Sekali waktu, di daerah Sulawesi Selatan, adanegara yang bernama Soppe translation - Sekali waktu, di daerah Sulawesi Selatan, adanegara yang bernama Soppe English how to say

Sekali waktu, di daerah Sulawesi Se

Sekali waktu, di daerah Sulawesi Selatan, ada
negara yang bernama Soppeng. Penduduk negeri
ini selalu hidup yang tenang, damai, dan
sejahtera. Mata pencaharian utama mereka
adalah bertani. Setiap hari mereka bekerja di
sawah dengan tenang dan damai jantung.
Pada suatu waktu, suasana tenang dan damai
tiba-tiba terganggu oleh kedatangan
tokoh Stealth bernama Granny Pakande.
datang ke negara mangsa
membuat santapannya. Nenek Stealth
sangat suka mengonsumsi daging anak-anak.
Oleh karena itu, anak-anak selalu
incarannya. Biasanya, Nenek Pakande mulai
berkeliaran mencari mangsa ketika hari mulai
Pada suatu sore, ketika hari mulai gelap, hari
Nenek Pakande melihat seorang anak kecil
yang asyik bermain di halaman rumahnya.
anak bandel anak itu disertakan. Sudah berkali-
kali disarankan oleh orang tuanya untuk segera
masuk ke dalam, tapi itu masih menyenangkan
bermain sendiri. Ketika suasana di
luar itu, kesempatan tersebut tidak menjadi cahaya-minded disia-
kelalaian Nenek Pakande.
menangkap anak itu dan kemudian mengambilnya.
Beberapa saat kemudian, ibu kebingungan
mencari anaknya. Dia sudah mencari di sekitar
rumah tetapi tidak pernah menemukannya.
"Tolooong [...] tolooong ... ... ... ... anak saya hilang!" teriak
ibu itu panik.
Mendengar suara teriakan, tetangga
serentak berhamburan keluar dari DPR dan
menyerbu ibu.
"Apa yang terjadi dengan anak ibu?" tanya
salah seorang warga.
"Anakku, anakku ......, anak saya hilang," jawab
ibu sedih.
"Kehilangan ke mana ibu anak?" bertanya lagi warga
"Aku tak tahu, Pak!" kata ibu dengan bingung,
"Dia tiba-tiba hilang begitu saja tanpa meninggalkan
jejak sedikit pun.
sebentar ke rumah ketika ia sedang asyik
bermain sendiri di halaman DPR.
kembali mengundang dia ke
DPR, dia tidak ada di sana, "katanya menjelaskan.
Setelah mendengar penjelasan itu,
warga berbondong-bondong mencari anak itu.
"sudah mencari di mana-mana, tapi
belum menemukannya. Karena malam
sudah larut, akhirnya warga
menghentikan pencarian.
hari, saat matahari mulai muncul di ufuk
timur, mereka melanjutkan pencarian,
namun hasilnya tetap nihil.
Malam berikutnya, peristiwa serupa
kembali terjadi. Kali ini, bayi yang
menjadi korban. Bayi itu hilang pada saat kedua
orangtuanya sedang tidur. Kedua
peristiwa tersebut benar-benar membuat resah
seluruh warga. Orang tua tidak bisa
tidur di malam hari karena kebutuhan untuk mempertahankan
anak-anak mereka.
Lihatlah situasi, dukun di negara
Soppeng segera mencari tahu siapa penculik
hal misterius. Dengan ilmu yang dimiliki,
mereka akhirnya berhasil mencari tahu.
kemudian mereka memberitahu
semua warga bahwa pelaku penculikan
adalah Nenek Pakande. Apa yang mengejutkan
seluruh sidang sebagai warga negara
mereka karakter yang sangat akrab atau perilaku
Nenek Pakande.
"Hai, Nenek Pakande Itu bukankah
Stealth sakti mandraguna? "tanya
seorang warga.
