제 1 조 (목적)본 약관은 회원(Daum서비스 약관에 동의하는 자를 말합니다. 이하

제 1 조 (목적)본 약관은 회원(Daum서비스 약관에 동의하는

제 1 조 (목적)
본 약관은 회원(Daum서비스 약관에 동의하는 자를 말합니다. 이하 "회원"이라고 합니다)이 주식회사 카카오(이하 "회사"라고 합니다)이 제공하는 Daum 카페 서비스(이하 "서비스"라고 합니다)를 이용함에 있어 회원과 회원의 권리, 의무 및 책임사항을 규정함을 목적으로 합니다.

제 2 조 (약관의 명시, 효력 및 개정)
① 회사는 본 약관의 내용을 회원이 쉽게 알 수 있도록 서비스 초기 화면에 게시합니다.
② 회사는 콘텐츠산업 진흥법, 전자상거래 등에서의 소비자보호에 관한 법률, 약관의 규제에 관한 법률, 소비자기본법 등 관련법을 위배하지 않는 범위에서 본 약관을 개정할 수 있습니다.
③ 회사가 약관을 개정할 경우에는 기존약관과 개정약관 및 개정약관의 적용일자와 개정사유를 명시하여 현행약관과 함께 그 적용일자 15일 전부터 적용일 이후 상당한 기간 동안 서비스 초기화면에 공지하고, 개정 내용이 회원에게 불리한 경우에는 그 적용일자 30일 전부터 적용일 이후 상당한 기간 동안 각각 이를 서비스 초기화면에 공지하고 회사가 부여한 이메일 주소로 약관 개정 사실을 발송하여 고지합니다.
④ 회사가 전항에 따라 회원에게 통지하면서 공지 또는 공지·고지일로부터 개정약관 시행일 7일 후까지 거부의사를 표시하지 아니하면 승인한 것으로 본다는 뜻을 명확하게 고지하였음에도 불구하고 거부의 의사표시가 없는 경우에는 변경된 약관을 승인한 것으로 봅니다. 회원이 개정약관에 동의하지 않을 경우 회원은 Daum 서비스약관 제 17조 제 1항의 규정에 따라 이용계약을 해지할 수 있습니다.

제 3 조 (서비스의 제공)
회사가 제공하는 서비스의 종류는 아래 각 호로 합니다.
Daum 카페 서비스
기타 회사가 자체 개발하는 등의 방법으로 추가적으로 회원에게 제공하는 일체의 서비스

제 4 조 (서비스 이용)
① 서비스 이용은 회사의 서비스 사용승낙 직후부터 가능합니다. 다만, 유료 서비스의 경우 회사가 요금납입을 확인한 직후부터 가능하게 할 수 있습니다.
② 민법상 미성년자인 회원이 유료 서비스를 이용할 경우 미성년자인 회원은 결제 전 법정대리인의 동의를 얻어야 합니다.
③ 서비스 이용시간은 회사의 업무상 또는 기술상 불가능한 경우를 제외하고는 연중무휴 1일 24시간(00:00-24:00)으로 함을 원칙으로 합니다. 다만, 서비스설비의 정기점검 등의 사유로 회사가 서비스를 특정범위로 분할하여 별도로 서비스 이용의 날짜와 시간을 정할 수 있습니다.

제 5 조 (정의)
① "카페"라 함은 회원들이 공통된 주제로 의견을 나누고 정보를 공유하거나 친목을 나눌 목적 등으로 모인 온라인상의 공간을 말합니다
② "카페지기"라 함은 아래 각 호의 자를 말합니다.
카페를 개설한 자
회사가 정하는 정상적인 절차에 따라 하자 없이 이전 카페지기로부터 카페를 양도받거나 카페지기의 부재 등의 사유로 카페지기로 임명된 자
③ "운영자" 라 함은 카페지기가 선정하여 운영자로 지정한 해당 카페의 회원을 말합니다.
④ "운영 권한"이라 함은 카페의 폐쇄, 회원의 정보 열람, 등급 변경, 접근 금지 및 강제 탈퇴, 게시물의 이동 및 삭제 등 카페를 정상적으로 운영하기 위해 필요한 권한을 말하며 카페지기는 서비스에 지정된 모든 운영 권한을 가집니다.
⑤ "카페회원"이라 함은 이미 개설되어 있는 카페에 가입하여 해당 카페의 일원으로 활동하는 자를 말합니다.
⑥ 본 약관에서 사용하는 용어 중 본 조에서 정하지 아니한 것은 Daum 서비스약관, Daum 카페 운영원칙 및 관계 법령에서 정하는 바에 따르며, 그 외에는 일반 관례에 따릅니다.

