vicinity and together solve the problem so that students are not apathetic towards social problems that occur and are responsible for participating break it.; (3) the material is derived from various sources of information: the library in the form of journals, newspapers and other publications; publishers of newspapers; the Bureau apparently; Professor and expert in College; The police force; community organizations; Office of legislative and local government; Non-Governmental Organizations; Electronic information networks so that students are more open and caring towards his social environment in solving every problem requires cooperation with others though in terms of information retrieval; (4) material obtained from interviews with various sources of good government (Executive); the legislature; the judiciary; the experts; Media: print, electronic, mass; NGOs. So adding social skills (social skills) students to communicate and network with other people or other institution; and (5) the material contains data, facts, accurate information obtained through in-depth interviews so that the material always follow the development of science and technology and the development of the community. It can hold the students with real life so that students ' insights into more open and growing kepeduliaan against the fact that he got on the field.
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
In the instructional model of learning Learning and Teaching Sociology departed from the strategy of inquiry learning, discovery learning, problem solving learning research-oriented learning (learning through research, disclosure, problem solving) that is packaged in a model project in the style of John Dewey. In this case the material characteristics Learning and Teaching Sociology in an effort to increase social awareness of students are: (1) The material is based on the life of the community (community-based learning), so the material really a reality in the community so that students know what is going on in the community. This will bring awareness to the student how many sociological phenomenon in society that opens awareness and sensitivity to the fact that students going on around him; (2) Material take examples of the problems that exist in the community to hone problem-solving skills so that students care about the problems around him and together solve these problems so that students are not apathetic to social problems that occur and are responsible to participate solve .; (3) The material comes from various sources of information: the library in the form of journals, newspapers and other publications; newspaper publishers; clipping bureau; professor and expert on Higher Education; Police; community organization; legislative offices and Local Government; Non-governmental organization; Electronic Information Network so that students are more open and concerned about the social environment in solving every problem requires cooperation with others even in the case of information retrieval; (4) The material obtained from interviews with various sources, both governmental (executive); legislative; judiciary; experts; media: print, electronic, mass; NGO. Thereby increasing the social skills (social skills) students in communication and make network with other people or other agencies; and (5) The material contains data, facts, accurate information obtained through in-depth interviews that the material always follow the development of science and technology and development of society. It can bring students to real life so that the students insight into a more open and growing kepeduliaan to the fact that obtaining in the field.
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
为instruksional模型pembelajaran不是丹pembelajaran sosiologi bertolak达日策略探究学习,发现学习,问题解决学习研究性学习(不是从penelitian,penyingkapan,pemecahan进程)在杨dikemas模型项目ALA约翰杜威。在哈尔INI karakteristik材料不是丹pembelajaran sosiologi,方便了社会kepedulian大专是:(1)材料berbasis在kehidupan中心(pembelajaran berbasis中心),这样的材料如杨艾达迪中心的原杨也就大专APA里面中心。我要给kesadaran哈尔在大专betapa分配fenomena sosiologis杨艾达中心,在kesadaran丹kepekaan大专,也如杨迪sekelilingnya;(2)材料按contoh contoh进程杨艾达中心,mengasah kemampuan memecahkan进程,大专peduli向permasalahan杨艾达di sekitarnya丹与大人memecahkan permasalahan缝制,以致不apatis向社会permasalahan大专杨也就ikut舒达,舒达bertanggung memecahkannya。;(3)材料:出于信息,该perpustakaan、杂志,苏拉特他们丹publikasi躺;他们penerbit苏拉特;比罗克尼平;教授Dan会谈地perguruan高;kepolisian;组织方法中心;坎特立法权丹,致公司中心局;该网信息就更不peduli大专称赞丹都在保护sosialnya memecahkan permasalahan需要kerjasama,猩猩躺在sekalipun哈尔pencarian信息;(4)材料diperoleh达日wawancara用,该行,(eksekutif);立法权;yudikatif;准会谈;媒体:cetak,电子,马萨;LSM。就来keterampilan社会(社会技能)大专在berkomunikasi丹使jejaring,猩猩躺躺或instansi;丹(5)材料提供数据信息,fakta,杨akurat杨diperoleh从wawancara mendalam,材料就跟随perkembangan iptek丹perkembangan中心。哈尔ini,mendekatkan大专,kehidupan nyata以致宏愿,丹tumbuhnya kepeduliaan比大专的称赞,如杨diperolehnya迪Lapangan。
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