"Ya, benar. Dia sangat susu dan tidak
ada orang yang yang mampu
mengalahkannya. Dia hanya takut
sosok raksasa bernama Jembatan Raja Bangkung
Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale. Namun, Giants sudah
tidak pernah lagi mendengar kabar
keberadaannya, "jelas salah satu dukun.
"Dengan demikian, apa yang bisa kita lakukan? " tanya
juga lain dengan bingung.
Tak satu pun dari jawabannya.
kebingungan menangani masalah itu.
tengah kebingungan, seorang
pemuda yang duduk belakang tiba-tiba
mengangkat pembicaraan. Pemuda itu bernama La Beddu.
Dia adalah seorang pemuda yang cerdas.
"Maaf, para peserta! Perkenankanlah saya
untuk menyampaikan sesuatu. Aku memiliki
cara untuk menghancurkan Nenek
Pakande, "kata pemuda itu.
Untuk sesaat, atmosfer dari pertemuan ini adalah untuk menjadi
diam. Semua pandangan dan keinginannya untuk
menatapnya dengan penuh harapan.
tidak sedikit dari mereka menatapnya
dengan tatapan yang merendahkan.
"Hi, La Beddu.
mengalahkan Nenek Pakande?
sangat Bima, sementara Anda sendiri hanya
sebuah biasa pemuda yang tidak memiliki kekuatan gaib
? sama sekali "tanya salah satu warga.
La Beddu hanya tersenyum, kemudian menjawab:
. pertanyaan dengan mudah
"kekuatan Tidak selamanya magis yang harus diperangi
dengan kekuatan ilahi dari semua, "kata La Beddu .
Semua warga tercengang. Setelah itu, La Beddu
menjelaskan bahwa 1-1 cara untuk
Granny Pakande yang mengalahkan
. kecerdikan
"Begini, saudara-saudara," ia melanjutkan, "kita
semua sudah tahu bahwa Nenek Pakande hanya
takut raksasa Raja Bangkung jembatan Pitu
Reppa Rawo ale.
phishing website meniru-Pakande dengan Nenek
berpura-pura menjadi raksasa seperti itu, "jelas La
Mendengar itu, warga semakin
bingung. Apalagi bila permintaan La Beddu
kepada warga untuk mempersiapkan masing-masing
satu buah salaga (menyapu), satu ember
busa SOAP, salah satu ekor kura-kura dan belut,
satu lembar bambu itu kulit kering,
dan sebuah batu besar .
"Untuk apa itu La salaga Beddu?
Namun musim tanam sekarang? "tanya seorang
warga dengan bingung.
"Sudahlah, ayah Pak belum juga.
Banyak bertanya.
Itu penting sekarang adalah untuk mencari semua
benda dan hewan yang saya disebutkan sebelumnya
kemudian mengumpulkan di rumah saya.
Saya menjelaskan segalanya, "kata La Beddu.
Tanpa banyak tanya lagi, warga segera
melaksanakan permintaan La Beddu.
pergi mencari belut di sawah, dan lain-lain
mencari kura-kura di sungai. Sebagian dari
yang lain sibuk membuat salaga dan mempersiapkan
busa SOAP satu ember, batu besar, serta
kulit rebung.
diperlukan, warga langsung membawanya ke
Rumah La Beddu.
"Hi, La Beddu! Jelaskan kepada kami
tentang maksud dan tujuan dari semua
dan binatang ini! "mendesak para pemimpin masyarakat.
La Beddu kemudian menjelaskan bahwa
salaga yang menyerupai sisir, busa
SOAP seperti air liur, dan turtle
kura-kura yang menyerupai kutu kepala manusia akan
digunakan untuk mengelabui Nenek Pakande.
Dengan menampilkan benda-benda ini,
Nenek Pakande sangka semua itu adalah
Raja yang dimiliki jembatan Bangkung Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale.