제 6 조 (카페 개설 및 자진폐쇄)
① 회원은 누구든지 카페를 개설하거나 운영자 또는 카페회원으로 활동할 수 있습니다. 단, 다음 각 호에 해당하는 경우 회사는 카페 개설 및 이용을 제한합니다.
회원가입신청 또는 변경 시 허위내용을 등록한 경우
불법 정보 또는 잘못된 정보 게재를 목적으로 한 경우
음란물이나 불온한 내용 게재를 목적으로 한 경우
타인의 명예를 훼손하거나 피해를 주는 내용을 게재할 목적인 경우
미풍양속을 해치는 내용을 게재할 목적인 경우
타인의 지적재산권 또는 초상권을 침해하는 내용을 게재할 목적인 경우
타인 또는 업체를 사칭하거나 사기의 목적인 경우
현행법률에 저촉되는 정보 게재를 목적으로 할 경우
인터넷을 통한 판매, 전시, 홍보 등이 금지된 물품을 판매, 전시, 홍보하는 등 불법적인 목적의 카페를 개설, 운영하는 경우
회사 또는 제3자에게 피해를 미칠 수 있어 Daum 서비스약관, Daum 카페 운영원칙 등에 따라 회사가 게재를 금지한 내용을 게재할 목적인 경우
카페 내 활동과 관계없는 타 서비스의 회원 모집, 또는 회원 모집에 필요한 개인정보 획득만을 목적으로 카페를 개설, 운영하는 경우
카페 이름, 카페 검색어, 소개글 또는 카페 주소 URL에 제2호 내지 제11호에 해당하는 내용을 표현하거나 포함할 경우
기타 카페 이용약관 및 운영원칙 내용을 위배한다고 판단될 경우
② 카페 개설 후 카페 주소 URL의 변경, 정정은 허용되지 않습니다.
③ 카페지기는 카페지기 외 다른 회원이 없는 경우 관리자 화면에서 '폐쇄'를 클릭함으로써 카페를 자진폐쇄 할 수 있습니다. 카페지기 외 다른 회원이 있는 경우 카페지기는 카페의 폐쇄를 사전에 고지하고 회원이 모두 탈퇴한 후 카페를 폐쇄할 수 있습니다.
④ 카페지기가 자진폐쇄한 카페는 복구할 수 없습니다.
⑤ 카페지기는 그 계정정보 및 관리에 대한 철저한 보안의무가 있고, 카페지기나 운영자 본인의 관리소홀로 인해 패스워드가 타인에게 유출되어 카페 운영에 문제가 발생한 경우 그로 인한 책임은 카페지기나 운영자에게 있으며 삭제된 카페 자료는 복구할 수 없습니다.
⑥ 카페지기는 카페에 대한 운영 권한이 있으며 이로 인한 일체의 책임을 부담하고 회원과 카페지기 사이에 발생한 모든 법적인 분쟁에 대한 책임을 부담합니다.

제 7 조 (회원 탈퇴 및 자격 상실)
① 카페 회원은 언제든지 임의로 카페를 탈퇴할 수 있습니다.
② 카페 회원이 본 약관 및/또는 Daum 카페 운영원칙에 위배되는 행위를 한 경우 모든 관리책임은 1차적으로 카페지기가 부담하며, 회사의 시정요구에도 불구하고 별도의 조치나 시정이 안될 경우 회사는 카페지기 및/또는 회원의 자격을 박탈하거나 서비스의 이용을 중지 또는 제한할 수 있습니다.
③ 카페지기의 자격이 박탈되거나 카페지기가 Daum 서비스에서 탈퇴한 경우 카페는 기존 운영자 중 신청자에게 양도될 수 있으며, 카페지기 자격이 박탈되거나 카페가 양도된 경우 기존 카페지기의 모든 운영 권한은 상실됩니다.

제 8 조 (카페, 카페메뉴, 강제폐쇄 및 게시물 삭제, 공지)
① 카페 개설 후 회원수에 상관 없이 연속 3개월간 게시판 등에 신규 게시물이 게시되지 않거나 회원이 가입이 없는 경우, 회사는 해당 카페를 강제 폐쇄할 수 있습니다.
② 사유를 불문하고 3개월 이상 카페지기가 부재(해당 카페에 접속하지 않은 경우 등)한 경우 회사는 해당 카페를 강제 폐쇄하거나, 기존 운영자 중 신청자에게 카페를 양도할 수 있습니다.
③ 회원이 본 약관 제6조 제 1항의 각 호에서 규정한 목적으로 카페를 이용하거나 그에 해당하는 정보를 게재한 경우 회사는 해당 카페 또는 카페메뉴(게시판 및 기타)를 강제 폐쇄하거나 해당 게시물을 삭제할 수 있습니다.
④ 회사는 강제 폐쇄한 카페 목록 및 강제 폐쇄 사유를 수시로 공지할 수 있습니다.

제 9 조 (카페 내 게시물 및 콘텐츠의 관리)
① 카페 내 모든 게시물 및 콘텐츠의 관리 및 운영 권한은 카페 운영진 또는 해당 게시물 및 콘텐츠를 게시한 회원에게 있습니다. 단, 카페지기 및/또는 운영자의 요청이 있거나 기타 회사가 카페의 원활한 운영을 위하여 필요하다고 판단할 경우, 회사는 게시물의 관리 등과 관련한 사항을 개선, 지원하는 등의 활동을 할 수 있습니다.
② 카페 내 게시물 작성 회원은 다른 회원에게의 복사, 스크랩 등을 허용할 수 있고 공개 범위를 설정할 수도 있습니다.
③ 제6조 제3항 및 제8조 제1항, 제 2항, 제3항에 따라 폐쇄된 카페, 카페 메뉴, 게시글은 즉시 삭제되고, 삭제된 내용은 복구할 수 없습니다.

