The most important element in the management of high blood pressure is follow up care .follow up visits are a good time to let your health care provider know about any side effects you are having from your medication he or she will have suggestions for coping with side effects or may change your treatment.
The study showed majority of the study group age were more than 40 years (65%)this showed that hypertension is more among geriatrics than others. The study showed that most of them were illiterate and this may altered the patient response to understand the important of follow up about hypertension. and most of the study group 75% were married.
More over ,The study showed that, 57.5% had taken medication according to the doctor prescription and indicated that patient were aware about the importance of taken medication on time and lead to control of their blood pressure if they were on the schedule.
In addition to that ,the study represent that, most of the study group 62.5% used walking as an exercising program and this good attitude . and 55%go to the follow up with feeling of symptoms disease .also most of them 75%dont check the blood pressure in home because some patients were not .aware about important of regular follow up and using of sphignometer.
The present study showed that 52.5%know normal blood pressure but most of the study group 67.5%dont report reading of blood pressure.
The study showed half of study group 50% not aware about complications of hypertension.
The study showed most of the study group 55% were good knowledge about signs of hypotension. But most of them 85%were poor knowledge about signs of increase blood pressure and this indicated to little information.
Finally the study showed most of the study group32.5%theres no case of increase blood pressure and 37.5%of them were go to the regular follow up with feeling of symptoms disease.