Sementara itu, kulit rebung
yang mirip dengan terompet yang akan digunakan untuk
turn up terdengar sehingga menyerupai
suara raksasa. Adapun belut dan batu besar
individu akan ditempatkan di
pintu depan dan di depan tangga.
Setelah itu, bersama-sama dengan warga La Beddu
segera merancang sebuah strategi.
ditunjuk yang masing-masing akan layani
menempatkan belut di depan pintu dan sebuah batu besar
di depan tangga.
Ketika hari mulai gelap, La Beddu segera bangkit
atas loteng Sao Raja [1] untuk menyembunyikan
Sementara membawa salaga, busa SOAP, kura-kura
kulit penyu, dan rebung. Sementara itu, kedua
warga yang telah diberi tugas bersembunyi di
bawah di bawah Sao Raja. Setelah semuanya siap,
warga mulai menjebak Nenek Pakande
dengan saling pintu rumah mereka
rapat tanpa penjelasan sedikitpun.
Kecuali pintu dibuka, Raja Sao lebar dan dalam
Ternyata pada lampu. Selain itu,
bayi juga ditempatkan di ruang
sebagai umpan untuk menjebak Nenek Pakande
untuk masuk ke Raja Sao.
Segera, kemudian, Nenek Pakande lain
Raja datang ke Sao. Tanpa membayar
kecurigaan sedikit pun, dia melangkah
perlahan menaiki tangga dari Sao Raja
satu per satu. Sementara di depan pintu,
indra penciuman langsung merasakan bau
bayi sangat intens. Stealth nenek
pun langsung masuk ke Sao Raja.
saat itulah, dua warga yang bersembunyi di
bawah di bawah Raja segera melaksanakan Sao
tugas mereka kemudian kembali ke tempat
persembunyianya tanpa sepengetahuan Nenek
Ketika Pakande hendak mendekati nenek bayi
dalam ruangan, tiba-tiba
langkahnya terhenti oleh suara keras yang
"Hai, Nenek Pakande! Apakah Anda ingin datang
sini, ha? "
Suara itu bukan suara lain La Beddu
menggunakan kulit rebung di atas loteng.
Namun, Nenek Pakande tidak tahu
"Siapa itu suara?" tanya Nenek Pakande
dengan shock.
"Saya raksasa Raja Bangkung jembatan Pitu Reppa
Rawo Ale. HA ... ha ... ha ...! "jawab suara
Sementara tertawa terbahak-bahak.
Mendengar jawaban itu, Nenek Pakande mulai
adalah suara Giants.
"Apa bukti jika Anda adalah Raja
Bangkung Bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale? "
La Beddu adalah di atas loteng segera
busa SOAP shedding dari embernya tepat
di depan Of Pakande. Apa yang mengejutkan
siluman perempuan karena mengira busa
SOAP adalah air liur raksasa.
"Bagaimana, Nenek Pakande?
masih meragukan aku? "tanya suara itu.
"Bukti apa lagi bukti yang bisa Anda tunjukkan
kepada saya? "tanya Nenek Pakande kembali .
Mendengar pertanyaan itu, La Beddu segera
salaga dan menjatuhkan kura-kura yang paling
beruntun. Lihat kedua hal, Nenek
Pakande langsung melarikan diri mengendarai langgang
karena takut. Dia berpikir bahwa obyek kedua
sisir kutu dan dimiliki oleh raksasa.
Jadi ia melewati pintu Raja, kakinya Sao
menginjak belut dimasukkan ke dalam tempat itu
hingga akhirnya terpeleset dan jatuh
berguling-guling di tangga. Setelah tiba di
atas tanah, kepalanya menggedor Boulder
sudah disiapkan di depan tangga.