제 10 조 (회원의 의무)
① 카페 내의 모든 게시물과 자료의 보관, 관리의 책임은 카페 운영진 또는 해당 게시물과 자료를 작성한 회원에게 있습니다.
② 카페 회원은 본 약관이나 Daum서비스약관, Daum 카페 운영원칙에서 금지하는 내용의 게시물을 카페 내에 등록할 수 없으며, 이를 위반하여 발생하는 책임은 게시물 작성자에게 있습니다.
③ 상품등록게시판을 포함하여 카페 내에서 회원간 이루어지는 상거래 및 계약과 관련하여 발생하는 모든 의무와 책임은 거래 당사자에게 있으며, 회사는 그 내용에 대하여 책임을 지지 않습니다.
④ 카페 회원은 본 조의 의무 외, Daum서비스 약관 제 13조에서 정한 회원의 의무를 부담합니다.

제 11 조 (카페지기의 개인정보 관리 의무)
① 카페지기(운영자를 포함합니다. 이하 본 조에서 같습니다)는 본인이 개설하거나 운영하는 카페에 가입한 회원들의 개인정보를 이용하는 등에 있어 아래 각 호와 같은 의무를 부담합니다.
회원이 카페를 가입함에 있어 카페지기에게 제공되는 회원의 개인정보는 카페 관리 목적으로만 사용이 가능하며, 회원들의 개인정보를 추가적으로 수집하는 경우 목적에 필요한 최소한의 개인정보만을 처리해야 하며 회원에게 고지한 목적 이외의 용도로 이용하거나 회원의 별도 동의 없이 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
회원의 개인정보를 제3자에게 제공하고자 하는 경우 카페지기는 이를 제공받는 자, 제공하는 목적, 제공할 정보의 내용을 회원에게 미리 고지하고 회원의 동의를 받은 후에 이를 제공할 수 있습니다. 홍보/판매권유 등을 목적으로 개인정보를 외부에 위탁할 때는 정보주체에게 사전에 통지해야 합니다.
카페지기는 회원등급의 상향을 목적으로 회원에게 추가적인 개인정보를 제공할 것을 요청할 수 없습니다.
카페지기는 카페지기 외 제3자의 홍보메일 등을 일부 또는 전부의 회원을 상대로 발송하는 경우 대상 회원에게 사전에 해당 사실을 알려야 합니다.
주민등록번호는 법령에 의하여 처리 근거가 있는 경우를 제외하고 어떤 목적으로도 처리할 수 없습니다.
‘사상/신념, 정치적 견해, 노동조합/정당의 가입/탈퇴, 건강 및 성생활 등에 관한 정보, 유전정보, 범죄경력’에 관한 정보는 법령에 의하여 처리 근거가 있는 경우를 제외하고 처리할 수 없습니다. 단, 불가피하게 처리가 필요한 경우, 정보 주체로부터 사전에 개인정보 활용 동의를 반드시 받은 후 처리를 할 수 있습니다.
카페에서 개인정보를 수집하는 경우에는 반드시 사전에 ‘개인정보 항목, 수집목적, 보관기간, 개인정보의 수집을 거부할 권리 및 이로 인한 불이익’에 대해 명확하게 고지하고 동의를 받아야 합니다. 다만 단순 친목 도모(동창회, 동호회 등)의 경우에는 적용이 배제됩니다.
금전적 이득 등을 위하여 부정한 목적으로 개인정보를 수집하거나 카페 매매 등을 이용한 우회적인 개인정보 부정 판매 등이 적발될 경우, 회사는 관련 법령과 Daum 서비스 약관, 본 약관 등에 따라 해당 카페에 대한 제재 및 관련 법령에 따른 민형사상 책임을 물을 수 있습니다.
본인이 운영하던 카페를 타인에게 양도하는 카페지기는 카페 양도 전 최소 15일 간, 그 양도의 사실을 공지사항으로 게시하고 이메일을 통해 회원에게 고지하여야 합니다.
타인이 운영하던 카페를 양도받은 카페지기는 카페를 양도받은 후 최소 15일 간, 그 양도의 사실을 공지사항으로 게시하고 이메일을 통해 회원에게 고지하여야 합니다.
② 카페지기는 카페를 영리목적으로 운영하는 경우 제1항에 규정된 사항 이외에도 "정보통신망 이용촉진 및 정보보호등에 관한 법률"에 규정된 "정보통신서비스제공자등"에 해당하는 책임을 부담합니다.