Meskipun terluka parah, Nenek Pakande masih
mampu berdiri dan melarikan diri baik ke
mana. Namun, sebelum meninggalkan negara itu,
Ia diberikan kepada semua warga negara
bahwa suatu hari nanti ia akan kembali ke memangsa
anak-anak mereka. Karena itu, sampai
sekarang, orang sering menggunakan Soppeng
Cerita ini untuk menakut-nakuti anak-anak
mereka tidak berkeliaran di luar rumah
saat hari gelap.
From: -
To: -
Results (English) 1: [Copy]
Once upon a time, in the area of South Sulawesi, there iscountry named Soppeng. The population of the countryThis is always a quiet, peaceful life, andprosper. Their main livelihoodis farming. Every day they work inrice with quiet and peaceful heart.At one time, an atmosphere of calm and peacesuddenly interrupted by the arrival ofStealth figure named Granny Pakande. come to preymake santapannya. Grandma Stealthvery fond of eating the flesh of children.Therefore, the children alwaysincarannya. Typically, Granny Pakande beginswandering around looking for prey when the day beginsdark.On one afternoon, when it was getting dark, the dayGranny Pakande saw a little boyfun playing in his yard.the boy's errant son included. Already berkali-the times suggested by her parents to immediatelyenter into, but it's still funplay alone. When the atmosphere inbeyond that, the chance of not being light-minded disia-Grandma Pakande omission. catch that kid and then pick it up.Moments later, the mother of confusionlooking for his son. He's been looking aroundthe House but never found it."Tolooong [...] tolooong ... ... ... ... my son is missing! "criedthe mother was frantic.Hear the sound of shouts, neighborssimultaneously be ejected out of the House andstorming of the mother."What happened to the child's mother?" askedone of the residents."My son, my son......, my son is gone," repliedmother sadly."Lost as to where the child's mother?" asked again the citizens of theit."I do not know, Sir!" said the mother with the confused,"He lost so suddenly anytime without leavingthe slightest trace. briefly to the House when he was engrossedplay alone in the yard of the House. again invite him toThe HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES, he's not there, "he explained.After hearing the explanation of it,residents in droves looking for the boy. "it's been looking for it everywhere, buthave yet to find it. Because the nightalready late, finally the citizensstop the search. yesterday, as the sun began to appear on the horizonEast, they are continuing the search,but the result remains nil.The next night, similar eventsback happens. This time, babybecome a victim. The baby was missing at the time of the secondher parents were sleeping. Bothsuch events really make fretthe rest of the citizens. Parents can notsleep at night because of the need to maintaintheir children.Take a look at the situation in the country, the shamanSoppeng soon find out who the kidnappersthe mysterious thing. With the science that is owned,they finally managed to find out. then they tellall the citizens that the perpetrators of the abduction ofis Granny Pakande. What a surprisethe entire Council as citizensthey are a very familiar character or behaviorGranny Pakande."Hi, Grandma Pakande It wasntStealth sakti mandraguna? "aska citizen."Yeah, right. He's very milk and notThere are people who are able todefeat him. He's just afraidthe figure of a giant named Bridge King Bangkung bridgePitu Reppa Rawo Ale. However, the Giants have alreadynever again heardits existence, "explained one of the shaman."Thus, what can we do?" askedalso other with confused.None of the answer. the confusion of dealing with it. flurry, aa young man sits back suddenlylift up the talks. The young man was named La Beddu.He was an intelligent young man."Sorry, the participants! Perkenankanlah Ito convey something. I have aHow to destroy my grandmotherPakande, "said the young man.For a brief moment, the atmosphere of the meeting is to besilent. All views and his desire toyouth. looking at her with hopeful. not the least of them stared at himwith a gaze that is demeaning."Hi, La Beddu. beating Grandma Pakande? very Bhima, while you yourself justan ordinary young man who does not have supernatural powers? There is absolutely "asked one of the residents.La Beddu just smiled, then replied:. questions with ease"power is not forever magical that must be foughtwith the divine power of all, "said La Beddu.All residents were stunned. After that, La Bedduexplain that 1-1 how toGranny Pakande who beat. ingenuity"Put it this way, brothers and sisters," he continued, "weall already know that Grandmother Pakande onlyfear of the giant King