제 12 조 (약관 외 준칙)
① 회사는 본 약관 외에 Daum 카페 운영원칙을 규정하며, 회원은 Daum 카페 운영원칙을 준수하여야 합니다.
② 본 약관에 명시하지 않은 사항은 Daum 카페 운영원칙과 Daum 서비스약관
From: -
To: -
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Article 1 (purpose)This agreement is a member (Daum agreed to the terms of service. This is referred to as the "Member") co., Ltd.-Cacao (hereinafter referred to as the "company") are provided by Daum Cafe service (hereinafter referred to as the "service"), a member and the Member's rights, obligations and responsibilities the purpose of the regulations.Article 2 (effect and amendment of the terms and conditions stated,)① the company it's easy to see the contents of these terms and conditions to ensure that service members posted on the initial screen.② the company content industry promotion law, e-commerce Consumer Protection Act, the law on the regulation of the terms and conditions, consumer law does not violate applicable law may revise these terms and conditions in the range.③ the company revised the existing terms and revise the terms of the agreement and amendment of the terms and conditions set forth the date and reason for revision to the current terms and conditions that apply, since 15 days prior to date for a significant period and, on the revision of the service initialization if the contents in the case against members of the date 30 days prior to, and since it is for a significant period if each service granted the company a notice on the initialization with an email address to send out the fact that the amended terms and conditions.④ the company shall notify the members in accordance with the preceding paragraph, while the notice or the amended terms and conditions effective from the date of the notification, and after 7 days will not appear until approved by the refusal to see means clearly and despite the rejection of this agreement, if there is no breach consented to endorse. If you do not agree to the revised terms and conditions by a Member members Daum TOS article 17 According to paragraph (1) may terminate the agreement.Article 3 (provision of services)The kind of service provided by the company are listed below each item.Daum Cafe serviceOther companies have developed in such a way additionally provided services to membersArticle 4 (service usage)① the approval the company's use of the service using the service as soon as possible. However, in the case of a payment by the company of paid services as soon as possible to make sure you can do it.② civilly if you are using a paid service, a member of an underage underage members must obtain the consent of the legal representative before payment.③ the company's business or technology service impossible except for 365 days a year 24 hours a day (00:00-24:00), in principle. However, regular inspection of equipment for any reason, such as the service company services a specific range by splitting the date and time of use of the services separately.Article 5 (definition)① "Cafe" is a common theme to share the opinion that the members share information gathered online, such as for the purpose of sharing or social space on the② "Cafe" referred to in the following subparagraphs.To outlining the Café nowLet the normal procedure prescribed by the company without prior to transfer from cafe or Café Café gets to be the absence of the Chair, named as such due to Cafe③ "operator" shall mean the operator specified as Cafe gigs are members of the Café.④ "operational control" means the closing of a café, reading, rating changes, Member's information access restriction and forced withdrawal, such as cafes, the post's moving and deleting permissions required to operate normally, "refers to the service being all operating as specified in the Café.⑤ "Café members" have already opened the cafe as a member of the Cafe by joining the action.⑥ the term used in this agreement are not pricing in Daum of TOS, Daum Cafe operating principles and rules in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in addition to that, subject to the normal customs.Article 6 (Cafe opened and voluntary closure)① Members have opened a café or operator or anyone as a member of the cafe. However, any of the following, if applicable, the company opened a cafe and use.Join if you have registered false information at the time of application or modificationIllegal information or if you have the wrong information for the purpose of servingFor the purpose of showing pornography or contents if bulonDamage another's defamatory purposes to place the contents of theIf the goal is to place the contents which harm public morals.Infringement of intellectual property or publicity rights of others to, if the goal is to placeImpersonate another person or entity, or if the purpose of the scamUnder the current law, the information for the purpose of showing the conflict if you doSales through the Internet, exhibitions, public relations, etc., prohibited the sale, exhibition, opened an illegal purpose, such as to promote the cafe, if you operate theDamage to the company or third parties could harm the Daum Cafe Daum service terms and conditions, operating principles, depending on the company, these are content to appear if the goal is to placeGet service of my activities unrelated to the Café recruitment acquired personal information is required for, or recruitment purposes only if you operate the Cafe opened,Cafe name, URL address in a search term, instruction, or Café Café No. 2 through no. 11 If you include the content that corresponds to the express orOthers say that contrary to the contents of the terms and conditions and operating principles the Cafe if it is determined that② Cafe after Cafe address URL changes, correction of opening is not allowed.③ other Member being the Café Café if you do not have to be an administrator on the screen by clicking on the ' closed ', you can do a voluntary closure of the Café. If you have any other Member being the Café Café is a café and the closure of the being and a member of both the opt-out, and then you can close the Café.④ Cafe there willingly closed cafes cannot be recovered.