Bangkung bridge bridge PituReppa Rawo ale. phishing websites impersonate-Pakande with Grandmapretending to be a giant like that, "explained LaBeddu.Hear that, residents progressivelyconfused. Especially when demand La Bedduto the citizens to prepare for eachone fruit of salaga (sweep), one bucketfoam SOAP, one tail of the turtles and eels,a single sheet of bamboo it's dry skin,and a large stone."For what it's La salaga Beddu? But the planting season now? "ask acitizens with confused."Never mind, Dad Pack yet either.Many ask. It is important now to search for allobjects and animals that I mentioned earlierthen collect at my house. I explained everything, "said La Beddu.Without much tanya again, residents soonexecuting request La Beddu. go looking for eel in rice fields, and otherslook for turtles in the river. A portion of thethe other is busy making salaga and preparefoam SOAP one bucket, large stones, as well asthe skin of bamboo shoots. necessary, citizens instantly brought it toHome La Beddu."Hi, La Beddu! Explain to usabout the meaning and purpose of alland this beast! "urges the leaders of the community.La Beddu then explained thatsalaga that resembles a comb, foamSOAP such as saliva, and turtlea turtle that resembles a human head liceused to trick Granny Pakande.By showing these things,Grandma Pakande would have thought of it all isThe King owned the bridge Bangkung bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale.Meanwhile, the skin of bamboo shootssimilar to the trumpet which will be used toturn up the sound so that it resembles thegiant voice. As for eels and large stoneindividuals will be placed inthe front door and in front of the stairs.After that, together with the citizens of La Bedduimmediately devise a strategy. appointed who will each serveput the eels in front of the door and a large stonein front of the stairs.When it was getting dark, La Beddu soon risetop attic Sao King [1] to hideWhile bringing salaga, foam SOAP, turtleTurtle skin, and bamboo shoots. Meanwhile, bothcitizens who have been given the task of hiding indown under Sao King. Once everything is ready,residents began trapping Grandmother Pakandewith interlocking doors of their homesmeetings without explanation at all.Unless the door is opened, the King of Sao width and inTurns on the lights. In addition,the baby is also placed in the spaceas bait to trap Granny Pakandeto enter the King of the Sao.Immediately, then, other Pakande GrandmotherThe King came to Sao. Without payingthe slightest suspicion, he steppedslowly climb the stairs from the Sao Kingone by one. While at the door,sense of smell directly feel the smellthe baby is very intense. Stealth Grannyany straight into Sao King. that's when, two citizens who hide indown under King immediately implement Saotheir task then go back to the placepersembunyianya unbeknownst to GrandmaPakande.When Pakande was about to approach the baby's grandmotherindoors, suddenlyhis pace stalled by loud noise thatreprimand him."Hi, Grandma Pakande! Do you want to comeHere, ha? "The sound was not another voice La Bedduusing the skin of bamboo shoots above the attic.However, Grandma Pakande did not knowit."Who is that sound?" asked Grandma Pakandewith shock."I am the giant King Bangkung bridge bridge Pitu ReppaRawo Ale. HA ... ha ... ha ...! "replied the voiceWhile laughing out loud.Heard that answer, Grandma Pakande startfear. is the voice of the Giants."What the evidence if you are a KingBangkung Bridge Bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale? "La Beddu was above the attic soonSOAP foam shedding from the embernya rightin front Of Pakande. What a surpriseStealth women nursed foamSOAP is the saliva of the Giants."How, Grandma Pakande? still doubting me? "asked the voice."Evidence of what more proof could you show meto me? "ask Grandma Pakande back.Hear that question, La Beddu soonsalaga and dropping a turtle moststreak. See these two things, GrandmaDirect Pakande fled riding langgangbecause of fear. He thought that the second objectcomb the fleas and is owned by the Giants.So he passed the door of the King, his legs Saostep on the eel put in placeuntil finally slipped and fellrolling around on the steps. After arriving inon the ground, his head pounded on Boulderalready prepared in front of the stairs.Although severely wounded, Grandma Pakande stillable to stand up and escape to thewhere. However, before leaving the country,It was given to all citizensthat someday he will return to prey ontheir children. Therefore, until thenow, people often use SoppengThis story to scare kidsthey are not hanging around outside the homeWhen it gets dark.
Being translated, please wait..
Results (English) 2:[Copy]
Once upon a time, in the area of South Sulawesi, there is a
state called Soppeng. Population of the country
has always lived a quiet, peaceful, and
prosperous. Their main livelihood
is farming. Every day they work in
the rice fields with calm and peaceful heart.
At one time, calm and peaceful atmosphere
is suddenly interrupted by the arrival
figures Stealth named Granny Pakande.
Came to the country prey to
make a meal. Stealth grandmother
very fond of eating the flesh of children.
Therefore, the children always
incarannya. Usually, Grandma Pakande start
prowl when the day began
One afternoon, when it is dark, the
grandmother Pakande saw a little boy
who busy playing in his yard.
Brat child was included. Already again and
time advised by the parents to immediately
get into, but it's still fun
to play alone. When the atmosphere
outside of it, the opportunity is not being light-minded disia-
negligence Pakande Grandma,
catch the child and then retrieve it.
Moments later, the mother confused
looking for his son. He's been looking around
the house but never found it.
"Tolooong [...] tolooong ... ... ... ... I lost my son!" cried
the mother was panicked.
At the sound of screams, neighbors
simultaneously poured out of the House and
invade the mother.
"What happened with the child's mother?" asked
one resident.
"My son, my son ......, I lost my son," replied
the mother sadly.
"Losing to where the child's mother?" asked residents of
"I do not know, sir!" said the mother, confused,
"He suddenly disappear without leaving a
briefly into the house when he was busy
playing alone in the yard of the House.
re-invite him to
the House of Representatives, he was not there," he explains.
After hearing that explanation,
citizens flocked search for the boy.
"'ve searched everywhere, but
have not found it. Because the night
was late, finally the people
to stop the search.
day, when the sun began to appear on the horizon
east, they continue the search,
but the result remains nil.
The next night, a similar incident
occurred again. This time, babies who
become victims. The baby was lost when both
parents are sleeping. Both of
these events actually make restless
all citizens. Parents can not
sleep at night because of the need for maintain
their children.
Look at the situation, herbalists in the country
Soppeng soon find out who the kidnappers
mysterious things. With his knowledge,
they finally managed to find out,
then they tell
all the citizens that the perpetrators
are Grandma Pakande. What shocked
the entire assembly as citizens
of their characters very familiar or behavior
Grandma Pakande.
"Hi, Grandma Pakande It wasnt
Stealth magic mandraguna?" Asked
one resident.
"Yeah, right. She was very milky and not
someone who is able to
defeat . He just scared
giant figure named Bridges King Bangkung
Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale. However, the Giants had
not heard from
its existence, "said one
quack." Thus, what can we do? "asked
also another confused.
Not None of the answer.
confusion address the problem.
the middle of the confusion, a
young man who sat behind the sudden
lifting of conversation. The young man named La Beddu.
He is an intelligent young man.
"Sorry, the participants! Please allow me
to say something. I have
a way to destroy Grandma
Pakande," said the young man.
For a moment, the atmosphere of the meeting is to be
silent. All of the views and wishes of
the youth,
looking at him expectantly.
Not a few of them looked at him
with a look that is degrading.
"Hi, La Beddu.
Beat Grandma Pakande?
Very Bima, while you yourself just
an ordinary young man who does not have supernatural
powers? Altogether "asked one of the residents.