⑤ Cafe is that the account information and management have an obligation and a thorough security, Cafe keeper or operator due to the mismanagement of your password has been leaked to others if you are experiencing problems with the operation of a café that is responsible for Cafe operator and deleted me be Cafe data cannot be recovered.⑥ Café is a café for the operation of the access and be the responsibility of the Member and any legal dispute between the café to be responsible for.Article 7 (membership withdrawal and loss of membership)① Cafe members can unsubscribe at any time, random Cafe.② Cafe Daum Cafe Member, the terms of use and/or operating principles if the Act that violates all of the administrative responsibility is primarily a cafe and there, in spite of the company's visibility needs a separate action or visibility if the company gets and/or membership of the café to disqualify or stop or limit the use of the service.③ Cafe Daum to be disqualified or if you unsubscribe from the service meat Cafe Cafe among the existing operators can be transferred to the applicant, the Cafe gets disqualified, or if all of the existing Cafe gets transferred to a café operating rights will be lost.Article 8 (Cafe, Cafe menu, delete the post, forced closures and announcements)① Café after opening for three months in a row, regardless of the number of members of the boards may not be members of the new post if you do not have to join the publishing, the company is forced to close the cafe.② reasons for more than three months, any Cafe there is an absence (if you do not have access to the Café, etc.), and if the company forced the closure or the Café, a café to the applicant of the transfer of an existing operator.③ the Member terms article 6 set forth in subparagraphs of paragraph (1) for the purposes of cafe or the information the company serve the café or Café menu (Bulletin Board, and others), forced the closure, or you can delete that post.④ the company forced the closure of the list of reasons for closing a cafe can be notified from time to time, and force.Article 9 (Cafe in my posts and content management)① Cafe all my posts and content management and operation of the rights management or posted content that posts and Cafe members. However, the request of the operator and/or be a café or other necessary to the smooth operation of the company Cafe and if you judge, the company posts improving matters, such as the management of support activities such as can be done.② Cafe writing my post a copy of the membership to other members, scrap, etc. can allow, you can set the scope of the disclosure.③ Article 6 paragraph (3) and article 8, paragraph 1, paragraph 2, in accordance with paragraph (3) a closed Cafe, Cafe menu, post is immediately deleted, the deleted information cannot be recovered.Article 10 (obligations of members)① all posts within a data storage, management, the café 's liability in respect of the management, or post material written by Cafe members.② Cafe members terms of service, these terms or Daum Daum Cafe operating principles that banned from post cannot be registered in a café, this is caused by a violation of the author's responsibility to post.③ Product Registration Bulletin takes place between members within the CAF, including Commerce and contracts, all in relation to the duties and responsibilities of the parties to the transaction, and the company shall not be held responsible for its contents.④ 카페 회원은 본 조의 의무 외, Daum서비스 약관 제 13조에서 정한 회원의 의무를 부담합니다.제 11 조 (카페지기의 개인정보 관리 의무)① 카페지기(운영자를 포함합니다. 이하 본 조에서 같습니다)는 본인이 개설하거나 운영하는 카페에 가입한 회원들의 개인정보를 이용하는 등에 있어 아래 각 호와 같은 의무를 부담합니다.회원이 카페를 가입함에 있어 카페지기에게 제공되는 회원의 개인정보는 카페 관리 목적으로만 사용이 가능하며, 회원들의 개인정보를 추가적으로 수집하는 경우 목적에 필요한 최소한의 개인정보만을 처리해야 하며 회원에게 고지한 목적 이외의 용도로 이용하거나 회원의 별도 동의 없이 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.회원의 개인정보를 제3자에게 제공하고자 하는 경우 카페지기는 이를 제공받는 자, 제공하는 목적, 제공할 정보의 내용을 회원에게 미리 고지하고 회원의 동의를 받은 후에 이를 제공할 수 있습니다. 홍보/판매권유 등을 목적으로 개인정보를 외부에 위탁할 때는 정보주체에게 사전에 통지해야 합니다.카페지기는 회원등급의 상향을 목적으로 회원에게 추가적인 개인정보를 제공할 것을 요청할 수 없습니다.카페지기는 카페지기 외 제3자의 홍보메일 등을 일부 또는 전부의 회원을 상대로 발송하는 경우 대상 회원에게 사전에 해당 사실을 알려야 합니다.주민등록번호는 법령에 의하여 처리 근거가 있는 경우를 제외하고 어떤 목적으로도 처리할 수 없습니다.‘사상/신념, 정치적 견해, 노동조합/정당의 가입/탈퇴, 건강 및 성생활 등에 관한 정보, 유전정보, 범죄경력’에 관한 정보는 법령에 의하여 처리 근거가 있는 경우를 제외하고 처리할 수 없습니다. 단, 불가피하게 처리가 필요한 경우, 정보 주체로부터 사전에 개인정보 활용 동의를 반드시 받은 후 처리를 할 수 있습니다.카페에서 개인정보를 수집하는 경우에는 반드시 사전에 ‘개인정보 항목, 수집목적, 보관기간, 개인정보의 수집을 거부할 권리 및 이로 인한 불이익’에 대해 명확하게 고지하고 동의를 받아야 합니다. 다만 단순 친목 도모(동창회, 동호회 등)의 경우에는 적용이 배제됩니다.금전적 이득 등을 위하여 부정한 목적으로 개인정보를 수집하거나 카페 매매 등을 이용한 우회적인 개인정보 부정 판매 등이 적발될 경우, 회사는 관련 법령과 Daum 서비스 약관, 본 약관 등에 따라 해당 카페에 대한 제재 및 관련 법령에 따른 민형사상 책임을 물을 수 있습니다.You were operating a café is a café to transfer at least 15 days before the cafe to be transferred, the transfer of publishing by the fact that the notice and notice to the members via email.Others were operated by Cafe received transfer after receiving a cafe to be transferred to the Cafe at least 15 days, and that the transfer of publishing by the fact that the notice and notice to the members via email.② Cafe operated the Cafe be commercial purposes if it matters set forth in paragraph (1) in addition to the "information network use promotion and information protection act", such as "information and communication service providers set forth in the" responsibility to bear.Article 12 (besides the terms and conditions of the CPS)① the company in addition to these terms and conditions, regulations and operating principles, Daum Cafe Daum Cafe operating principles-compliant Member.Not expressly stated in these terms and conditions are ② Daum Cafe Daum operating principles and terms of service
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Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Article 1 (Purpose)