La Beddu just smiled, then
replied:. question with a simple
"power is not always magical to be combated
with the divine power of all," said La Beddu.
All residents were stunned. After that, La Beddu
explains that 1-1 means for
Granny Pakande
beats. ingenuity
"Well, brothers and sisters," he continued, "we
all know that Grandma Pakande only
afraid of the giant King Bangkung bridge Pitu
Reppa Rawo ale.
phishing websites mimic-Pakande with Grandma
pretending to be a giant like that," said La
Beddu .
At that, the people getting
confused. Moreover, when demand La Beddu
residents to prepare each
one fruit salaga (sweep), a bucket of
foam SOAP, one of the turtles and eels,
one sheet of the bamboo dry skin,
and a large rock.
"For what it La salaga Beddu?
But planting season now? "asked a
confused." Come on, dad Pak has not.
Many ask.
It is important now is to find all
the objects and animals that I mentioned earlier
then collect in my home.
I explained everything, "said La Beddu.
Without question again, residents immediately
execute the request La Beddu.
go look for eels in the rice fields, and others
look for turtles in the river. Most of
the other is busy making salaga and prepare
foam SOAP one bucket, large stones, as well as the
skin of bamboo shoots.
Required, the residents immediately took him to the
house La Beddu.
"Hi, La Beddu! Tell us
about the intent and purpose of all
and this beast! "urged the community leaders.
La Beddu then explained that
salaga that resembles a comb, foam
SOAP such as saliva, and turtle
turtles that resemble fleas human head will
be used to trick Grandma Pakande.
By displaying these objects,
Grandma Pakande thought all it is
the King who owned the bridge Bangkung Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale.
Meanwhile, the skin of bamboo shoots
that are similar to the trumpet that will be used to
turn up the sound that resembles
the sound of a giant. The eel and cobblestone
individual will be placed at
the front door and in front of the stairs.
After that, together with the residents of La Beddu
immediately devise a strategy,
designated that each would serve
to put the eel in the front door and a large rock
in front of the stairs .
When it grew dark, La Beddu soon rise
above the attic Sao King [1] to hide
While bringing salaga, foam SOAP, tortoise
tortoiseshell, and bamboo shoots. Meanwhile, the two
people who had been given the task of hiding
down below Sao King. Once everything is ready,
residents began trapping Grandma Pakande
with each other their door
meeting without the slightest explanation.
Unless the door is opened, the King of Sao wide and deep
Turns on the lights. In addition, the
baby is also placed in the room
as bait to trap Grandma Pakande
to enter the King of Sao.
Soon, then, Grandma Pakande another
king came to Sao. Without paying
the slightest suspicion, he walked
slowly up the stairs of Sao king
one by one. While at the front door,
sense of smell immediately feel the smell of
the baby is very intense. Stealth grandma
was straight into Sao King,
then, two people hiding
under under King immediately implement Sao
duties they then go back to where
persembunyianya unbeknownst Grandma
When Pakande about to approach grandma baby
in the room, suddenly
steps stalled by a loud noise which
admonished him.
"Hi, Grandma Pakande! Do you want to come
here, huh?"
The voice was not the sound of another La Beddu
using the skin of bamboo shoots in the attic.
However, Pakande grandmother did not know
"Who's that sound?" Grandma asked Pakande
with shock.
"I am a giant King Bangkung bridge Pitu Reppa
Rawo Ale. HA ... ha ... ha ...!" replied the voice
while laughing.
Hearing the answer, Grandma Pakande began to
is sound Giants.
"What proof if you are the King
Bangkung Bridge Pitu Reppa Rawo Ale?"
La Beddu is above the attic immediately
foam SOAP shedding of the bucket right
in front Of Pakande. What is surprising
stealth woman because he thought the foam
SOAP is salivating giants.
"How, Grandma Pakande?
Still doubt me?" Asked the voice.
"Evidence of what evidence can you show
me?" Asked Grandma Pakande back.