This Agreement members (say those who agree with Daum Terms of Service. Hereinafter referred to as "Members") are Ltd. cacao (the "Company" are called) provided by Daum Cafe service (the "Service" is called to) in the utilizing it for the purpose of setting forth the membership and members' rights, obligations and responsibilities. specified in Article 2 (conditions, validity and revision) ① The company allows members to easily know the contents of these Terms and Conditions Publish Service on the home screen. ② The Company may amend the content Industry Promotion Act, Law on Consumer Protection in Electronic Commerce, Law on the Regulation of the agreement, the consumer Basic Law, including these terms in a range that does not violate the law. ③ If the Company amended the agreement, known to the existing agreement with the amended terms and to specify the revision reasons and effective date of the amended agreement for a significant period after the date of application prior to its effective date 15 days with the current Terms of Service the initial screen and amendments If adverse to this member, their effective date 30 days prior notice, respectively this service in the initial screen for a significant period after the date of application and notice the company by sending accept the revised fact given e-mail address. ④ company has notices to members in accordance with the preceding paragraph, while if you notice or notice, it does not appear to deny a doctor until after the amended agreement effective date seven days notice be the case even though clearly notice the meaning Seeing as approved and no intention of denial, try to accept the revised terms. If members do not agree to the amended terms, members can terminate the contract in accordance with Daum Terms of Service Article 17 paragraph (1). Article 3 (services of) the type of services provided by the Company for each arc below The. Daum Cafe services Other companies ways in addition to members of any of the services provided by developing its own Article 4 (service) ① Service from using the company's services are available immediately after approval. However, in the case of fee-based services company, it can also call right after confirming the fare paid. ② civil minors, a member when using minors is a member of fee-based services should obtain the consent of the settlement before legal representative. ③ service time unless the company's business or non-technical and are 24 hours a day seven days a week (00: 00-24: 00) in principle, to. However, the company as a reason for the periodic inspection of the service facility may split the service into a specific range set the date and time of the service separately. Article 5 (Definitions) ① "cafe" refers to members of a common theme share your thoughts and share information, or refers to the space on the line gathered to socialize with share objectives such as ② "cafe being" means each of the characters below. Those who opened the café becomes Old cafe without let in accordance with normal procedures the company has determined The receive or transfer a cafe appointed to become the cafe for reasons such as lack of being cafe chairs from the ③ "operator" means a member of that specified by the operator café becomes a selection of cafes. ④ "operating authority" shall Cafe the closure, members of the information browsing, rating changes, restraining and force the withdrawal movement of the posts and delete, etc. the cafe means the rights that are required to operate normally, cafe being has full operational authority given to the service. ⑤ "Group members "it means to join a café that has already been established refers to a person who serves as a member of the cafe. ⑥ It is not defined in this Article of the terms used in this Agreement Daum Terms of Service, Daum cafe operating principles and related conditions as prescribed in the Act follow, otherwise subject to the general convention. Article 6 (cafe opened and closed voluntarily) ① Members can open a cafe or anyone to act as the operator or Group members. However, the following cases for each call the company to limit the cafe opened and used. Register if you apply for or registered false information when changing illicit information or if you have incorrect information published for the purpose by showing pornographic, or disturbing information purposes If the case damage another person's honor or purpose to serve the content that damage if purpose is to show the contents undermine public morals if the purpose is to serve the content that infringes the intellectual property rights of others or Model purpose of impersonating another person or company, or fraudulent If when the purpose of showing information in violation of current legislation sell over the Internet, exhibitions, publicity, etc. to sell prohibited goods, exhibitions, publicity for such opened a cafe in illegal purposes, if you run a company or a third party I can to have the damage Daum Terms of Service, Daum cafe operations if the company according to the principle purpose is to show the content prohibited the show Café recruitment of my activity is not associated with other services, or aim only personal information obtained necessary recruitment opened a cafe, in the case of operating the cafe name, cafes searches, introduced when representation or contain information corresponding to the No. 2 to No. 11 on article or Cafe Address URL you believe violates other cafes Terms of Use and the operating principle contents When ② Cafe Cafe opened after the change of address, URL, corrections are not allowed. ③ If the café becomes the other being no other members can be closed voluntarily Cafe Cafe by clicking on the 'closed' in the Manager screen. If there is a cafe being other members café being can close the cafe and then withdraw all notice prior to closing of cafes and members. ④ cafe being voluntarily closed the cafe can not be recovered. ⑤ café becomes a the account information and a thorough security responsibilities for the management and, alone, cafe being or operator person in the station because the password is liability due to him if the outflow others have problems with cafes operating and a cafe being or operator the café data deletion You can not be recovered. ⑥ Cafe get the operating rights to the cafe and will bear any liability resulting therefrom are responsible for all legal disputes between members and cafes being. Article 7 (Membership Withdrawal and Disqualification ) ① Group members can leave the cafe arbitrarily at any time. ② If Group members are one acts contrary to these Terms and Conditions and / or the Daum cafe operating principle responsible for all management responsibilities cafe they become primarily, and the company corrected the Despite demands should not separate action or