Hearing the question , La Beddu immediately
salaga and dropped the turtle most
row. Look both ways, Grandma
Pakande skelter ride directly to flee
in fear. He thought that the second object
lice comb and is owned by the giant.
So he passed the door of the King, his legs Sao
stepped eel was put in place
until it slipped and fell
rolling on the stairs. After arriving at the
ground, his head banged Boulder
prepared in front of the stairs.
Although severely injured, Grandma Pakande still
able to stand up and fled either to
nowhere. However, before leaving the country,
he granted to all citizens
that someday he will return to prey on
their children. Therefore, until
now, people often use Soppeng
story is to scare the children
they do not wander outside the house
when it gets dark.
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Results (English) 3:[Copy]
TIBA TIBA terganggu在不同的时期kedatangan
开始寻求berkeliaran mangsa,哈里开始
阿纳bandel阿纳ITU disertakan。你berkali -
进克,TAPI ITU Masih人兴奋的
外ITU,kesempatan缝制,不为公司的disia -
”tolooong [……] tolooong…………安卡说”了!”teriak
IBU ITU Panik。
serentak berhamburan你离开DPR丹
IBU sedih。

“直径”了我没有离开begitu TIBA TIBA
penjelasan ITU,
warga berbondong寻求bondong阿纳ITU。“你
menghentikan pencarian。
帖木儿,他们就赚melanjutkan pencarian,
warga pelaku penculikan
APA一切的死党,他们从来warga Negara
”海,在pakande ITU这
Bernama桥激素REPPA rawo麦酒。但,也
keberadaannya,“jelas Salah一杜昆。
kebingungan menangani进程ITU。在一个
pembicaraan。pemuda ITU报道洛杉矶beddu。
pakande打碎,“卡塔pemuda ITU。
“嗨,La beddu。在
mengalahkan pakande?这
?一个warga SAMA“Tanya萨拉赫。
La beddu韩亚tersenyum,然后回答说:
MAGIS阳,得从所有关于,“卡塔La beddu
warga tercengang都。到了ITU,La beddu
REPPA rawo麦酒。
钓鱼网站,在meniru pakande
berpura Pura为罗刹如ITU,“jelas La
ITU,warga semakin
bingung。apalagi碧蓝,La beddu
Kura Kura丹黄鳝,一安装Bambu ITU库立了,
”,APA ITU La萨拉加beddu?但在
奔达丹河湾杨说disebutkan sebelumnya
小夜menjelaskan segalanya,”卡塔La beddu。没有多
,La beddu。
寻求Kura Kura迪双溪。sebagian达日
La beddu那里,“嗨,La beddu
La beddu,menjelaskan,
Kura Kura杨menyerupai虱长人要
短语,在mengelabui pakande
在pakande桑卡都是王杨dimiliki ITU
桥bangkung皮图REPPA rawo啤酒。而在
杨,杨必mirip terompet短语,
ITU,公司warga La beddu萨马dengan
ATAS loteng骚王[ 1 ],而在menyembunyikan
带萨拉加,布萨肥皂,Kura Kura
warga杨,在tugas bersembunyi迪
warga menjebak pakande
rapat没有penjelasan sedikitpun。
perlahan menaiki台阶每一个
langkahnya terhenti语音keras TIBA在杨

REPPA rawo麦酒。哈…哈…哈……!”她就
声音tertawa terbahak bahak。
就jawaban ITU,在pakande开始
“APA bukti吉卡安达是王
bangkung桥皮图REPPA rawo啤酒?”
La beddu是迪在loteng立刻
meragukan我了?”Tanya Suara ITU。
”bukti APA,bukti杨比萨和tunjukkan
就pertanyaan ITU,La beddu立刻
萨拉加丹menjatuhkan Kura Kura杨木栅
meskipun terluka parah,仍能站在pakande
谢莉妲ini,menakut nakuti阿纳阿纳
SAAT Hari之中。
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