corrective company may disqualify the cafe being and / or members or to stop or limit the use of the service. ③ Cafe eligible of being deprived or café being in Daum Service If you leave the cafe can be transferred to the applicant of the existing operators, when the café becomes disqualified or café transferred all the operating rights of the existing cafe being is lost. Article 8 (cafe, cafe menu, forced closure and post Delete, announcements) ① If the cafe opened and regardless of the number of members a continuous three months notice board or a new post is not published and members without subscription, the company is forced can be closed. the cafe ② Regardless of the reasons, and for more than three months cafe become a member (if not connected to the cafes, etc.), and if the company is forced closed or the cafe, you can transfer the cafe to the applicant of the existing operators. ③ a member of the Terms of Article 6 paragraph 1 in subparagraphs If you use the cafe as defined purpose or by showing the appropriate information thereto company, you can delete the forced closure or the post the cafe or cafe menu (bulletins and other). ④ company is forced closed cafe lists, and forced closure You can often notice the reasons. Article 9 (CAFE managing my posts and content) ① cafes all my posts, and managing and operating rights of the content is to the member who posted the café staff or their posts and content. However, either the café being and / or ask the operator if they deem other companies necessary for the smooth running of the cafe, the company can do activities such as improved support with regard to such management posts,. ② Cafe in post write members copies of other members, to permit such scrap or it can be set the disclosure range. (3) closure according to claim 6, paragraph 3 and 8, paragraph 1, claim 2, claim 3, wherein The cafe, cafe menu, posts are deleted immediately, deleted information can not be recovered. (Obligations of Members) Article 10 ① keep all posts and resources in the cafe, the responsibility of managing the cafe staff or the post and materials can to members that created. ② Group members can not be registered in the Terms and Daum Terms of Service, Daum Cafe's post content prohibited by the operating principles and responsibilities arising from breach it is to the author of a post. ③ Product Registration including the board of all duties and obligations arising in connection with commerce and contracts made ​​between the members in the cafe and to trading partners, the company is not responsible for its content. ④ Group members are outside this Article obligation, Daum Service Terms burden membership of the obligations set out in Article 13. Article 11 (Cafe personal information management obligations being) ① Cafe get (includes operators hereinafter the same in this Article) is joined to a cafe that I have established or operating I like to use the personal information of a member's obligation as each issue below. Member're as Up Cafe personal information of members available to become cafe is available only cafe management purposes, and personal information of its members If you additionally gather the need to handle a minimum of personal data necessary for the purpose and can not be provided to any third party without the consent of the use for purposes other than a notice to Members purpose or members' personal information to any third parties If you wish, you can get a cafe offering advance notice to its members the content of the information to be provided to provide this party, provided that the purpose, and provide them after receiving the consent of its members. PR / and sales solicitation purposes when you entrust personal information to outside must be notified in advance to the data subject. Cafés get can not ask you to provide additional personal information to its members for the purpose of raise of the membership level. Cafés get If you ship against the members of all or part of such a cafe get publicity other third-party e-mail, you must notify that fact in advance to target members. Social Security Number unless that treatment is based, by statute for any purpose processing you can not. Information about the "idea / belief, political opinion, trade union / political party affiliation in / opt, health and sexuality information regarding genetic information, criminal history, except to handle cases with evidence processed by the Act Unable to. However, if unavoidable processing is required, received the personal information utilization prior consent from the data subject must then can be treated. If you are collecting personal information from the cafe, always in advance 'personal data items, acquisition purposes, retention periods , clearly you notice about the collection and the resulting penalty to deny the right of privacy 'and subject to consent. However, if a simple Friendship (reunions, clubs, etc.) is applied are excluded. If you collect personal information in bad faith for such financial gain or to be circuitous Privacy illegal sales, etc. caught by the cafe for sale, the company laws and Daum Terms of Service, the civil and criminal liability in accordance with the sanctions and related laws for the cafe due to this Agreement may be subject. cafe being transferred to Cafe was my operating to others-to Cafe transfer before at least 15 days , you must publish the fact of the transfer to the announcements and notices to members via e-mail. Others cafes being received transfer was operating cafe for at least 15 days after you received the cafe, publish the fact of the transfer of a Notice and must notify members via e-mail. ② Cafe get when running the cafe for commercial purposes prescribed requirements in addition to the prescribed "telecommunications service provider in the" Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection Act, "to claim 1 etc. will bear the corresponding responsibility. "Article 12 (accept other rules) ① Company shall define the Daum cafe operating principles In addition to this agreement, members are required to comply with the Daum cafe operating principle. ② not specified in these Terms and Conditions operating principles and requirements are Daum Cafe Daum Terms of Service

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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
the first group (purpose), the terms of membership (Daum agreed to terms of service. following the "membership".) the limited company ("the company", and cocoa. Daum) to provide the service ("service" below.) the use of a box, and the members of the rights, obligation and responsibility 규정함 matters for the purpose..

i (in terms of the two groups, and the effect ① company), the terms of the members can easily see the initial screen, display.② company content industry promotion law, electronic commerce and the consumer protection in terms of the law, the regulation on the law, the basic law and other relevant laws and regulations of the consumer is not in the scope of the terms of the will. the terms of the ③
,. the terms and the terms and the terms of employment and the reasons for the current clause, and the application date of 15 days before a certain period of service since the space on the screen.the members of the court, against the application, apply before 30 days after a period of service of the notice is given, and the company's email address as a fact, the terms of delivery times.according to the ④ company as mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and to inform members of the public, or from the terms of the work 7 days after the company refused to sign, do not agree to this. it is a clear target, despite the refusal of the expression is not. changes in terms of recognition to it. members agree to modify the terms of the terms of service, Daum 17 as the first port in accordance with the provisions of the contract will be used.

3 (services offered)the company to provide the service, the type of the call. Daum, community service, the company independent development and other methods to give additional member to provide all services

in the fourth group (the use of the service, the use of ① 서비) is the company's commitment to service use. to start as soon as possible. however, a pay service, the fees paid to confirm as soon as possible. can become.he is a member of the civil ② pay services, there is a use of the agent in the settlement of all the people. ③, use of the service time is the company's business, and the technology of the impossible situation, year round, 24 hours a day 00: 00 - 24 letter: 00) principle. however, the regular inspection of equipment and services for the company's services in the specific range, in addition to use of the service by the date and time to determine.

(the fifth)① "cafe". the members of this common theme for advice or information sharing should be the party, together with online space. ② said, "the sun". the benefits to each. a coffee shop, run well, the company decided in accordance with normal procedures, the other is from the coffee shop or cafe before transfer of the component and other reasons, as a friend, lin ming③ "operators". the other is selected as the operation is specified, the members of the ④.
"management rights". the members of the intelligence community's access level, and no change was forced to withdraw from the world and the other, and remove the coffee shop to work in order to run the necessary permissions, don't say the service specified in the operating power, a house."the members of the ⑤" box has been opened in the community, as a member of the community to join in the activities of people. ⑥ terms, in terms of the use of the group decided not to Daum, terms of service, the operating principle and the law Daum in the work, according to the general practice in addition to follow.

i (the sixth) and to the members of the ①), who set up shop or the operator or community members can work. however,the number of the company is set up, and the use of the limitation. the change of the member price, or the contents of a register, if illegal information or incorrect information in the circumstances, the purpose of huang and instability in the circumstances, to others. such damage or loss is in of purpose, to good manners, is the purpose of, in the intellectual property rights of others, or to 침해하 of portrait right in the content, purpose,people or companies or the private fraud, against the law, the current information in the network. the purpose, through the exhibition, publicity, marketing, and selling of smuggled goods, display, publicity, "the purpose is to set up the illegal operation, the company, and and the third is the loss can Daum terms of service and operating principles, Daum" with the company in the banned content published, the purpose of the activities, and none of the members of the service.recruitment of members or the need for personal information only for the purpose of the set up, management, retrieval, the name, the address, the address or the introduction of the mainland's first number one on the content of the 포함할, coffee, or other terms of use and operation of the principle of. and the line, "after the introduction, ② address address change, and is not allowed.
don't lose the ③ "no other member management screen, click" close "to the true, to the can. as the other members in the community. it is a member of the all in advance, after the exit to the can. ④, coffee shop, a friend of the community service, is unable to ⑤ cafe. he is in it and management in view of the strict security obligations.the friend, i did not manage to run the password to others because of the operation to be a problem, because of this responsibility, i shop operators as in the coffee shop, the deleted data recovery can 없습.
⑥ coffee is coffee. the power of the management, is responsible for any member of a burden, and the occurrence of disease in all legal disputes of the responsibility and burden.

seventh (members of the exit, and the disqualification)the members of the ① run out of free will. ② community, members of the terms and / or Daum operating against the principle of the behavior of all the management responsibility, first, the disease burden, and the requirement of the company, but the other measures. i will be the company to lose ", and / or membership, or use of services can be stopped or limited,.when the ③ cafe out of service or the friend is Daum withdraw from, the existing operators in which the applicant can be qualified, and the deprivation of food or a coffee shop, coffee shop, all of the existing 지기의 operating power is lost, the. eighth, the (coffee shop, coffee shop menu to delete the notice board, and forced open, and the ①), after the number of members in any three consecutive months on the list. the list is not a member join or not,the company was forced to close to the community. ②, why not more than 3 months, and the other did not, the connection is not in the coffee shop, etc.), the company was forced to close the existing operators, or the applicant for the coffee shop can.
the sixth group of ③ terms first protest in the provisions of the code for the purpose of the use of the internet or the information published in the company or the coffee shop cafe menu (board and other), the force or the notice board can be removed, the ④. a locking bar is forced and compulsory list from time to time and the reason to do so.

i (the nine group i published articles and content of management),the ① all published articles and content of the management and operation of the power of management and the published articles and content on a display member. however, the management of the disease and / or for other companies or a smooth operation of the internet for the need to judge, the company published the management improvement, and related matters, and other activities to support, you can shop, i was ②. the members of the other members in the form of radiation.the picture, can allow the scope can also be configured to ③. sixth, the third and the eighth group of the first port and the second port and the third port to a closed shop, cafe, the menu list is deleted, the deleted content, is unable to repair the tenth (

to members of the medical community in the ①), all published articles and the information's storage and management is responsible for the operation of the array or list and data for making membership. members of the ②, terms, or the terms Daum서비스...
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